The Use of
Volunteers in Local Study Library Projects: A Case Study of the Walter Gardiner
Photography Project
Assistant Information Adviser
Information Services, University of Brighton
Brighton, United Kingdom
Principal Lecturer
School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering, University of Brighton
Brighton, United Kingdom
Received: 31
Aug. 2011 Accepted: 7 Feb. 2012
2012 Hewitt and Eve.
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Interviews with library staff and volunteers were conducted to evaluate the use
of volunteers in UK public libraries via a case study of the Walter Gardiner
Photographic Project, a digitisation project based in Worthing Library, to
inform future guidelines on volunteer usage and to make recommendations to
existing practice.
Fourteen semi-structured interviews were carried out to explore the perceptions
and experiences of both staff and volunteers of the project. All interviews
were fully transcribed and then coded to identify emergent themes.
Key positives for volunteers were professional training, good time management
and organization by staff, the friendliness and approachability of staff, and
the informal nature of the volunteering. Enjoyment of the work and forming
close relationships with others were key motivating factors. For staff, the
completion of work which would have otherwise been impossible was the most
positive outcome. Problem areas identified by volunteers were lack of contact
time with project staff and feeling isolated from other library staff. For
project staff, a lack of professionalism on behalf of some volunteers was the
primary negative. Key issues to emerge were the need to strike a balance
between formal and informal management, the need for good integration between the
volunteers and host organization, and the importance of acknowledging the
nature of the voluntary commitment.
The project proved overall to be a successful example of using volunteers in
public library projects with good examples of volunteer recruitment, training,
and management being demonstrated. Areas of conflict that did arise stemmed
from differing expectations of levels of service between staff and volunteers.
Clarification on these expectations through a written volunteer agreement is
advocated for further projects.
use of volunteers in U.K. public libraries is (and has been) a controversial
and complex issue, balancing the potential benefits (e.g., increased community
involvement, expansion of existing services, and injection of enthusiasm, new
skills, and knowledge) against the possible disadvantages: damage to staff
relations, expense incurred through time and money for training, and management
of volunteer work and expectations (Gale, 1999; Jervis, 2000; Cookman, Haynes, & Streatfield,
2000; Cookman, 2001; McDiarmid
& Auster, 2004). Over the last 18 months, the
twin political and economic influences of the UK coalition government’s “Big
Society” agenda and the severe cuts to local authority budgets have re-ignited
the controversy around the issue: “community-managed” local libraries have been
posited as an alternative to both library closures initiated by local
authorities and as an ideological alternative to state-run public services.
Consequently, there is a more fundamental need than ever for the library profession
to address the subject of library volunteerism and for library services to
consider best practice strategies for managing volunteers to ensure productive,
mutually beneficial relationships with volunteers.
article documents the key findings of a qualitative research study carried out
in 2009, which sought to explore the perceptions and experiences of both staff
and volunteer participants of the Walter Gardiner Photographic Project, a local
studies project based at Worthing Library, a public library within the West
Sussex Library Service in the south east UK. The project was set up in 2007 to
preserve, digitize, and catalogue a photographic collection of historical
significance to the local area (Worthing). Following a publicity campaign and
an interview process, 12 volunteers were recruited to work with over 5,500
paper photographs, glass negatives, film negatives, documents, and ephemera
from the pre-1946 part of the collection. Items were numbered, cleaned,
re-housed in archival sleeves and boxes, researched, and listed on a computer.
Nearly 1,000 originals were selected for more detailed research, high quality
scanning, and digital restoration. The project culminated in an exhibition of
the best photographs from the collection, which volunteers stewarded, talking
to the public about the images and giving demonstrations of the archival work
they had undertaken.
project was the first of its kind run by the local studies team and was to be
used as a benchmark for further volunteer-involved projects. The research set
out to evaluate project participants’ experiences based broadly around the
themes of recruitment, training, and management, as experienced by both staff
and volunteers. At a local level the findings of this research were to form the
basis of a “volunteer’s toolkit,” a set of good practice guidelines for future
use in West Sussex Library Service projects involving volunteers. On a broader
level the project sought to contribute to the limited research on library
volunteers, to document the hitherto underrepresented ”volunteer perspective”
on library volunteering, and to move away from the existing “advantages and
disadvantages” discourse which has traditionally dominated LIS research on
volunteerism (McDiarmid & Auster,
2004). Further, the project sought to focus on volunteer experience, as opposed
to recent policy literature, which focuses only on volunteer usage and best
practice for management of volunteers (e.g., Cookman
et al., 2000; Capital Planning Information Limited, 2000; Howlett,
Machin, & Malmersio,
2005). A qualitative methodology was employed to allow for exploration of the
social processes of the project and to reflect the complexities of volunteer
and organizational relationships.
play an active part in the delivery of U.K. public library services. In 2000 Cookman et al. reported 85% of English authorities, 82% of
Scottish, and 63% of Welsh authorities were using volunteers, and deployed them
across (amongst others) housebound services, children’s story time, IT
instruction, newspaper indexing, and library promotion services. Recent figures
suggest little sign of this changing, and show an increase of 8.5% between
2008-2009 and 2009-2010, with a total of 16,271 volunteers providing libraries
over half a million person hours (Museums, Libraries and Archives Council,
this topic being one of long standing interest to the LIS community, only a
small body of research studies exist to complement the much larger amount of
anecdotal literature which is available. For example, the studies by Lock
(1994) and Flood (2004) offer brief accounts of the work undertaken, but
reflect little on the nature of volunteering.
to existing LIS research on volunteers is a discussion around the advantages
and disadvantages of using volunteers (McDiarmid
& Auster, 2004). A number of perceived common
benefits of volunteers are evidenced in Gale’s (1999) study of London library
managers, in Jervis’ (2000) study of 25 U.K. national services, and in the work
of Cookman et al. (2000). Cookman
(2001) further notes advantages in the opportunity to forge links with the
local community, to demonstrate in a tangible manner the library as a community
resource, to promote library services informally, and the opportunity to take
advantage of local knowledge. Volunteers are used to add value to existing
services by undertaking “extra” library projects (such as the Walter Gardiner
Photographic Project), which may not be otherwise achievable. For example, Howlett et al. (2005) found that 74% of library services
surveyed cited “allowing us to do things we would not normally be able to do”
as the most advantageous aspect of volunteers (p. 12). Similarly, freeing paid
staff from more routine tasks meant they could contribute more time to such
projects. Staff morale can be increased by the enthusiasm and new skills
displayed by volunteers, and opportunities exist to improve management skills
by working with diverse people (Jervis, 2000). Roy (1988) found that structured
volunteer programs were favourably viewed by library management, and McCune and
Nelson (1995) suggest that staff felt more socially and professionally
confident in their jobs when working with people from various backgrounds.
disadvantage of using volunteers reported by Jervis (2000) was the difficulty
of recruiting suitable people, alongside concerns about reliability and
professionalism (Gale, 1999). Similarly, McDiarmid
and Auster (2004) found that the major pitfall
perceived by volunteer managers in hospital libraries was poor attendance and
commitment. Additionally, there was a worry that “services could run the risk
of being seen as second class” if overly staffed with volunteers with no
professional guidance (Jervis, 2000, p.16). Debates in the USA echo this
Those opposed
to volunteer programs are concerned with a decline in professionalism in
libraries, threats to staff employment, and a decreased probability for
adequate public funding. (Nicol & Johnson,
2008, p. 154)
of the concerns relating to recruitment reported by Cookman
et al. (2000) were as much to do with maintaining levels of volunteers to
sustain service delivery standards, as they were about taking volunteers on at
all. The strong commitment of volunteers was often more acknowledged than
concerns about their durability. Without the incentive of a pay packet it is
understandable that managers may be concerned over the commitment given by
volunteers; however the nature of the voluntary relationship between volunteer
and organization is one which is not underpinned by the same motives and
incentives as paid employees, and should not be judged as such (Gay, 2001; Zimmeck, 2000; Gaskin, 2003).
research found that the commitment of the volunteers was equal to and perhaps
greater than that of paid staff. The “bind” to the organization was not a
contractual one but rather a moral one which was perceived as being of more
value than a piece of written documentation. The enthusiasm of volunteers was
actually cited as an advantage of using volunteers by one member of staff:
think what has really shone through is the enthusiasm. They’ve come here
because they’ve really wanted to. (Member of Staff B)
and government policy
2001 the then Library Association published volunteer guidelines, covering the
three areas of policy, recruitment, and management, and emphasized the need for
a clearly defined policy before volunteers are recruited. The guidelines
advised that volunteers should have access to effective supervision, reviews,
and necessary support mechanisms such as training, which reflects the more
formalized, work-based approach that developed in the wider voluntary sector (McCurley & Lynch, 1998). How many library services have
such a policy is not measurable, however the research of Howlett
et al. (2005) showed that 57% of responding libraries in their survey (174) had
a formal policy, 10% more than in 2001.
current U.K. government, via the championing of its “Big Society” concept (see,
has increased the pressure to make use of volunteers in libraries as part of a
wider ideological move to shift the running of services away from local
government should seek to devolve to the most local level possible and to
encourage communities to take over services. One example would be libraries . .
. (Downey, Kirby, & Sherlock, 2010, p. 12)
Future Libraries Programme, for example, has established 10 projects to “test
drive an ambitious change programme for libraries” (“Future Libraries
Programme”, 2010) including exploring “increased use of volunteers to run
libraries or to work alongside professionals to support opening hours and
services” (Local Government Group, 2011, p.13). A Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) report
drawing on 29 existing community libraries suggests that already volunteers are
replacing, rather than complementing professional staff:
The majority
(86%) of community libraries are not staffed by professional librarians or
library service staff, with volunteers taking on the roles not only of
frontline staff but also of managing events and activities, stock development
and rotation, and premises and budget management. (Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, 2011, p. 7)
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), the
successor body to the Library Association, reiterated in 2010 that volunteers
enrich libraries and help to sustain their viability. However, CILIP noted that
volunteers are not “free” and need proper management, training, and
development, and that their use should be:
part of
a professionally managed public library service that has at its core sufficient
paid staff to ensure the direction, development and quality of the service
provided. (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, 2010)
volunteers take over the running of libraries completely, or merely continue to
complement existing services, this trend is likely to continue, which makes it
vital for libraries that they are able to manage the process of recruiting,
training, and managing volunteers.
order to investigate issues of volunteering in depth, a case study approach was
adopted, based on the assumption that
[via] an in-depth investigation of a discrete entity . . . it
is possible to derive knowledge of the wider phenomenon from intensive
investigation of a specific instance or case. (Gorman, Clayton, Rice-Lively,
& Gorman, 1997, p. 50)
this approach was appropriate for a number of reasons. The Walter Gardiner
Photographic Project was “a functioning specific” case (Stake, 1995) in that it
had clearly defined parameters and it was therefore possible to study it as a
‘discrete entity’. As Denscombe (2010) identifies,
case studies are an appropriate means to study detailed workings and social
processes, rather than restricting attention to outcomes. The aims and
objectives of the research were to obtain an in-depth, holistic account of the
project from both staff and volunteer perspectives. The case study approach
thus facilitated an understanding of the perspectives of all those involved and
explored the complexities of the relationship between volunteers and staff. The
project can be seen as a “typical instance” of its type (Denscombe,
2010, p. 57), and thus provides opportunities to generalize from the findings.
Caution must be taken when generalizing from such a small scale study, however
the authors suggest that the findings “allow for transferability . . . based on
contextual applicability” (Pickard, 2007, p. 93), as the case study is similar
enough to others of its type to allow for this.
on a qualitative approach, project staff and volunteer interviews were the sole
method of data collection employed. Fourteen interviews, lasting up to an hour
each, were conducted over a 3 week period in July and August 2009: 4 library
staff and 10 out of 12 volunteers participated. Interviewees were provided with
full information on the research project, and an interview consent form was
signed by both the interviewee and the researcher prior to each interview.
the research aimed to record the perceptions, emotions, and motivations of the
volunteers and staff, semi-structured interviews were identified as the most
appropriate means of acquiring this descriptive data (Denscombe,
2010). An interview schedule was developed and used as a guide for the
interviews, based on a number of key themes arising from the review of the
literature: volunteer recruitment, training, and management. To avoid
misrepresentation, respondent validation was sought after the initial
interviews to check the factual accuracy, and also to allow for the researcher’s understanding to be confirmed.
fourteen interviews were transcribed verbatim, concurrent with the interview
process. A line by line analysis of the transcripts was undertaken and the
material was assigned a series of codes. Codes here refer to:
. . . tags or labels for assigning units of meaning to information
compiled during a study. Codes are usually attached to chunks of varying size .
. . they can take the form of a straightforward category, label or a more
complex one. (Miles & Huberman, 1994, p.56)
element of pre-coding existed at the outset due to the broad thematic structure
of the interview schedule. The research aimed to explore “social processes” and
not merely provide a simple analysis of themes, moving the coding beyond “data
reduction,” towards “data complication.” The analysis was used to “expand,
transform and reconceptualise data and open the data to further analysis, using
codes as heuristic devices” (Coffey & Atkinson 1996, p. 29). Codes were
refined so that synonyms were removed, making the codes standardized, and
colour coding was used to denote concepts within the transcripts to aid “data
display.” A systematic examination of commonalities and differences among
interviewees was undertaken, drawing out a number of themes but also highlighting
request for volunteers was made through the local media and the Internet from
November/December 2008. Advertising was placed in local newspapers and
television and an estimated 300-400 people expressed an interest in the
project. Interviews took place in January 2008 conducted by the County Local
Studies Librarian and a member of the Digitisation Unit. Fifty volunteers were
interviewed and 12 chosen, of which 9 were female and three male. Of these
volunteers two female volunteers did not participate in the research. Of the 10
interviewed for the research, all were White British, and 8 of the 10 were
retired. The final selection was representative of those who had made initial
inquiries. Of the 50 interviewed, staff estimate that
75% were women and at least 89% were retired people, with the great majority
being over the age of 65. This is consistent with other research on volunteers
in the museums, libraries, and archives sector. Howlett
et al. (2005) found that volunteers across museums,
libraries, and archives in the UK are predominantly white (on average, 96%),
aged 55 years and over (72%), and female (68%). Two of the volunteers
had previous library experience: one had been an Information Librarian and the
other had worked as a library assistant, both for West Sussex Library Service.
members of staff were interviewed: two Local Studies Librarians and the two
Project Officers in the West Sussex Digitisation Unit.
Key Findings and Discussion
Key issues emerging from the data were
organized thematically around the main areas of recruitment, training, and
management of volunteers. The results from volunteer and staff perspectives are
interwoven, which provides a detailed picture of the successes and limitations
of the project, and highlights some areas of tension which speak to the
sometimes complex nature of the relationships between volunteers and paid staff
in institutions.
All volunteers interviewed stated that the
interview and recruitment processes were well done. All agreed that they had an
opportunity to talk about their skills and interest in the project at
interview, and received an appropriate introduction to the project. Two thirds
of the volunteers commented on the informality of the interview, which was
viewed positively. This supports the evidence in volunteer recruitment
literature, which emphasizes veering away from a formal “workplace” model of
interviewing, and concludes that volunteer interviews work best as an informal
two-way process (McCurley & Lynch, 1998;
Volunteering England, 2011). At odds with this desire for informality is an
increased expectation for libraries to have more rigorous recruitment policies
in place in which volunteer agreements outline details such as the length of a
project, its expected outcomes, and an anticipated number of volunteer hours
(Library Association, 2001). Eight of the 10 volunteers in this project
indicated a formalization of the recruitment process, such as providing a
reference, would be acceptable; however, all also felt that whilst it would be
necessary to have a reference if you were working with children or vulnerable
people, for a local studies project it was too officious, and “a bit county council” (Volunteer F).
All 10 volunteers felt the training they had
received had equipped them with the right skills and knowledge to do the job.
An initial practical session with a conservator was identified by 8 of the 10
volunteers as the most successful element of the training and over half
emphasized his professionalism and thoroughness:
professional more so than we needed really. (Volunteer A)
Even though at least six of the volunteers
emphasized the work was “commonsense,” having professional training made them
feel more confident about their skills, and half of the volunteers mentioned
that it also gave them confidence that staff were serious enough about the work
they were undertaking to invest time and resources in them. All four staff
participants stated that the volunteer training was a time consuming process,
corroborating the research of Howlett et al. (2005)
who found it to be the most cited concern amongst library personnel about
involvement of volunteers. However, in line with other studies – for example
those of Jervis (2000), Gale (1999), and Cookman et
al. (2000) – this was not seen as a “disadvantage” but just a necessary part of
using volunteers:
I’d never use the term pitfalls or
disadvantages. You have to create a lot of documents for them and you have to
spend a lot of time thinking about them. You have to think more carefully than
with staff. . . . As long as you are aware of that I don’t regard it as a
disadvantage. (Member of Staff
Nine of the 10 volunteers believed they were
well managed and could not think of any major improvements. The most frequently
mentioned positive aspects were: friendliness and welcoming attitude of the
staff, the informality of the project staff-volunteer relationship, and the
feeling of being valued by staff. Of these, particular weight was placed on the
importance of staff being friendly and the informality of the volunteering experience
in both work schedule and interpersonal relationships.
It was good management the training everything
it was a real pleasure.
(Volunteer D)
All the staff are
very friendly and good at listening to any problems that we had. (Volunteer A)
This informal culture was deliberately
fostered by the library staff:
I like to have fun in sessions as well. That’s
always been motivational. It’s the way I work. Not to sit there in silence . .
. that’s our methodology.
(Member of Staff D)
Further to this approach was the reinforcement
of their usefulness to the service. Every volunteer showed an awareness of
their purpose and function in “doing something that otherwise could not be
I motivate people by making them realise they
are extremely important and they are important part of an important project . .
. (Member of Staff D)
As Locke, Ellis, and Smith (2003) suggest,
being able to put one’s contribution into some context and clarify one’s
purpose can be motivational.
All staff reflected that time management was
one of the biggest difficulties of the project, due to a lot of hands-on
management, and as one interviewee reflected:
I think maybe if we made more time at the
beginning . . . it probably would have saved time in the long run, because
things keep coming up . . .
(Member of Staff C)
This was reiterated by another interviewee:
It was fine in the early days [answering queries]. But it’s not useful to do that because they become dependent on you.
Even after five or six months. I’d get [name removed] to deal with stuff that
was routine by then. There wasn’t a set policy for that and that would have
been useful actually, and I could have defined roles different, better. I could
have got [name removed] to be a first point of call. (Member of Staff D)
Evidentially, it would have been an
improvement to clarify the supervisory structure and define early on in the
project the roles allocated to each member of staff, so that volunteers would
have had a clear point of reference.
Formality vs. Informality
An interesting emergent theme was the
juxtaposition of formality against informality. On a number of occasions during
the project, inconsistency between the less formal approach in certain contexts
and the adherence to more rigid, formal hierarchies resulted in difficulties
for both staff and volunteers. In particular this occurred when the volunteers
were used in a customer service role as exhibition stewards. Four volunteers
recounted incidents concerning disagreements with library patrons. Common among
these incidents were volunteers attempting to deal with problems which,
following library protocol, should have been referred to the library staff
member on duty. As one member of staff stated:
They still have to represent the service in
the same way that a paid member of staff would do, and I think again that’s a
tricky area. (Member of Staff
One particular incident involved a volunteer
disagreeing with the library first-aider over the treatment of a visitor at the
exhibition who unexpectedly felt dizzy. Common to most policy- bound public
sector workplaces, the first-aider was expected to follow a set procedure which
involved calling an ambulance, which was deemed totally unnecessary by the
volunteer. Although an isolated incident, this exemplifies the potential
difficulty of involving those employed on an informal basis in contexts where
strict adherence to protocol is expected.
Relative to this issue is the difficulty in
using suitable disciplinary measures. The incident with the first-aider related
above resulted in the volunteer being “reprimanded.” The difficulty here was
that this contrasted starkly with the hitherto informal relationship between
staff and volunteer, and led the volunteer to believe the project was “badly managed” (Volunteer B). One of the
tensions of volunteer management is that the relationship between volunteer and
manager is underpinned by a reciprocal relationship which is not the same as
paid employee relations:
How much can you ask of them, you know? (Member of Staff C)
Zimmeck (2000) and Gaskin (2003) have argued that
using the same methods of interview, recruitment, contracts, and disciplinary
procedures with volunteers is fundamentally flawed:
They work, but they are not employees: they do not have to do what
they do: they do it in more episodic, circuitous and idiosyncratic ways: they
are not paid for doing it: and, if they do not feel that they are properly
involved, supported or cherished, they will walk away. (Zimmeck,
2000, p. 5)
She reflects that a “home grown” model should
be more widely adopted, which recognizes the differences between volunteers and
employees, but treats them as partners who participate in decision making by
consensus and exercise shared authority. This is qualified by recognizing that
there is no one size fits all model, but the ethos of understanding what
volunteers want and need is the preferred basis from which to manage
volunteers. Gaskin’s research explored this further, proposing a model of
progressive volunteer involvement, concluding what volunteers wanted from
management was to feel welcome, secure, accepted, respected, informed,
well-used, and well-managed (2003).
As a result of these reported incidents it was
suggested by project staff that a formalization of the volunteer process in
implementing policies around wider library management would have been
Maybe if we had some policies in place
regarding volunteers operating alongside other members of staff, volunteers
being alongside members of the public. Looking back on that it probably would
have helped. (Member of Staff
Volunteer responses to the issue of
formalizing their relationship with the library service suggest that this might
run the risk of undermining the inherent freedom and reciprocity perceived to
be characteristic of volunteering. Whilst volunteer agreements are advocated as
a means of ensuring commitment (Cookman et al., 2000) many of the Walter Gardiner
Photographic Project volunteers demonstrated the potential for the opposite to
be true:
We all feel more duty bound to complete it and
do it properly than we did when we were in paid employment. (Volunteer F)
In some ways if I feel I’ve got the freedom
then I’m more dedicated than if I feel more constricted by something. (Volunteer C)
Volunteer-organization relationship
A further significant theme was the ambiguous
position of the volunteers within the wider library service and the importance
this played in the success of the public aspect of the project. The three volunteers
who specifically mentioned staff relationships outside of the immediate project
staff were positive about those relationships:
They treated us as part of the team. They were
never superior or patronising we always felt we were wanted. (Volunteer H)
The majority of volunteers perceived other
library staff as friendly and welcoming. However, evidence from a staff
perspective arose suggesting that the introduction of volunteers was not as
unproblematic as might be supposed from volunteer accounts:
Yes and it came from the staff themselves [reinforcing separation]. You know, “who’s that lot downstairs?” You
have to feel both sides there. Make the staff realise they [the volunteers]
are working for us and not getting paid
so they’re great . . . and at the same time make the volunteers feel like
they’re a part of our team and not excluded. (Member of Staff C)
Seven of the ten volunteers reported feeling
“not completely part of the library,” whilst one volunteer reflected:
Name badges might have been a good idea. . . .
No matter what level you work on it’s nice to feel which position you’re in. (Volunteer E)
As documented in Gaskin’s (2003) work, the
importance of volunteers feeling like they belong within an organization is key to a successful experience for both parties. In this
project the self-perceived and staff attributed “otherness” of the volunteers
proved to be problematic once the project moved to a customer focused level
where volunteers were expected to be aware of and supportive of the
organizational culture.
Recommendations to library services
considering use of volunteers are divided into the three themes: interviewing,
training, and management. As discussed above, these recommendations stem from the
results of this local study, but may have transferability to similar library
projects. At the interview stage, it is useful to maintain informality yet be
rigorous in discussing volunteers’ motivations, as this will aid in allocating
appropriate tasks and thus maximising commitment. Training is a key aspect
throughout any project; it is perhaps self-evident that induction sessions need
to be welcoming, but they also need to facilitate volunteers’ understanding and
establishment of their place within the organization. A key recommendation for
induction sessions is clarifying paid staff roles, so volunteers know how to
access appropriate assistance. Induction and ongoing training needs to be
professionally designed and delivered, so a clear message is given about the
investment a service is willing to make in their volunteers. This can also help
to facilitate a professional ethos amongst volunteers, and be used as a forum
to introduce the ethos and management practices of the service. If there are
specific codes of conduct expected, they should be explained (e.g., health and
safety procedures). It is important to be responsive to the ongoing training
needs of volunteers and be alert to their initial, developing, and perhaps
changing needs.
Maintaining the informality of the volunteer
experience and making it less like a work experience can be key to a project’s
success, particularly with certain volunteers (e.g., older, retired volunteers
who are not looking to gain “career” skills; statistically likely to be the
majority of volunteers). Integrating volunteers within the wider organization
fosters a sense of community, which can be achieved by inviting volunteers into
staff areas and to staff meetings.
Developing a “volunteer agreement” which sets
out mutual responsibilities and expectations (rather than being prescriptive or
restrictive) can help with the clarification of roles. Expectation of time
commitment and hours should be addressed, but this should be done sensitively.
The freedom inherent in volunteering is very important for some volunteers, and
something that erodes this might be counterproductive. As part of this,
establish a procedure for volunteers to have a point of contact elsewhere in
the organization (outside of the immediate project management team) to deal
with complaints, similar to a grievance officer for paid staff.
The key success factors in this project can be
summed up as: good volunteer recruitment strategies at the initial stage of the
project, providing training of sufficient quality and depth, and a friendly and
informal management style. Despite these successes a number of tensions arose –
largely as a result of the project moving away from its self-contained
dimension into a more public arena. The volunteers’ lack of familiarity with
the wider library organization protocol (e.g., the managerial structures and
hierarchy), and the huge importance placed on customer care and public service
proved problematic. Future projects can learn from this by implementing some of
the recommendations listed above, particularly the integration of volunteers
into the wider service “ethos.”
On a wider policy level, the findings
supported the use of a volunteer agreement which would clarify volunteer and
organization expectations, but showed clearly that the freedom of choice
underpinning the volunteer-organization relationship was of great significance.
As such, the key to success is to find the right balance between formality and
informality to satisfy both parties.
This research is limited by the scale and
locality of the project. Future research could further explore the role
volunteer motivations play in the success or otherwise of a project. Future
research will also likely need to address the issue from the perspective of a
greatly altered policy landscape, which may bring significant changes to the
nature and scale of volunteering in libraries. However these develop, it is
likely that libraries will need more resources and guidance to support a
potentially expanding set of volunteer staff. There may be a role for dedicated
paid staff to develop, manage, and train volunteers within contexts where
professional librarians are co-ordinating – and perhaps co-managing – their
services with entirely volunteer-run ones.
Planning Information Limited. (2000). Volunteers in library and information
services: A report to the Library and Information Commission. Library
and Information Commission Research Report, 53, 75
Institute of Library and Information Professionals. (2010). Use of volunteers in public libraries. In CILIP.
Retrieved 18 Feb. 2012 from
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