Vol. 15 (2024): 2023/2024

We are excited to announce the publication of the 2023/2024 issue of Constellations History and Classics Undergraduate Journal. We received many strong submissions from many disciplines and focuses, and we are proud to present the best of our submissions this year. We would like to thank all of our passionate and dedicated reviewers, as well as all our talented authors. This issue showcases a wide variety of interesting and compelling articles, which we hope you enjoy reading as much as we did. Thank you for your interest in our journal, and we proudly present the 2023/2024 issue!
Jay MacDaniel-Streibel, Helen Spilak, Amina Mohamed
Keegan Anderson / Marlena Austermann / Madeleine Beaulieu / Tiffany Chan / Paige Diewert / Patrick Erickson / Leah-Mae Hennig / Fahim Iqbal / Ashley Lau / Kasey Lawrence / Hanna Lemeneva-Wollesen / Martina Maslovski / Julia-Rose Miller / Clementine Ruth / Anna Smythe / Deepannita Srabon / Vanishta Tancoo / Michael Villalobos / Carrie Woodworth