Searching During One-Shot Information Literacy Instruction Sessions: Is It an
Effective Use of Time?
Assistant Professor and Librarian, Mount Royal University
PhD Student, School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt
Wagga Wagga, New South
Wales, Australia
Received: 2
July 2012 Accepted: 18 Nov. 2012
2012 Willson.
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Objective – To test the assumption that giving
students time to research independently during a one-shot information literacy
instruction (ILI) session, combined with scaffolding, is an effective
pedagogical practice and a good use of class time.
Methods – The study was conducted at a
student-focused, four-year undergraduate institution with 8,500 full load
equivalent students. Following brief, focused instruction in 10 different ILI
sessions, first-, second-, and third-year students in 80-minute one-shot ILI
sessions were given time to research independently. The librarian and
instructor were present to scaffold the instruction students received. Students
were asked to track the research they did during class using a research log and
to fill out a short Web survey about their preparedness to do research and the
usefulness of the ILI session.
Results – Students agreed to have 83
research logs and 73 Web surveys included in the study. Students indicated that
they felt more prepared to do research for their assignment after the ILI
session and rated individual help from the librarian as the most useful aspect
of the instruction session. Students did not rate independent time to do
research as valuable as anticipated. Examining the research logs indicated that
several things are taking place during the ILI session, including that students
are demonstrating what was taught in the session in their searches, that their
searches are progressing in complexity, and that students are using feedback
from previous searches to inform the formulation of search queries. While
students appear to be putting independent search time to good use, many
students’ articulation of their thesis statement remains poor and searches
continue to be fairly simplistic.
Conclusions – This study gives evidence that giving
independent research time in ILI sessions, with scaffolding, is an effective
use of class time. The study also demonstrates that the majority of students
are able to use what is taught during classes and that they are using class
time effectively, though searching remains fairly simple. The focus of ILI
sessions is on skill development, and future research should be on integrating
IL into the curriculum to develop more complex skills and thinking needed in
the research process.
all practitioners, evidence based practice is challenging. For those who teach
information literacy instruction (ILI), evidence based librarianship becomes particularly
difficult when teaching sessions are “one shot.” Many librarians have a single
session with a group of students that will last between 50 and 80 minutes, and
a significant amount of content to cover. As student learning is the ultimate
goal for ILI, the choice of what content to cover (e.g., teaching concepts or
skills) and how to teach that content (e.g., lectures or hands-on practice) is
of the utmost importance.
evidence for any research is challenging; however, when attempting to practice
evidence based librarianship in this restricted context, data collection must
be quick and unobtrusive, not taking up precious class time. One way to
incorporate data collection into one-shot sessions is to use what already takes
place in the class. Many librarians do this by collecting assignments, either
research assignments that have been assigned by the course lecturer (Webster
& Reilly, 2003) or worksheets that have been assigned by the librarian in
the ILI session (Fain, 2011), or a combination of these two methods. For other
librarians, course assignments are not available and they may decide worksheets
take up more class time than they are willing to give.
author was interested in questions of pedagogy – how best to use class time in
the ILI session. Typical classes were short lectures followed by lengthy
periods of time to search independently, combined with one-on-one help termed
scaffolding. Scaffolding is a technique in which a teacher works with students
individually to give them support, gradually removing that support as the
student is able to work more independently. (Larkin, 2008).
The evidence based librarianship project was designed to determine if current
practices were helpful to students. The research question was whether giving
students time to research independently during a one-shot information literacy
instruction session, combined with scaffolding, is an effective use of class
literacy instruction is a large part of many librarians’ work. As such it has
been the subject of much study. To better understand what takes place in the
classroom, it is important to examine both student behaviour and classroom
literacy instruction is a complex research topic, with a multitude of factors
impacting the learner, the learning environment, and the instruction. For those
who teach searching, understanding how students search for online information
is an important aspect. In their Information Behavior Model, Urquhart and Rowley
(2007) identified many micro and macro factors that impact student information
behaviours, including information literacy, search strategies, discipline and
curriculum, pedagogy, support and training, information resource design, and
access. Many students typically begin searching with Google (Griffiths & Brophy, 2005; Urquhart & Rowley, 2007), relying less on
academic resources (Griffiths & Brophy, 2005).
Starting searches with Google and limiting use of resources to those that are
well known is typical, as ease of use and familiarity are important factors in
their choice of resource (Dervin & Reinhard, 2007; Griffiths & Brophy,
2005; Urquhart & Rowley, 2007). Searchers in online environments typically
include few terms in their search queries, infrequently use advanced search
techniques such as Boolean operators, and infrequently use advanced search
features such as limiters (Lau & Goh, 2006;
Markey, 2007a, 2007b; Wang, Berry, & Yang, 2003; Willson
& Given, 2010). In addition to simple searching, students often expect
online public access catalogues and databases to work like a search engine
(Griffiths & Brophy, 2005; Novotny, 2004).
Searchers with less search experience spend less time thinking about and
planning searches, in addition to using fewer self-aware, metacognitive
strategies than do searchers with expertise (Tabatabai
& Shore, 2005). Overall, undergraduate students use familiar sources in
fairly rudimentary ways to satisfy their information needs.
researchers have examined the effectiveness of ILI. Some research has focused
on the general effectiveness of ILI. Portmann &
Roush (2004) found that ILI increased library usage, though not library skills.
One of Koufogiannakis and Wiebe’s
(2006) findings from their meta-analysis of ILI studies was that, overall,
instruction of any variety was better than no instruction. Other research has
focused on the effectiveness of particular interventions. Buhay,
Best, and McGuire (2010) found that student scores on post-tests were
statistically significantly higher when they used clickers in ILI. Marcus and
Beck (2003) found that students who took part in a treasure-hunt style
self-orientation to the library scored higher on questionnaires and rated the
tours more positively than those who were in librarian-led orientation groups.
Bren, Hillemann, and Topp
(1998) found that using a guided, hands-on instructional method increased
undergraduate students’ retention of information provided during an ILI
studies indicate that ILI is effective and that particular interventions can be
used. What is missing from studies of ILI effectiveness is an examination of
scaffolding and independent search time. One article mentioned scaffolding as
part of the ILI instruction (Johnson et al., 2011). No articles were found that
addressed independent search time. It is difficult to determine whether this
apparent lack of literature is due to these pedagogical practices not being
researched, or due to differences in terminology that make the literature
difficult to find.
Context and
Royal University is a four-year undergraduate university. The student body is
10,551 full-time students (Mount Royal University, n.d.a).
The institution has four categories within its Aims of an Undergraduate Undergraduate Education, with information literacy listed
under Intellectual and Practical Skills (Mount Royal University, n.d.b). In 2009/2010, the library taught 710 ILI sessions
to over 12,000 students. Typically ILI sessions are one-shot sessions that are either
50- or 80-minutes long and tend to be focused on a specific research project.
The vast majority of ILI sessions are hands-on and take place in computer labs.
part of evidence based practice, the author was interested in examining the
information literacy instruction she provides, with a view to improving
understanding of whether the independent time to search in the ILI session is
used effectively and how teaching could be altered to improve learning. Feeling
that she was trying to include too much content into one-shot sessions, she cut
down on the amount of content presented in class in the lecture format,
focusing on the specific research assignment and providing as much time as
possible for hands-on work. The focus of these ILI sessions became the
students’ research assignments and the individual help (scaffolding) provided
to students by the librarian and the class instructor.
researcher felt that giving students time to work on their research assignment
is a more active learning technique and that students would have the
opportunity to try what had been discussed in class, along with scaffolding.
Part of scaffolding is to work within students’ “zone of proximal development,”
the gap between what a student can achieve on their
own and what they can achieve with help. By focusing on individual time with
students to scaffold their work, the researcher believed that instruction could
be better tailored to students’ specific needs (e.g., working within their zone
of proximal development), focus on those needing more help and support by
providing additional time and attention, while more confident students could
get research done during class time.
this was the reasoning behind the original changes made to the ILI sessions,
the assumption being made was that independent time to work would be beneficial
for students. The author received challenges to this assumption by colleagues
in the scholars’ program who wondered if students were prepared for time to
work independently and whether giving students an assignment that introduced
concepts might be a more beneficial use of class time. While much research has
been done into which method of delivering information literacy instruction
(e.g., computer-assisted instruction vs. traditional instruction), fewer
librarians have researched what specific aspects of a method of instruction
make it beneficial.
from 10 ILI sessions were the participants in this study. The classes were at the
first-, second-, and third-year level from the religious studies, psychology,
and general education disciplines. Class sizes ranged from 20-30 students,
meaning the participants were drawn from an overall sample of approximately
200-300 students. The classes focused on searching for sources for their
assignment, basic search strategies (Boolean operators, truncation, and phrase
searching) and database searching. In two sections of a third-year psychology
course, students were taught to use MeSH. The inclusion
criteria for the study were that students were attending an ILI session that
was 80 minutes or longer, as 50-minute sessions were too short to include a Web
survey. All students in ILI sessions were asked to perform the same tasks, fill
out a research log during independent searching, and to complete a Web-based
survey at the end of class. All students’ responses were examined to inform
pedagogy and student learning. Only the data of those students who agreed to
participate were included in the study. In total, 73 students agreed to include
their Web survey in the study and 83 students agreed to include their research
log in the study. This study received approval from the Human Research Ethics
Board at Mount Royal University.
quantitative study included both a Web survey and research logs. To examine the
research question, the researcher designed a Web survey and research log.
Section 1 of the Web survey asked whether students had attended a previous ILI
session (and if so, how many), trying to gauge students’ prior experience (see
Appendix A). Section 2 of the Web survey was designed to determine the specific
aspects of the ILI session – the different pedagogical tools used in the
classroom – that students perceived to be most useful
by comparing one aspect to another. Students were asked to rate the activities
that took place during the class from most useful (1) to least useful (9).
Finally, in Section 3, students were also asked to rate their preparedness
before and after the ILI session on a four-point Likert
scale. The research referred students to the Web survey URL via the online
subject guide for the class. The Web survey was administered at the end of the
ILI session, taking approximately five minutes to complete.
research logs attempted to uncover students’ information behaviours – which
resources they use, how they search, how they modify their searches, what they
think about their searching (see Appendix B). The research logs were examined
to determine if students used the skills taught in class during independent
searching. Other research has described research journals as part of an ongoing
research process throughout a class (Smith, 2001; Warner, 2003). The research
log used in this study is intended to capture students’ searching at a
particular time and to aid students in recording their search process, similar
to Kuhlthau’s search logs (2004, pp. 32-33). Bates’ Berrypicking model (1989) and Kuhlthaus’
Information Search Process model (2005) were used in the creation of the
research log – to help students track their search progression and the change
in their thinking that leads to search modification.
the independent search time, students were asked to record their work. The
research log was on carbonless paper; students kept the top copy while the
author kept the bottom. It is important for students to keep track of their
searches to understand where they have searched, to understand what they have
searched, and to examine how their research might progress. In addition to
being a form for data collection, the researcher employed the research log as a
pedagogical tool to try to increase students’ awareness of their searching. The
research log was used in preference to computer logs, which do not involve
student thought. Students were asked to record their topic/thesis statement and
ideas/concepts related to their topic. Students were also asked to record their
searches: the date, the resource searched, the search query, what was found,
and notes to self. If students asked questions during the ILI session, they
were also asked to record their questions: what the question related to, if
their question was answered, and what questions they felt might come up later.
researcher analyzed the Web surveys using descriptive statistics (frequencies
and percentages), which were chosen to summarize the responses from the
students in the sample and to provide basic information about the responses.
The researcher examined research logs to determine if there was evidence of
what took place during the independent search time, while recorded searches
were examined to determine where students searched, the search queries students
created, the search strategies students used, the ways in which searches
changed, and what students wrote about their searching. From looking at how
students’ modified their searches and what they wrote about their searches, the
researcher developed categories to describe the commonalities seen. After
developing operational definitions for the categories, the author categorized
the searches. The categories were: search complexity (searches with two or more
terms or use of specific search strategies), search progression (series of
searches in which students increase the complexity or precision of their
searches), use of feedback (series of searches in which students use the
results of previous searches to modify or improve searches), and mode of search
modification (incremental modifications or jumps from one strategy to another).
The researcher used the categories to produce descriptive statistics about how
students used their independent search time.
Usefulness of
ILI Sessions
Web survey asked students to rate the usefulness of the different aspects of
the ILI session from most useful (1) to least useful (9). Students rated
individual help from the librarian as the most useful aspect of the ILI session
with a rating of 3.89 (see Table 1). The second most highly rated aspect of the
session was discussions of how to use resources (4.46). After the top two rated
aspects of the session there was little variance between ratings. The author
had hypothesized that students would rate time to work independently as the
most valuable aspect of the ILI session. Instead, time to work independently
was tied for the eighth most useful aspect of the session. Rather than simply
valuing the time to work, students rated the one-on-one help they received
during that independent search time as more useful. While this survey only asked
for student perceptions of usefulness by comparing different pedagogical
activities, students valued the scaffolding that took place in the session. As
the results from the Web survey were too small to run a test for statistical
significance, the ratings should be treated with caution and more research is
needed to confirm these findings.
Rating of Aspects of ILI Sessions from Most Useful (1) to Least Useful (9)
Answer Options |
Rating Average |
help from librarian |
3.89 |
of how to use the resources |
4.46 |
about search difficulties |
4.86 |
discussion |
4.93 |
help from class instructor |
4.94 |
of the resources to use |
5.00 |
to work independently |
5.23 |
with class mates |
5.23 |
of the assignment |
5.75 |
from Three Different Students, of Using What Was Taught in Class
Evidence of using what was taught in class |
Use (%) N=77 |
Example of evidence |
evidence |
(56%) |
Disorder in MM, review articles, linked full text |
evidence |
(27%) |
Disorder, youth |
evidence |
(17%) |
Disorder |
researcher examined the research logs to determine if students used what was
taught in class. Of the 83 research logs included in the study, 77 (93%)
contained recorded searches; 43 of
those 77 (56%) showed clear evidence of using what had been taught, while 21
(27%) showed some evidence, and 13 (17%) showed no evidence (see Table 2).
There is evidence that students understood the content of the lesson well
enough for them to use it to search during independent searching within the
context of the ILI session. (Table 2)
How Students
Are Searching
author also analyzed the research logs for evidence of how students search
during the time given for independent searching. In total 237 searches were recorded,
representing an average of 3.1 searches per research log (n=77). Searches
averaged 3.7 words per query. Of the 77 research logs containing searches, 52
(68%) included use of Boolean operators, 23 (30%) included use of truncation,
19 (25%) used phrase searching, and 16 (21%) recorded the use of a search
limit. Students used Boolean operators most frequently of the search strategies
taught during the ILI session. Of those using Boolean operators, 1 (2%, n=52)
used them incorrectly; for those using truncation, 4 (17%, n=23) used them
incorrectly; and for phrase searching, 6 (32%, n=19) used them incorrectly (see
Table 3). The percentage of incorrect uses for each of the search strategies
may indicate that students are most comfortable using Boolean operators and
least comfortable using phrase searching.
Strategy Use and Examples of Incorrect Use
Search Strategy |
Use (%) N=77 |
Inappropriate Use
(%), N |
Example of
Incorrect Use |
Boolean |
(68%) |
(2%), n=52 |
and children and childhood |
Truncation |
(30%) |
(17%), n=23 |
and poverty and Canada* |
(25%) |
(32%), n=19 |
and “elder”, specific to 65+1 |
1 Referring to database-specific
age limit
Complexity and Examples of Complexity
Search Complexity |
Use (%) N=77 |
Example of search
complexity |
search |
(44%) |
and relig* and identity |
complex search |
(36%) |
and globalization |
of complexity |
(19%) |
local* |
were also rated on their complexity. A complex search had more than two ideas,
or had two ideas in addition to employing specific search strategies – Boolean operators,
truncation, subject heading searches, etc. The author found that 34 of 77 (44%)
research logs included complex searches, that 28 (36%) did not have complex
searches, and that 15 (19%) had elements of complex searches but could not be
fully categorized as complex (see Table 4). When looking at the number of
students that used more than two ideas in their search and different search
strategies, the author discovered that the overall searches were relatively
simple. While different assignments required differing levels of search
complexity, many of the topics students were exploring would retrieve results
too great in number or lacking in precision.
researcher also examined how searches were modified, whether in increments, by
making small modifications to search strategies or an aspect of a term, or in
such as by
changing vocabulary, topics, or resources entirely. Of the 60 research logs
with multiple searches, 37 (62%) made search modifications using increments, 13
(22%) made search modifications using jumps, and 10 (17%) made search
modifications using both. In making incremental modifications, students were
searching in a more focused way, testing how small changes to a search will
affect the search results. In making jumps in search query modifications,
students were searching in a broader way, by exploring what is available or
exploring their topic.
researcher examined search modifications (changes made to search queries and/or
resources in which the search was carried out over successive searches) to
determine the specifics of how such changes were made: keywords used, resources
used, and search techniques. Changing the keyword used was the most common
modification, followed by adding or subtracting keywords, then changing the resource
in which the search was carried out, followed by changing search techniques,
such as using operators, truncation and/or phrase searching (see Table 5). Of
60 research logs with recorded search modifications, 19 (32%) revealed the use
of multiple search modifications during the search. The data suggest that
students view keyword terms as the primary way to change their searches.
of Search Modifications by Number and Percentage of Research Logs
Search Modification |
Number (%) (n=60)* |
keywords |
(77%) |
or subtracting keywords |
(62%) |
resource used |
(37%) |
on or taking off database limits |
(15%) |
or subtracting Boolean operators |
(8%) |
or subtracting truncation |
(5%) |
or subtracting phrase searching |
(3%) |
Other |
(3%) |
search modifications could be used in one research log.
Preparation to Search Independently
the end of the ILI session students filled out the Web survey, rating their
preparedness to do research before and after the session. Looking back, 41% of
students rated their preparedness before the session as “prepared” or “somewhat
prepared,” while 100% of students rated their preparedness after the session as
“prepared” or “somewhat prepared” (n=73). The author examined research logs to
see if this perception was corroborated in behaviour.
changes in the research logs allowed the researcher to observe how students
adapted their searching during time given in class to search independently.
Searches were examined to determine if they showed progress, which was defined
as a series of searches in which students increased the complexity or precision
of their search. An example of a student search that demonstrates progression
is shown in Table 6, while an example that does not demonstrate progression is
found in Table 7. A total of 60 research logs contained more than one recorded
search and were examined for search progression. Of those 60 research logs, 41
(68%) showed a progression while 19 (32%) showed no progression. That evidence
of progression appeared in the majority of research logs with multiple searches
indicates that students were able to use their independent search time to
adaptively change their searches.
changes must use feedback from the results of previous searches. Evidence of
use of feedback was defined by a series of searches in which students used the
results of previous searches to modify and improve their searches, as evidenced
by discussion of changes in the Results or Notes to Self
fields or the modification of search terms. Of the 60 searches that had
multiple recorded searches, 29 (48%) showed evidence of use of feedback, while
31 (52%) showed no evidence. Approximately half of the students gave evidence
that they used the previous searches to inform their subsequent search choices,
indicating that students were learning while they used the independent time to
search. A closer look at Table 6 and Table 7 reveals differing use of feedback.
Both tables show examples of two different
research logs from the same class. The examples can be examined for of several
types of searching: progression, use of feedback, demonstrating use of what was
taught in class and complexity. In the class from which these research logs
come, students were taught to use MeSH to search for
neurological disorders. The student in Table 6 demonstrates progression through
their use of the search terms: starting with the name of the disorder, checking
it in MeSH, using the MeSH
term as a major subject heading, and then continuing to add words and limits to
the search until the student reaches what s/he determines to be a useful
search. The student in Table 7 does not show progression. The second search
used has more ideas, making it more complex; however, there is no indication of
how the student arrived at the search or whether the student tried other
searches that were more or less successful. The example in Table 6 demonstrates
the use of feedback from previous results, making comments in the Notes to Self about how the search could be changed, which are then
reflected in the searches and the resources found. The example in Table 7
demonstrates no use of changing based on previous results. The first example
demonstrates what was taught in class – subject headings, subheadings, and the
use of limits – while the second example indicates some use example has of the
language discussed in class (e.g., etiology) but has used keywords in Medline
and used no Boolean operators or phrase searching while in ScienceDirect.
Also, the first example includes a complex search using many ideas and limits
together, while the second example also has both a more and less complex
search. The first recorded search is simple in query terms, though it might
also include limits making it more complex, whereas the second search has more
ideas included despite problems with the search construction.
Table 6
Example of Student
Searching Demonstrating Progression in Searching
Used |
Search |
Found |
to Self |
Medline |
Syndrome |
5,000+ articles |
MeSH |
Medline |
“Guillain-Barre Syndrome”) |
articles, but interesting subset headings |
search “etiology” |
Medline |
“Guillain-Barre Syndrome”) AND etiology |
articles |
search check review articles |
Medline |
“Guillain-Barre Syndrome”) and etiology + review articles |
results. There are 7 solid articles I can use on first page |
there are NO
COPIES!!?? |
ScienceDirect |
→ Review Articles,
Title/Abstract/Keyword, Guillain-Barre Syndrome |
results, 4-5 articles I can use |
actually has copies! |
Table 7
of Student Searching not Demonstrating Progression in
Used |
Search |
Found |
to Self |
Medline |
and etiology – keywords |
results found – reviewed, emailed |
full text. Recent articles. |
ScienceDirect |
sleep disorders REM sleep |
8 articles for further review |
disorders, etiology, sleep MRI, sleep EEG |
student whose search is represented in Table 6 demonstrates search progression,
use of feedback, use of what was taught in class, as well as a complex search.
The student whose search is represented in Table 7 partially demonstrates what
was taught in class and a complex search. Without data triangulation through
examining finished work it is not possible to determine if students’ recording
of their searches was truly indicative of how they searched or of what they
wanted to record for later use.
Usefulness of
ILI Sessions
Web survey results indicate that students feel more prepared after the ILI
session than before, and they rate the help from the librarian as the most
useful part of the session. Counter to expectations, students rate the
scaffolding they receive during the independent time to work much more highly
than they rate the time they are given to work independently. Without further
information about students’ perceptions and expectations, it is not possible to
determine whether the ratings were due to perceived usefulness or prior expectations. Students may
expect individualized help during ILI sessions. Overall, these results indicate
that students do find ILI sessions useful in helping them to feel prepared to
complete their research assignment. The data indicate that independent time to
search is useful so far as it allows scaffolding to take place, as one-on-one
help is viewed as more beneficial.
How Students
Are Searching
searches were not very complex, with searches containing on average 3.7 words,
and less than half of the research logs rated as having complex searches.
Despite this, most students used Boolean operators and were able to use them
appropriately. Students used truncation and phrase searching less frequently,
and almost one-third of those using phrase searching could not use this
technique appropriately. The majority of students are able to use, at least in
part, what was taught in the ILI session. While this is encouraging, Cmor, Chan, and Kong (2010) found that while the majority
of students could complete information literacy-related exercises in ILI
sessions, few were able to demonstrate the ability to use new tools and search
strategies or incorporate new knowledge into projects.
researcher’s assumption that it is beneficial to give students hands-on time to
search independently during the ILI session was partially substantiated. While
students demonstrated that they could achieve many things during the time given
to work independently, including formulating more complex and/or precise
searches, using feedback to improve searches, and using what is taught in
class, students most valued the individual help they received from the
librarian. The research logs revealed
several other aspects in which students could use instruction. For example,
students’ searches were not very complex, and while not all search topics
require complex searching, putting together a search strategy that increases
both precision and recall is important. More instruction on search query
formulation could be beneficial. In addition, more instruction about truncation
and phrase searching could be beneficial; the number of incorrect uses
indicates that students may not know what phrase searching will do.
Student Preparation
to Search Independently
majority of students who performed multiple searches showed evidence of search
progression. This indicates that students are able, even within the course of
an ILI session, to increase the complexity or precision of their searches. That
fact that students are able to demonstrate this during class suggests that they
may do the same in the searching that they engage in on their own time. Also
encouraging was that almost half the student research logs contained multiple
searches, evidence which suggests that students were using feedback to modify
their searches, something not explicitly taught during ILI sessions. Additionally, the fact that students use feedback to make search
modifications also lines up with the incremental changes seen in most research
logs. Vocabulary and resources are the most commonly used ways to change
searches, with little experimentation of search techniques. While changing
terms is one of the best ways to modify a search query, students are not modifying
search queries using search techniques, a topic that does not receives much
attention during the ILI session.
There were several limitations to this study, many
of which stem from incorporating research into one-shot ILI sessions, which are
particularly constrained. As the Web survey was completed at the end of the
session, it had a lower response rate than the research logs, and the timing of
the survey may also impact the results. This lower response rate may have been
due to students rushing to finish class, which may also have impacted the
survey results if students guessed at answers or chose answers which appeared
first. In addition, the survey asked for usefulness of pedagogical tools in
comparison with one another, making it more difficult to assess how these tools
impacted student learning. The survey asked about the general preparedness of
students, rather than preparedness related to specific tasks, which may have
been less sensitive to differences in students’ levels of preparation and could
have been affected by student interpretations of the question.
data in the study were recorded by students. From in-class observations it was
clear that some students were doing more searches than they were recording.
From markings on the carbonless paper research logs it was clear that some
students were also recording searches other places. Some students may have
found recording their searches onerous. Some students might have difficulties
performing the searches and making accurate recordings. This may have been the
case particularly for students with less search experience, as recording
searches adds another task and could increase the mental effort required to
complete the work. While recording searches with research logs may have made
the task more difficult, it has potential benefits as a pedagogical tool to
help students think about their search process.
addition to issues around students recording, the process of data analysis
added limitations to the study. The researcher examined research logs together,
by collapsing the classes into one group for comparison. Collapsing the classes
has potential validity issues, though it was the most appropriate way to
analyze the data collected. Since the research logs did not capture demographic
data, other than class, and since the number of participants for each class was
low, this means that group divisions were not meaningful. Further to issues of
validity and reliability, the author categorized the research logs. In the
future, to increase reliability and validity of the findings, more than one
person should categorize the data.
the research project included an additional component to help triangulate the
data, to gain further insight into student behaviours and to address whether
the ILI had impact beyond the classroom. Those participants who completed the
Web survey were asked if they would be interested in being contacted for a
follow-up interview. Five participants indicated interest; however, only one
participant took part in the semi-structured interview. Because of this, data
collection was limited to the classroom and no follow-up information could be
gathered. This lack of follow-up data means the results are limited to the
quantitative results, and understanding reasons for participant behaviour is
for Future Practice and Research
the progression seen in students’ searches produced during independent search time,
it appears that students are making good use of that time. From the students’
point of view, that individual help from the librarian is the most useful part
of the ILI session. Students find that independent time to search, when
combined with scaffolding tailored to students’ individual needs, is beneficial
or that it meets their expectations of an ILI session. Based on this evidence
the author will continue to provide time for students to work independently and
provide help on a one-to-one basis. The Web survey should be given to more
students to determine how prevalent the view that the most important aspect of
the session is one-on-one help with the librarian, in addition to what
expectations students have of the session.
searches can be challenging, particularly for students who are less familiar
with searching and whose cognitive processing space is being used in doing the
actual searches. To improve future research, as well as to help students’ keep
track of their search process, new ways for students to accurately keep track
of their search process should be explored. Database features such as search
history, citation management tools, or instruments could be used for this
majority of students demonstrated in their research logs what they learned in
class. However, students are not demonstrating some of the important aspects of
the research process. The author hoped for more evidence of using feedback to
improve searches and metacognition about the search process. It is difficult to
know whether students are not engaging in these activities, or whether the
limitations of the situation (little time, computer lab environment, pressure
to get work done, research log limitations) contribute to what students do or
not do during class time. In addition, these types of higher-level thinking
skills are not explicitly taught during class. Students are able to demonstrate
activities taught during the ILI lesson during time given to search
independently. It is possible that explicitly teaching skills such as thinking metacognitively and how to use feedback could also elicit
those behaviours during independent search time. Future research will explore
metacognitive aspects of the research process, both what aspects students
engage in and how metacognitive thinking can be enhanced.
students demonstrate that they can use what was taught in class, it is unknown
if students can take that learning beyond the classroom and some research
(e.g., Cmor et al., 2010) suggests it is doubtful. In
addition, it is difficult to know whether students can extrapolate their
learning in class to a greater understanding of research as a process.
Librarians may want students to engage in metacognitive thinking and learn that
research in a complex process, part of which involves library research.
However, in one class it is unrealistic to expect students to become
information literate. One-shot ILI sessions, while they may be effective,
should be only one part of an overall library instruction program (Webster
& Rielly, 2003). Because librarians often have
only one class, working with instructors who have the semester and with
programs that set four-year curricula becomes more important. ILI sessions need
to go beyond teaching skills and into authentic student learning, requiring
collaboration with classroom faculty (Wakimoto,
2010). Integrating ILI into what is done at the class and curricula level is
necessary for students’ growth in information literacy.
by examining what students do during a single ILI session, librarians can learn
a lot about their own teaching, student information behaviour, and student
learning. Students report that information literacy instruction sessions help
them feel more prepared to do research. More than just time
to work independently, students indicate scaffolding, the one-to-one
instruction from the librarian, as being valuable. Within class, students are
able to demonstrate generally correct use of skills taught during the ILI
session, though their search queries are rather simple. While ILI sessions are
only one part of a larger plan for developing IL skills, students report
finding them useful. Also, demonstrating the usefulness of ILI sessions is the
fact that many recorded student searches show increasingly complex searches or
the use of feedback from previous searches to create more precise search
queries. While skills are of immediate importance to students doing research
assignments, these are important to students’ learning throughout their degrees.
If students are not already demonstrating these understandings in their
searches, they should be the focus of instruction. Again, this instruction
cannot take place in a one-shot session as they are complex and take time to
develop. Integrating more into courses and curriculum is important if we wish
our students to attain these skills.
and funding for this research were provided by the Institute for the
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Mount Royal University. A special thank you to Dr. Richard Gale, Dr. Karen Manarin, Dr. Deb Bennett, Dr. Miriam Carey, and the 2010
Scholar cohort. This research was first presented as a paper at the 6th
International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP6)
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Web Survey
Study Title: The Impact of One-Shot Library
Sessions on Student Research
[] I
have read the study information and consent to have my Research Log used
anonymously in Rebekah Willson’s study, The Impact of
One-Shot Library Sessions on Student Research
you ever had a library session for any other class?
[] Yes [] No [] Prefer not to respond
yes, how many sessions have you had?
rate the following from most useful (1) to least useful (9)
of the assignment
of the resources to use
of how to use the resources
to work independently
with class mates
help from librarian
help from class instructor
about search difficulties
prepared did you feel to do research before this session?
[] Unprepared [] Somewhat Unprepared [] Somewhat Prepared [] Prepared
prepared do you feel to do research after this session?
[] Unprepared [] Somewhat Unprepared [] Somewhat Prepared [] Prepared
you interested in possibly participating in an interview to follow up on this
survey? If so, please open a new window or tab in your web browser and copy and
paste the address below into your address bar. This will allow me to get your
e-mail address to contact you without attaching your e-mail to this survey.”
Appendix B
Study Title: The Impact of One-Shot Library
Sessions on Student Research
[] I
have read the study information and consent to have my Research Log used
anonymously in Rebekah Willson’s study, The Impact of
One-Shot Library Sessions on Student Research
Research Log
logs allow you to keep track of your research – the searches you have done, the
resources you have used – and to plan for what you need to do next. They also
help prevent you from duplicating the work you’ve done.
Topic/Thesis Statement:
Ideas/Concepts (and synonyms and words related to
Date |
Used (e.g. Academic Search Complete) |
(e.g. “global warming” and ocean* in
keywords) |
Found (e.g. Good results, e-mailed Smith
& Jones article) |
to Self (e.g. try synonyms for global
warming) |
Did you ask
questions during the session? [] Yes [] No
What type of
question(s) did you ask? [] My topic [] Vocabulary
[] Articles
[] Books [] Problems
[] Technical
Did your
question get answered? [] Yes [] No
Do you still
have questions? [] Yes [] No
What questions
do you think may come up later?