If Mowat & Davis are Correct then Teaching is Hard


  • Kris Green
  • Bernard Ricca




A Response to Elizabeth Mowat & Brent Davis

Author Biographies

Kris Green

Kris Green is an associate professor in the Mathematical and Computing Sciences Department at Saint John Fisher College. His research focuses on technology and writing in mathematics and the sciences. He also teaches a course in world building as an integrated experience in the sciences for K-12 teachers. Outside of his office, he can often be found wearing a gi and waving weapons around at a local Isshinryu dojo or " studying " science fiction films and literature.

Bernard Ricca

Barney Ricca is Director of the Graduate Program in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education at Saint John Fisher College. A physicist by training, his research involves complexity sciences with particular focus on teaching and learning. He teaches graduate courses in science and science education. He is currently the Chair of the Chaos and Complexity Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association. When not teaching, reading or writing, he can often be found bicycling or eating.






Invited Responses