Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018)

					View Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018)

We hope you enjoy the latest installment of undergraduate historical research at the University of Alberta. This edition showcased some of the strongest submissions we have received as editors, and we are very pleased at the efforts of our editorial team in helping authors prepare their works for publication. An added pleasure Constellations was involved with this winter semester was helping OASIS plan and hold a Faculty of Arts wide conference in March—make sure to keep an eye out for next year’s conference! Undergraduate research is the lifeblood of our journal and the very purpose the University as an institution encourages. We are excited for the future prospects for the Journal, and are happy to announce Lucas Nowosiad and Cole Kruper will be taking the reigns as co-editors for our 2018/2019 editions.

On behalf of the Department of History and Classics and Constellations, we present to you our Winter 2018 edition and sincerely thank you for your interest in our historical research.


Lee Klippenstein and Sean Oliver


Constellations editorial team for Winter 2018:

Lucas Nowosiad // Shelby Colling // Samantha Kallen // Bronte Wells

Alex Hogg // Miranda Rondea // Stacy Fairful // Cassidy Munholland

Dana Kanerva // Devonne Brandys // Mathea Johannson // Cole Kruper

Mark Bykowski // Megan McCaskill


We would also like to thank Sonya Betz for all of her help throughout the semester! 


Published: 2018-04-24