

LIRG Research Scan Award – Call for Proposals



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The Library and Information Research Group (LIRG) Research Scan Award intends to encourage dissemination and take-up of research and innovation in library and information science. The value of the Research Scan Award is £500.


The LIRG Research Scan is not intended to be an annual award, but rather a special means to address an urgent current issue in library and information science, by acting as a summary of relevant research. It is not intended to generate new research, but rather to collect, analyse and present existing research in a report for application by practitioners.


Scan Award 2012/13 – Call for Proposals

What do LIS practitioners want from research?

To inform the development of a research policy for the Chartered Institute for Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), LIRG are funding a scan of the literature which will help address the question - what do LIS practitioners want from research? 

The scan should cover the published literature, across all domains of LIS and focus on at least the following questions:



General Conditions of the Award


Applicants should have the experience to perform a comprehensive review of the quantitative and qualitative methodologies and best practice currently available. Applications are open to lone researchers or research teams. Researchers may be academics and/or practitioners. Researchers must be residents of the UK. Please see below for how to apply and deadlines.


The Research Scan Award is not intended to create new research but involves performing a literature review of existing research. Synonymous terms for this activity are considered to be systematic review, scoping review and horizon scanning. If in doubt about what is required, please see below for contact email addresses for enquiries. 


The final intended output of the LIRG Research Scan will be a revised version of the Conference paper and will be published in LIRG's journal, Library and Information Research. The Research Scan Award is a fixed sum of £500 which will be paid on acceptance of the final paper for publication in Library and Information Research. The Research Scan award is a fixed sum and is not intended to cover institutional costs of the work (if any).


Outline of Workplan


The detailed workplan for the LIRG Research Scan 2012/13 is:


December 2012: Call for proposals.


7 January 2013: Submission Deadline.


By 21 January 2013: LIRG to select and notify the successful researcher/team.


January through June 2013:  Selected researcher/team to compile a draft Research Scan paper on the given topic, and submit it by email to the LIRG Awards Co-ordinator.


15 June 2013: submission of the draft Research Scan paper.


1 July 2013:  LIRG Pre-Umbrella Conference Event. Selected researcher/team to present, and get feedback on, the draft Research Scan paper from attendees at the event. Note that LIRG will pay travel expenses to the event for up to two researchers involved in the Research Scan. This is in addition to the Research Scan Award itself.


By the end of September 2013: Library and Information Research, LIRG's journal, to consider for acceptance the final version Research Scan report as a paper. After acceptance, the Scan Award will be paid to the selected researcher/team. The material from the scan report, paper and feedback from the LIRG event will be used by LIRG to inform policy development.


Research Scan Applications/Enquiries


There is no application form. Applicants are invited to submit a brief proposal outlining how the scan would be conducted and what it will cover.  Applicants should also submit one A4 CV per would-be researcher, containing relevant professional experience and / or academic publishing record.

The proposal, appropriateness, quality and depth of academic and professional achievements will form the criteria for the Scan Award.


Applications and/or enquiries should be sent by email to:


Alison Brettle
LIRG Awards Co-ordinator
Room 190 Mary Seacole Building
University of Salford
Frederick Road
M6 6PU

Tel: 0161 295 0447