Evidence Summary
Public Library Training
Program for Older Adults Addresses Their Computer and Health Literacy Needs
A Review of:
Xie, B. (2011).
Improving older adults’ e-health literacy through computer
training using NIH online resources. Library
& Information Science Research, 34,
63-71. doi:
Reviewed by:
Cari Merkley
Mount Royal University
Alberta, Canada
Email: cmerkley@mtroyal.ca
Received: 1 Sept. 2012 Accepted: 26 Oct. 2012
2012 Merkley.
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the resulting work is redistributed under the same or similar license to this
– To evaluate the efficacy of an e-health literacy educational
intervention aimed at older adults.
Design – Pre and post
intervention questionnaires administered in an experimental study.
Setting – Two public library
branches in Maryland.
– 218 adults between 60 and 89 years of age.
– A convenience sample of older adults was recruited to participate
in a four week training program structured around the National Institutes of
Health toolkit Helping Older Adults
Search for Health Information Online. During the program, classes met at
the participating libraries twice a week. Sessions were two hours in length,
and employed hands on exercises led by Master of Library Science students. The
training included an introduction to the Internet, as well as in depth training
in the use of the NIHSeniorHealth and MedlinePlus websites. In the first class, participants were
asked to complete a pre-training questionnaire that included questions relating
to demographics and previous computer and Internet experience, as well as
measures from the Computer Anxiety Scale and two subscales of the Attitudes
toward Computers Questionnaire. Participants between September 2008 and June
2009 also completed pre-training computer and web knowledge tests that asked
individuals to label the parts of a computer and of a website using a provided
list of terms. At the end of the program, participants were asked to complete
post-training questionnaires that included the previously employed questions
from the Computer Anxiety Scale and Attitudes towards Computer Questionnaire.
New questions were added relating to the participants’ satisfaction with the
training, its impact on their health decision making, their perceptions of
public libraries, and the perceived usability and utility of the two websites
highlighted during the training program. Those who completed pre-training
knowledge tests were also asked to complete the same exercises at the end of
the program.
Results – Participants showed
significant decreases in their levels of computer anxiety, and significant
increases in their interest in computers at the end of the program (p>0.01).
Computer and web knowledge also increased among those completing the knowledge
tests. Most participants (78%) indicated that something they had learned in the
program impacted their health decision making, and just over half of
respondents (55%) changed how they took medication as a result of the program.
Participants were also very satisfied with the program’s delivery and format,
with 97% indicating that they had learned a lot from the course. Most (68%)
participants said that they wished the class had been longer, and there was
full support for similar programming to be offered at public libraries.
Participants also reported that they found the NIHSeniorHealth
website more useful, but not significantly more usable, than MedlinePlus.
Conclusion – The intervention as
designed successfully addressed issues of computer and health literacy with
older adult participants. By using existing resources, such as public library
computer facilities and curricula developed by the National Institutes of
Health, the intervention also provides a model that could be easily replicated
in other locations without the need for significant financial resources.
This work is part of larger study entitled “Electronic
Health Information for Lifelong Learners,” and preliminary results were
published in same journal in 2009. In this article, the researcher makes a
strong case for greater involvement of the library and information community in
addressing issues of health and e-health literacy.
While the stated overall objective is to look at the
effectiveness of the intervention studied in addressing e-health literacy among
older adults, many of the measures employed focus exclusively on computer
literacy skills or the usability of particular websites that focus on health
information, with a small number of subjective questions relating to
participants’ use of health information in their own lives. E-health literacy
is defined by Norman and Skinner (2006) as “the ability to seek, find,
understand, and appraise health information from electronic sources and apply
the knowledge gained to addressing or solving a health problem” (The Lily
Model) (¶Abstract Section). It is apparent from this definition that e-health
literacy is too multifaceted to be addressed by a single intervention, even one
that spans eight classes. While the researcher is very clear about which
aspects of this concept she seeks to address with her study design, it is hoped
that more emphasis in future research will be placed on investigating the
impact of training on the understanding, appraisal, and application of health
information by older adults. In the study, the module relating to appraising
health information was only presented to classes who finished the other eight
modules earlier than expected. It is not clear if this module was sacrificed in
the interests of time, but it could be argued such a skill has a longer
potential shelf life than a particular resource.
An evaluation of the study using the EBLIP Critical
Appraisal Checklist (Glynn, 2006) highlighted a few areas where the reporting
of results could be improved. One, providing the number of responses received
for questions relating to participant satisfaction with the training, use of
information in decision making, and views of public libraries would help place
the percentages presented into context. A very small number of individuals
completed both the pre and post knowledge tests (20 for computer skills, 15 for
web skills), limiting the utility of the data collected through the sole
objective measure employed in the study. This should be highlighted, although
the researcher acknowledges the study would be strengthened with the inclusion
of more objective measures of search skills. More information on the course
drop-outs mentioned briefly by the researcher would also provide a more
inclusive portrait of the population under study. The inclusion of the
questionnaires and knowledge tests as appendices would have been useful for
future researchers hoping to replicate the study design.
Xie acknowledges a number of the study’s limitations. A convenience sample
was employed, which significantly impacts the external validity of the study.
Having 13 different instructors deliver the workshop also likely impacted
participant responses. What is not fully explained was the decision to recruit
from library branches that serve large number of patrons from ethnic minority
groups. Xie briefly suggests a particular need among
minority populations for health literacy interventions, but the literature
review focuses on older adults as a whole and the study results are not parsed
by the ethnic background of participants. Further research on this issue may be
The study’s value to the library community lies in
several areas. It outlines a successful training program that uses existing
infrastructure and materials to deliver computer literacy instruction that also
serves to address some health literacy needs. From its use of existing learning
materials to the recruitment of instructors from the nearby library school, it
is clear that the sustainability and transferability of the program to other
locations was considered. The intentionality of the course design and its use
of literature on learning theory and pedagogy is also a good model for others
to follow in future.
Glynn, L. (2006). A
critical appraisal tool for library and information research. Library
Hi Tech, 24(3), 387-399. doi: 10.1108/07378830610692154
Norman, C. D., &
Skinner, H. A. (2006).
eHealth literacy: Essential
skills for consumer health in a networked world. Journal of Medical Internet
Research, 8(2), e9. Retrieved from http://www.jmir.org/2006/2/e9/