Current Issue

Vol. 15 No. 1 (2023): All That Glitters is Not Gold: Culturally Responsive Online Assessment and Pedagogy in Uncertain Times
Cover Photo for this Issue of Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry by Guest Editor Kim Koh.

Special Issue of Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry Volume 15, Number 1 (Summer 2023) with Guest Editors Kim Koh, Jennifer Lock and Cecille DePass.

This Special Issue captures poems, narratives, reflections, and studies on assessment and pedagogical practices from elementary schools to initial teacher preparation programs during the pandemic. The issue explores whether online pedagogy and assessment practices are culturally sensitive and responsive to the learning needs of all students, especially those from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds.

Published: 2023-12-28

Contributor Biographies


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Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry is an independent, bi-yearly, refereed educational journal that publishes essays, research notes, and book reviews pertaining to the wide and increasingly important intersections of culture, education and the general categories of social and ecological well-being. As an important component of its interdisciplinary foci, the journal assumes the critical relevance of the cultural and pedagogical perspective as the lens to all areas and possible paradigms of educational and socio-cultural developments. And as a geographically and epistemically inclusive publication, Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry values research inspired works that emanate from community projects, and could occasionally publish submissions that fall within the parameters of poetry, text-borne folkloric performances, and artistic expressions. Within this generalist and polycentric perspective, therefore, the journal welcomes works in critical and cultural studies of education, general foundations of education, postcolonial studies in education, comparative and international perspectives of education, citizenship education, gender studies in education, and emancipatory and hope theories of education.

Editorial Team

Founding Editors

Ali A. Abdi, University of British Columbia

Cecille DePass, University of Calgary

Book Review Editor

Kathy Sitter, University of Calgary

Production Team

Editorial Production Manager: Margaret Dobson (Independent Scholar)

Senior Journal Manager: Elizabeth Hamid (Independent Consultant)

Desktop Publisher: Kendra Grabatin (Independent Consultant)

Editorial Advisory Board

Yvonne Shorter Brown, Independent Scholar

Ratna Ghosh, McGill University

Henry Giroux, McMaster University

Shibao Guo, University of Calgary

Yan Guo, University of Calgary

Celia Haig-Brown, York University

Anne Hudson, Queensland University of Technology

Kim Huynh, University of Calgary

Carol Lee, University of Ottawa

Enid Lee, Enid Lee Consultants, Santa Cruz, California

Dolana Mogadime, Brock University

Pam Mordecai, Independent Scholar

Bathseba Opini, University of British Columbia

Thashika Pillay, Queens University

Hilary Robertson-Hickling, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica

Lynette Schultz, University of Alberta

Edward Shizha, Wilfrid Laurier University

Kathleen Sitter, University of Calgary