Evidence Summary
Graduate Students Report Strong Acceptance and
Loyal Usage of Google Scholar
A Review of:
Cothran, T. (2011). Google Scholar acceptance and use among
graduate students: A quantitative study. Library
and Information Science Research, 33(4), 293-301. doi: 10.1016/j.lisr.2011.02.001
Reviewed by:
Lisa Shen
Business Reference
Sam Houston State
Huntsville, Texas,
United States of America
Email: lshen@shsu.edu
Received: 2 July 2012 Accepted: 4 Nov. 2012
2012 Shen.
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Objective – To determine the frequency of graduate students’
Google Scholar usage, and the contributing factors to their adoption. The researchers also aimed to examine whether
the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is applicable to graduate students’
acceptance of Google Scholar.
Design – Web-based survey questionnaire.
Setting – The survey was conducted over the internet through
email invitations.
Subjects – 1,114 graduate students enrolled at the Twin Cities
campus of the University of Minnesota.
Methods – 9,998 graduate students were invited via email to
participate in a study about their perceptions of Google Scholar in the fall of
2009. A follow-up email and a raffle of two $25 gift certificates were used to
provide participation incentive.
The survey
measurements, which consisted of 53 items in 15 questions, were based on
modifications to the validated TAM using measurements adopted by other studies
using the same instrument. Each item was scored using five-point scales ranging
from 1 (“strongly disagree”) to 5 (“strongly agree”). Because the TAM model is
based on direct user experience, only responses from those who have used Google
Scholar in the past were included in the data analysis.
Main Results – The survey had a response rate of 11.4%, with 73%
of the respondents reporting having used Google Scholar at least once before.
However, only 45% of those who had used Google Scholar reported linking to full
text articles through the customized library link “frequently or always.” On
average, respondents found Google Scholar easy to use (M=4.09 out of 5) and
access (M=3.86). They also perceived Google Scholar as a useful resource for
their research (M=3.98), which enhanced their searching effectiveness (M=3.89).
However, respondents were less enthusiastic when asked whether they often found
what they were looking for using Google Scholar (M=3.33) or whether it had
enough resources for their research (M=3.14). Nonetheless, most still felt they
made the correct decision to use Google Scholar (M=3.94), even if their loyalty
towards Google Scholar was limited (M=3.23).
The researcher
categorized survey measurements into 9 TAM-based variables and performed
regression analysis (all with p<0.001)
to analyze the relationships. Overall, accessibility (β=0.32) and system quality (β=0.53) were significant determinants of respondents’
perceived ease of use of Google Scholar, while perceived ease of use (β=0.33) and comprehensiveness (β=0.53) were significant
determinants of respondents’ perceived usefulness of Google Scholar. In turn,
perceived usefulness (β=0.45),
loyalty (β=0.38), and perceived
ease of use (β=0.12) were the
main factors contributing to respondents’ actual intention to use Google
Scholar. Lastly, respondents’ loyalty towards Google Scholar was largely
attributed to their satisfaction with the search engine (R²=0.532).
Conclusion – This study found several factors that strongly
influence graduate students’ intention to use Google Scholar, including
students’ perceived usefulness of Google Scholar, their sense of loyalty
towards the search engine, and its perceived ease of use. Moreover, the
findings also showed that TAM is an applicable model for explaining graduate
students’ use of Google Scholar. These findings provide useful insights for
librarians seeking to understand graduate students’ perception of Google
Scholar and practical implications on how to best promote new information
resources to graduate students.
This study examines
graduate students’ perception and usage of Google Scholar. The findings should
be of interest to academic librarians seeking to strike a balance between the
promotion of library resources and Google Scholar for student research. Not
only did the author highlight major determinants for graduate students’ use of
Google Scholar, but she also drew attention to the frequency at which respondents
already use this search tool. The findings make a strong argument for
librarians to focus on improving the usability and accessibility of library
resources and the linking between library databases and Google Scholar, instead
of simply discouraging students’ Google Scholar usage.
A close examination of
the research using the EBL Critical Appraisal Checklist (Glynn, 2006) indicated
an overall validity of 78.3%. In addition, validity scoring was consistent for
each Appraisal Checklist section. Therefore, it can be safely concluded that
the study is valid. The survey instrument was adopted from past TAM studies and
published with the article. Moreover, Cronbach’s
Alpha, a reliability measurement for internal consistency, showed that all the
survey variables were above the accepted standards of 0.70. This provided
further evidence to the soundness of the survey construct.
However, this study
does have some limitations. First, there is a lack of comparative data to place
study findings in context. For instance, based on factors such as users’
perceived search effectiveness (3.89 out of 5) of Google Scholar, the author
observed that user loyalty (3.23 out of 5) towards Google Scholar is rather
limited. However, respondents’ loyalty ratings of Google Scholar may actually
be significantly higher compared to their loyalty ratings of most library databases, or vice versa.
In addition, the
perceptions and attitudes of respondents who have never used Google Scholar and
those who use it less than once per semester were excluded in the data
analysis. The reasons for graduate students to choose not to use Google Scholar
can be just as valuable as their reasons for adopting it as a regular search
tool. Additional research exploring students’ non-use of Google Scholar and usage
of library databases based on TAM would provide valuable insights for academic
Nonetheless, this
survey study is well constructed and investigates a pertinent and timely issue
in academic librarianship. It provides valuable contributions to the limited
current literature on user studies examining Google Scholar. Moreover, the
study validates TAM for examining user perception towards information resources
and provides detailed methodology for those interested in expanding this field
of study.
Glynn, L. (2006). A critical
appraisal tool for library and information research. Library Hi Tech, 24(3), 387-399. doi: 10.1108/07378830610692154