SPECIAL ISSUE A Tribute to Douwe Fokkema Guest Editor: Theo D’haen Editor’s Note / Note de l’éditeur Jonathan Hart 217 Douwe Wessel Fokkema (1931-2011): An Homage Theo D’haen 224 Advocating an Open Agenda for Comparative Literature: The Legacy of Douwe Fokkema Gerald E.P. Gillespie 227 Douwe Fokkema et les études littéraires Maria Alzira Seixo 235 The Generic Self: Anecdotal vs. Autobiographical References to Personal History Eugene Eoyang 244 Canonical Interventions Svend Erik Larsen 257 « A Hybrid Activity » : L’histoire littéraire selon Douwe Fokkema Lieven D’hulst 267 Unheard Conjectures: Fokkema and Ibsch’s Paradoxical Theory of Modernist Authors Dirk de Geest and Anneleen Masschelein 277 Littérature moderniste européenne: Les conjectures comparatistes de Douwe Fokkema Yves Chevrel 292 Postmodern Humanism Hans Bertens 299 (No) Postmodernism in the Age of World Literature Theo D’haen 317 Fokkema on Utopian Fiction Zhang Longxi 332