Evidence Summary
Evidence from Students’ Information Seeking Diaries
Underscores the Importance of Including Librarians in Undergraduate Education
A Review of:
Lee, J. Y., Paik, W.,
& Joo, S. (2012). Information resource
selection of undergraduate students in academic search tasks. Information Research, 17(1), paper511. Retrieved 8 Aug., 2012
from http://informationr.net/ir/17-1/paper511.html
Reviewed by:
Maria Melssen
Medical Librarian,
Independent Contractor
Port Clinton, Ohio,
United States of America
Email: mariamelssen@gmail.com
Received: 14 Aug. 2012 Accepted:
27 Sept. 2012
2012 Melssen. This is an Open Access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share
Alike License 2.5 Canada (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by‐nc‐sa/2.5/ca/), which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
Objective – To determine what information resources
undergraduate students choose to complete assignments for their courses, why
they choose those resources, the process of selecting those resources and the
factors that contributed to selecting the resources, and their perceptions of
those resources.
Design – Semi-structured information seeking diary.
Setting – Private university in Seoul, Korea.
Subjects – 233 undergraduate students from all majors and
all years.
Methods – Students selected one assignment from their
elective course and recorded the following in a diary: what the assignment was,
the topic they needed to research to complete the assignment, resources used,
the factors that contributed to choosing the resources, and perceptions of
those resources.
Main Results – Data were analyzed both qualitatively and
quantitatively. The factors that affected the students’ resource selection were
analyzed qualitatively using an open coding method created by the researchers.
The factors were not predetermined by the researchers, but were selected based
on the factors identified by the students.
Online resources (67.1%) were the most frequently selected resources by the
students compared to human resources (11.5%), print materials (11.5%), and mass
media (3%). Students used an average of 5.28 resources to complete one
assignment. Factors that affected the students’ selection of resources were the
type of information provided by the resource, the features of the resource, the
search strategy used when searching in the resource, and the students’
interaction with other people when selecting and using the resource. More than
one factor typically contributed to the students’ selection of the resource.
The students’ perceptions of the resources they selected were analyzed
quantitatively: perceptions were analyzed in six content areas using a five
point scale. Correlations and similarities across the six content areas were
also analyzed. Perceptions of resources were broken down into six categories
and the resources were rated on a five point scale. Librarians (4.50) were the
most useful resource and lecture notes (5.0) were the most credible. Family
(3.29) was the least useful, and social question and
answer services, such as Yahoo! Answers, (2.62) were the least credible. Family
was the most accessible and familiar resource (4.90 and 4.95 respectively).
Experts (2.25) were least accessible and librarians (1.50) were the least
familiar. Students were most satisfied with Google Scholar (4.33) and were most
likely to use an online database (4.52) again. They were least satisfied with
social question and answer services (3.05) and least likely to use a report
sharing site (2.93) again. The usefulness and credibility of the resource
contributed most to the undergraduates’ satisfaction with the resource, while
accessibility and usefulness were the major contributing factors to users
intended continued use of a resource.
Conclusion – There are multiple reasons that support
further information literacy education. Information literacy courses would
encourage and teach students how to effectively use resources that they found
credible and reliable, but considered inaccessible and unfamiliar. Information literacy education would also
help educate students on how to best formulate their search strategies and how
to select the best resource to use based on that strategy. Students also
highlighted the importance of human interaction in resource selection and
utilization. This is an opportunity for librarians and professors to play a
more active role in assisting students in selecting and using the best
resources to complete course assignments. Due to the limitations of this study,
further research is needed to investigate the factors affecting the exclusion
of resources, not only the inclusion. Future study designs should address the
characteristics of the study participants themselves, such as the age and
gender. The impact of the research topic and subject on resource selection, as well as what resources are selected for
non-academic information needs, should also be
This study supports
and complements the current body of literature regarding information resource
selection of undergraduate students. The findings are similar to other studies
in regard to student resource preferences; however, the study design is unique
and examines student resource selection, usage, and perceptions in real time.
Critical appraisal of
this study was completed using the Evidence Based Library and Information
Practice Critical Appraisal Checklist (Glynn, 2006). The validity of the study
was analyzed in four content areas: population, data collection, study design,
and results. Validity of the data collection, study design, and results are
strong, while validity for population selection
is questionable.
Though the sample size
and response rate are appropriate, and according to the authors is
representative of the population being studied, the selection of study
participants is problematic. Selection of the participants
was not randomized, nor were inclusion and exclusion criteria clearly
outlined. Gender, age, and confounding variables, such as year of study, were
not taken into account. Data collection is clearly defined and the timing of
data collection is appropriate; however, the study design was not validated and
neither informed consent nor ethics approval is mentioned in the study.
Despite the concerns
regarding population selection, this study has many strengths.
All who volunteered for the study completed the study. The study design is
simple and appropriate for the objectives. In regard to the collection of the
data, the researchers validated their content analysis with inter-coder
reliability to ensure the reliability of the coding method they used. Of most
interest is the use of diaries and allowing participants to self-select their
own topics. Unlike other studies that collect data after someone has done a
search or relying on the participants to remember why and what they chose to
search for, this study collected the data in real time. Also, the results of
the study were clearly explained and could be applied at similar institutions.
This study provides
evidence of the importance of involving librarians in undergraduate education
and the necessity of information literary instruction for undergraduates.
Results from this study could help justify having librarians as members of the
university’s faculty and librarians being included in the development of
undergraduate curriculum.
Glynn, L. (2006). A critical appraisal tool for library and information research.
Library Hi Tech, 24(3), 387-399. doi: 10.1108/07378830610692154