Critical Autoethnography Conference 2016: A Factionalized Review


  • Esther Fitzpatrick The University of Auckland



factionalisation, arts-based, "We", autoethnography


In this factionalised script, I provide a review of the Critical Autoethnography (CAE) Conference, which took place in Melbourne, Australia, July 21-22, 2016. Participants gathered from across the globe to discuss the themes of affect, animacies, and objects from a critical autoethnographic vantage point.

Author Biography

Esther Fitzpatrick, The University of Auckland

Lecturer School of Teaching, Learning and Development Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Fitzpatrick, E. (2017). Critical Autoethnography Conference 2016: A Factionalized Review. Art/Research/International:/A/Transdisciplinary/Journal, 2(1), 153–165.