Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Winter 2019

					View Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Winter 2019

We are pleased to present the Winter 2019 edition of Constellations, which showcases a wide array of undergraduate work from both the University of Alberta and MacEwan University. We would like to thank everyone who had a hand in making this edition possible, including the authors who had the courage to place their work in the hands of their peers, and the reviewers who helped shape the content of this edition. 

Further, the Winter 2019 edition represents the culmination of the hard work and effort that went into making our 10th year of publishing a possibility. From the begining of the year, we set out to do something special in honor of Constellations 10th year. This took the form of what became a two day conference which, like the journal, showcased undergraduate work from both the University of Alberta and MacEwan University. Thank you to Dr. David Marples, who proved to be unwavering in his support of the journal and gave the first keynote presentation of our conference. Another thank you should also go out to Dr. Carollee Pollock, who gave our second keynote presentation on the importance of public history. 

The study of history and classics becomes especially important when it is situated in an interdisciplinary way. Over the course of the past year, we have worked hard to continue our focus on history and classics, while aiming for a wider, more interdisciplinary focus for the journal. This is something we feel the conference and this issue achieve well. This edition showcases both papers submitted for peer-review but also a handful of "conference picks"--papers presented at our 10th year conference that we feel deserve to be showcased here. 

We hope that you enjoy the wide range of topics covered in this edition, which even includes a poem!

***A note about our "conference picks" section. These papers were not subject to our peer-review process. Rather, they were presented at the 2019 Undergraduate Symposium. All other papers were peer-reviewed by our review team.***

Have a great summer! 

Cole Kruper and Lucas Nowosiad, 2018-19 co-editors. 

Reviewers: Miranda Rondeau, Samantha Kallen, Sydni Zastre, Marina Ferguson, Katlyn Kichko, Shelby Drozdowski, Jasmine Hafso, Mark Bykowski, Hannah Rudderham, Brenna Clark, Keenan Walker

Published: 2019-05-13

History of Science & Technology