The Visual Co-textualization of Spatio-Joual in the Motel Galactic Series


  • Charlotte Pylyser
  • Gabriel Tremblay-Gaudette


Mots-clés :

Francophonie, linguistics, linguistique, narrative, narration


In this article the authors question whether the co-presence of words and pictures specific to the comics medium creates possibilities for the comprehension of regional languages and dialects abroad. They propose to call this phenomenon "visual co-textualization" rather than visual contextualization after the difference which contemporary linguistics makes between the extra-textual environment of a given utterance (context) and its textual or visual surroundings (co-text). They examine in what way the interaction of words and pictures can generate (linguistic) intelligibility and raise the question as to how the intelligibility-generating operations possible in the comics medium can be used as creative narrative devices on a micro and a macro-level. The authors formulate an answer to these questions by analyzing the Motel Galactic trilogy (2011-2013), a series of Quebecois science-fiction comics written primarily in Joual and produced by the creative tandem Francis Desharnais (scenario) and Pierre Bouchard (drawings).




Comment citer

Pylyser, C., & Tremblay-Gaudette, G. (2016). The Visual Co-textualization of Spatio-Joual in the Motel Galactic Series. ALTERNATIVE FRANCOPHONE, 1(9), 189–211.



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