ARTICLES Rewriting Longus: A Naturalized Daphnis and Chloe in Renaissance Spain Mary Lee Cozad 353 Apersonal Singularity: Writing and Reading in the Work of Two ORIGINAL Poets Ming Xie 374 Metafiction and the Contemporary Arab Novel: Yousef Al-Mohaimeed’s Laghat Mawta Mahmoud Salami 396 REVIEW ARTICLE Invisible, Ink.: Classics, Programmers, and the Reprogramming of Cultural History in the Aftermath of the “Book Crisis” Christian Moraru 415 BOOK REVIEWS Bailey, Matthew The Poetics of Speech in the Medieval Spanish Epic Luis Galván 427 Halpern, Richard Shakespeare’s Perfume: Sodomy and Sublimity in the Sonnets, Wilde, Freud, and Lacan Maria Athanasopoulou 430 McDonald, Christie, and Susan Rubin Suleiman, eds. French Global: A New Approach to Literary History Karolyn Waterson 433 Grouard, Father Emile, OMI (trans. Patricia Demers, Naomi McIlwraith, and Dorothy Thunder) The Beginning of Print Culture in Athabasca Country: A Facsimile Edition and Translation of a Prayer Book in Cree Syllabics Brendan F.R. Edwards 437 Cabajsky, Andrea, and Brett Josef Grubisic, eds. National Plots: Historical Fiction and Changing Ideas of Canada Nicholas Bradley 439 McSweeney, Kerry The Realist Short Story of the Powerful Glimpse: Chekhov to Carver David Buchanan 443 Anderson, Lisa Marie German Expressionism and the Messianism of a Generation Sinéad Crowe 445 Swirski, Peter Literature, Analytically Speaking: Explorations in the Theory of Interpretation, Analytic Aesthetics, and Evolution Waclaw M. Osadnik 447