Deconstructing Panty Pennants and Revealing Absent Presence


  • Amber Ward California State University, Sacramento



poststructural, deconstruction, gender, reflexivity, subjectivity, identity


More multifaceted than the mere titles we maintain—as daughters, sisters, wives, and teachers, for example—sexuality is a part of our identity worth exploring and honoring. Women’s stories, gathered in a questionnaire, highlight sexual identity in Panty Pennants—an exhibition held in late 2012 at the Leedy-Voulkos Art Center in Kansas City, Missouri. The author uses a process of thinking with deconstruction to explore various texts from the exhibition. In doing this, she learns to hear silence, to see women as multi-dimensional, and to disrupt culturally learned hierarchies of unearned privilege and oppressive power for purposes of gender equity and social justice.            

Author Biography

Amber Ward, California State University, Sacramento

Amber Ward is Assistant Professor, Art Education at California State University, Sacramento, USA.


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How to Cite

Ward, A. (2016). Deconstructing Panty Pennants and Revealing Absent Presence. Art/Research/International:/A/Transdisciplinary/Journal, 1(1), 208–233.