Evidence Summary
Catalogue Records Positively Impact Circulation but Are Not Used to Their
Potential in Patron Searching
A Review of:
Tosaka, Y., & Weng, C. (2011). Reexamining
content-enriched access: Its effect on usage and discovery. College & Research Libraries, 72(5), 412-427.
Reviewed by:
Cari Merkley
Associate Professor
Mount Royal University Library
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Email: cmerkley@mtroyal.ca
Received: 1 Mar. 2012 Accepted: 16 June 2012
2012 Merkley. This is an
Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share
Alike License 2.5 Canada (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ca/), which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial purposes,
and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the same or
similar license to this one.
– To determine how content-enriched catalogue records impact the
circulation rates of print resources in four subject areas, and to investigate
how this additional metadata influences OPAC searching and item retrieval.
Design –
Analysis of circulation data, bibliographic records, and OPAC search logs.
Setting –
A library at a four-year undergraduate residential college in the North-eastern
United States.
Subjects –
Bibliographic records for 88,538 titles; data from 7,782 circulation
transactions; and 130 OPAC search strings and related circulation data.
Methods –
In the first part of the study, bibliographic records for print items published
since 1990 were extracted from the library’s integrated library system (ILS) in
the following Library of Congress (LC) classes: D, E, F, H, J, L, P, Q, R, S,
and T. It is assumed that electronic books were excluded from this study
because their usage is not tracked in the ILS. These LC classes were chosen to
correspond to the subject areas targeted by the researchers for comparison –
“history, social sciences, language and literature, and science and technology”
(p. 416). The data file included the publication date of the title, as well as
values for the MARC fields identified by the researchers as containing
content-enriched data. These fields were MARC 505 (an item’s table of contents
or list of works included), MARC 520 (summaries or annotations), and MARC 856
(URL to electronic location of related material or electronic copy) (p. 416;
Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office, 2003, 2008a,
2008b). The authors analyzed records for 88,538 titles and determined the total
number of records containing each of the MARC fields either singly or in
Data relating to circulation transactions for items located in
these LC classes from January to May 2009 was also identified. Like the
bibliographic records, circulation data was pulled for print items only. The
researchers identified 7,782 circulation transactions that met the study
criteria for the period in question.
In the second part of the study, circulation data for September
22, 2009 was obtained and sorted into the four subject categories identified in
Part I of the study. The authors indicate that this
date was chosen at random, but do not specify how. Researchers compared the
records of the 133 titles borrowed that day from the LC classes studied to the
OPAC search logs from September 16-22, 2009 to determine which searches led to
the circulation of these items. The authors felt that searches resulting in
checkouts on the day in question may have begun earlier in the week. The
searches that led to borrowing were recorded and categorized as keyword, title,
author, or other searches. If a user entered a title or author name into the
keyword field, these were classed as known item searches in the appropriate
categories. The authors identified and analyzed 130 searches relating to
circulated items.
Results – In the first part of the study, the number of catalogue records
that contained MARC 505, 520, and/or 856 fields significantly increased for
titles published between 1990 and 2007, with a slight decrease in 2008. MARC
505 was the most common content-
enriched field until 2000, after which the presence of MARC 856 grew
significantly. The MARC 520 field was used least often, making it difficult to
draw firm conclusions about its impact on circulation.
The incidence of enhanced records was very low among older books
in the study. Only 14.3% of items published between 1990 and 1994, and 19.3% of
items published between 1995 and 1999, had records that contained MARC 505,
520, or 856 fields. In contrast, the percentage of enhanced records was very
high (80.9%) for items published between 2005 and 2008. The authors
acknowledged that these stark imbalances created skewed comparison data for
items published in these date ranges. As such, they suggested that the data for
titles published between 2000 and 2004 offered the most balanced comparison
because the numbers of enhanced and non-enhanced records were almost equal. The
overall circulation of items with enhanced records published between 2000 and
2004 was 2.9% higher than for items with non-enhanced records, constituting a
relative percentage difference of 30.7%. The relative percentage difference in
this period was higher for books in science and technology (36.9%), followed by
history (34%), language and literature (30.6%), and social sciences (25.7%).
Enhanced records also had a positive impact on circulation for items published
between 1990 and 2000 over their non-enhanced counterparts; however, this
positive growth levelled off for items published between 2005 and 2008, with
almost equal circulation rates between items with enhanced and non-enhanced
records during this period. The impact of the three MARC fields was examined,
and the presence of the MARC 505 field was most associated with increased
circulation rates, in part because it was the most commonly used field of the
three for the period in question. The number of records with MARC 520 and 856
fields was not sufficient to draw firm conclusions about their impact on
circulation. While not the focus of the study, the circulation data also suggested
a preference for current titles among all four subject areas, most
significantly among the social sciences and science and technology.
The second part of the study found that keyword searching was the
most common strategy employed by patrons, with 49.6% of the 130 searches
examined falling into this category. Keyword searches most commonly led to the
borrowing of items from the history LC classes, while title searches were most
common in science and technology. Known item searches (title or author)
accounted for 45.9% of the overall searches analyzed. However, in most cases,
the search terms used that led to a title circulating were found in the title
and subject fields, rather than in a content-enriched MARC field. The
researchers suggested that this may be due to the appearance of search results
in the OPAC (brief rather than full record) and the way relevancy sorting was
calculated, as contents notes were not given a high weighting in the OPAC’s
Conclusion –
The study found that enhanced catalogue records led to higher circulation rates
in the four subject areas studied. The increased proportion of content-enriched
records in the overall catalogue in recent years suggested that their value had
been recognized by the library. The limited role these enhanced fields played
in the September 22, 2009 searches suggested that further work on improving how
this information is displayed to users in the OPAC and sorted is needed. The
researchers identified areas for future research including the role of the
publication date and the impact of improvements to the display of content
fields in the OPAC on the circulation of items with content-enriched records.
This work adds to an existing argument in the library literature:
that enhanced catalogue records are correlated with increased circulation.
Their presentation of the study data is measured and thorough, acknowledging
the disproportionate impact small sample sizes have on the percentage
differences in several of their data sets and their limited ability to draw
reasonable conclusions from such numbers. It is useful to have both the
absolute and relative percentage differences in circulation to better gauge the
difference made by content-enriched records. Even better, it is always clear
which percentage difference, absolute or relative, is the one being stated by
the authors. Tosaka and Weng
do acknowledge, however, that enhanced catalogue records may not be the most
important factor in determining circulation rates. Publication date played a
significant role in the study results, with more recent titles circulating more
across all disciplines. Teasing out whether these circulation gains are due to
the fact that newer records are more likely to be enhanced, or newer materials
are just of more interest to users, would be a difficult but worthwhile task.
findings of the second part of the study suggest that enhanced records or date
of publication are not the only factors impacting circulation rates: how the
patron and library technology interacts with them is perhaps the richer field
for study moving forward. The authors write, “To achieve content-enriched
access, it is necessary to have a well-designed data-mining mechanism to dig
out content-enriched components to system retrieval ability and postsearch evaluation” (p. 413). It was striking how small
a role the content-enhanced fields appeared to play in the searches and
subsequent circulations on the day studied by the researchers. They proposed
explanations for the disconnect between the findings
of the first and second parts of the study raise important questions for practitioners.
Why spend the energy, time, and staff dollars on enhancing catalogue records,
to then only display the brief view of the record or sort by publication date
in your OPAC? Is this a choice on the part of the library, or a consequence of
ILS display design? Alternatively, if publication date is one of the most
important criteria for patrons in selection of material in an OPAC, is default
relevancy ranking a help or an obstacle for users? While the question of to
enhance or not to enhance records appears to have been largely answered (as
evidenced by the prevalence of enriched records today), it is clear that the
work of creating a better and more responsive access point to our collections
is never done.
Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office. (2003). Guidelines for the use of field 856. Retrieved
February 27, 2012, from http://www.loc.gov/marc
Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office.
(2008a). 505 - Formatted Contents Note (R). Retrieved February 27, 2012, from http://www.loc.gov
Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office. (2008.). 520 - Summary, Etc. (R). Retrieved February 27,
2012, from http://www.loc.gov/marc