Evidence Summary
Reference Transactions Reveal Unique Patterns about End-User Information
Seeking Behaviour and Librarians’ Responses in Academic and Public Libraries
Outside the U.S. and Canada
A Review of:
L., & Rumbaugh, P. (2010). An international comparison of virtual reference
services. Reference & User Services
Quarterly, 49(4), 360-368.
Reviewed by:
Giovanna Badia
Schulich Library of Science and Engineering, McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Email: giovanna.badia@mcgill.ca
Received: 10
Dec. 2011 Accepted:
31 Jan. 2012
© 2012 Badia. This is an
Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons-
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License 2.5 Canada (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ca/), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial purposes, and, if
transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the same or similar
license to this one.
Objective –
To investigate and compare the nature of e-mail reference services in academic
and public libraries outside the United States.
Design – Longitudinal comparative
Setting – A total of 23 academic and
public libraries in ten countries: Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Mexico,
the Netherlands, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
Subjects – The authors collected
reference questions that were e-mailed to the 23 libraries for the weeks of
April 3, 2006 and April 7, 2008. Questions were sent from the libraries’
websites to QuestionPoint, a collaborative, online reference service that was
used to answer the questions received.
Methods –
The authors randomly selected 25 questions for each library for the weeks under
investigation. If a library did not receive 25 email reference questions that
week, then they collected transactions from subsequent weeks until the quota
was met or until the end of the month. The authors examined transactions from a
total of 919 questions – 515 questions in 2006 and 476 in 2008. All identifying
information about the user was stripped from each transaction collected. Each transaction was labeled according to the
following categories:
Main Results –
The e-mail transactions that were examined revealed a wide range of end-user
and librarian behaviors. English, followed by Dutch, German, and French, were
the languages most frequently used by library users. Countries also varied in
terms of the types of questions received. For example, more than 75% of the
email queries in Belgium (which only had academic libraries participate in this
study) were “access” questions, while Mexico (which also consisted of all
academic libraries) only received 6% “access” questions, France (all public
libraries) had relatively few access questions, and Sweden (also all public
libraries) had none. Public libraries
received the most “subject” questions (75%) compared to academic libraries
(28%). Public libraries answered “subject” questions with facts over a third of
the time, while academic libraries responded with instructions close to half of
the time.
the academic libraries, graduate students asked slightly more “access”
questions than undergraduates (62% versus 56%), and undergraduates asked more
“subject” questions than graduate students (26% versus 13%). The “subject”
questions submitted to academic libraries were divided almost equally among
topics in the humanities (36%), the sciences (32%), and the social sciences
(32%). This differed from public libraries; the latter received mostly
questions about humanities topics (65%).
time taken to respond to users’ reference questions ranged from a few minutes
to a few weeks between libraries. Some libraries set the response times on
their websites. Those libraries that indicated longer response times on their
sites met the users’ expectations more often, up to a maximum of 100 percent of
the time.
of the characteristics of email reference services that are listed above
remained consistent from 2006 to 2008. The two areas that changed over two
years were the libraries’ response time and the types of questions asked by
university students. “Access questions increased (by 14 percent among graduates
and by 4 percent among undergraduates), and bibliographic and subject questions
decreased in both groups” (p. 364). Response time improved overall from 2006 to
Conclusion –
The authors’ analysis of the 919 transactions of e-mail reference questions
revealed unique patterns about end-user information seeking behavior and
librarians’ responses in academic and public libraries outside the United
States and Canada. One of these patterns is that the public libraries
participating in the study received the highest percentage of “subject”
questions. The authors state that “the pattern of a much higher percentage of
subject-related questions in public libraries contrasts with the general
virtual reference trend in academic libraries, which shows a much higher
percentage of access questions. Since
many of the access questions concerned connection problems or logging on to
databases, the relatively fewer number may indicate that the arts and
humanities disciplines require less database searching and that the users need
specific answers instead” (p. 367).
data also revealed significant differences between the types of questions asked
by undergraduates versus graduate students. Undergraduates asked two thirds of
the subject questions submitted to academic libraries and graduate students
asked just over a fourth. The authors assume that this finding indicates that
graduate students do more of their own research than undergraduates.
authors were concerned by the increase in the number of access questions posed
by undergrads and graduate students from 2006 to 2008. They suggested that
websites, databases, and other resources might have become more difficult to
use over the years. They also noted that questions in technology almost doubled
from 2006 to 2008.
of the patterns that were revealed contradicted the authors’ assumption that
libraries with slow response times in 2006 would improve in 2008 as they became
more proficient in providing virtual reference services. The majority of
libraries in the study improved their turnaround time from 2006 to 2008, but
the two slowest libraries took even longer to respond to their users.
study reveals interesting patterns about the behavior of users of email
reference services in academic and public libraries in Australia, Belgium,
France, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, and
the U.K. The authors summarize the existing literature on virtual reference
services in non-US countries at the beginning of the article; however, they do
not link their findings back to their literature review. This missing link makes it hard to determine
how this study adds to, or fits in, our present body of knowledge on the
libraries participated from ten countries, which comes out to approximately 2
libraries participating per country. The small number of participating
institutions from each country would make it difficult to generalize the
findings from the participating libraries to all academic and public libraries
in that specific country. An explanation about how the libraries were selected
might have nullified this comment. The number of questions examined was also
small; 25 questions were randomly selected per library per week under
investigation. This study would need to be expanded to include more libraries
and more questions to validate the authors’ conclusions.
this reviewer would have liked to see Canada and the United States included in
the study. If the latter was beyond the scope of their study, then the authors
could have made a comparison to the published literature on virtual references
services in Canada and the U.S. Do Canadian and American libraries show similar
patterns? If not, how are they different? The authors mention that “questions
as [to] whether the success of virtual reference services relies on cultural
attributes are important to answer when developing and implementing reference
services in countries of widely divergent cultures” (p. 367). However, they do
not take the opportunity to discuss the cultural context of their
study presents fascinating patterns of virtual reference services in 10
countries, although the authors fail to place their findings in a wider
context. A discussion of the wider context would have added value to this
article by making it clear to the reader how these findings can influence the
practice of libraries participating in collaborative virtual reference services
via QuestionPoint.