

EPLIP 7 Call for Abstracts and Conference Update



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It’s full steam ahead for the 7th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice conference (EBLIP7) coming up from July 15-18, 2013 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The University Library, University of Saskatchewan is pleased to host the international EBLIP community with an interesting day of preconference workshops (July 15) and three days of conference sessions, posters, networking, engagement, and fabulous food!


The deadline to submit abstracts for papers and posters has been extended until December 21, 2012. Research papers, reviews of evidence, reports of innovative practice, hot topic discussion papers and poster presentations are invited.


In the spirit of our conference title The Possibilities are Endless and in line with EBLIP7’s prairie roots, key themes include:



In other news, the organizers of EBLIP7 are very proud to announce the keynote speakers for this event.


Denise Koufogiannakis will be the opening keynote speaker on Tuesday, July 16 to open the conference. Denise is the Collections and Acquisitions Coordinator at the University of Alberta Libraries. As well, she is a researcher, editor, speaker, and mentor. Denise has embraced evidence based library and information practice (EBLIP) since the very early days of its inception. Publishing and speaking on EBLIP since 2001 and contributing to the LIS evidence base through papers and book chapters, Denise is a key driver in the international EBLIP movement.


Dan Gardner will close the EBLIP7 conference, presenting the closing keynote address on the afternoon of Thursday, July 18. Dan is an Ottawa-based journalist and author of the best-selling books Future Babble and Risk. His writing has won or been nominated for most major prizes in Canadian journalism, including the National Newspaper Award, the Michener Award, the Canadian Association of Journalists award, the Amnesty International Canada Media Award for reporting on human rights, and a long list of other awards, particularly in the field of criminal justice and law. Today, he is an opinion columnist who refuses to be pigeonholed as a liberal or conservative and is positively allergic to all varieties of dogma.


Visit the EBLIP7 website for complete submission details and the online submission form, as well as the biographies for the keynote speakers:


To keep up to date on all EBLIP7 news and announcements, follow us on Twitter (@EBLIP7) or join us on Facebook: