Concrete Research Poetry: A Visual Representation of Metaphor


  • Marcy Meyer Ball State University



autoethnography, research poetry, concrete poetry, mental illness, single parent


In this paper, the author employs concrete research poetry as a visual representation of a metaphor analysis.  Using autoethnographic methods, she explores the experiences of eight single mothers of children and young adults with mental illness.  She conducts a metaphor analysis of semi-structured interview data and generates concrete poetic structures from metaphors that emerged from the data.  In the process, she transforms data into art.

Author Biography

Marcy Meyer, Ball State University

Department of Communication Studies

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Meyer, M. (2017). Concrete Research Poetry: A Visual Representation of Metaphor. Art/Research/International:/A/Transdisciplinary/Journal, 2(1), 32–57.