EBLIP and Active Learning: A Case Study
Helen Buckley Woods
Information Specialist
Information Resources Group
Health Economics and Decision Science
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Received: 20 Dec. 2012 Accepted: 13
May 2013
2013 Woods. This is an Open Access article
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Objective – To determine how librarians use evidence
when planning a teaching or training session, what types of evidence they use
and what the barriers are to using this evidence. The case study also sought to
determine if active learning techniques help overcome the barriers to using
evidence in this context.
Methods – Five librarians participated in a
continuing education course (CEC) which used active learning methods (e.g. peer
teaching) and worked with a number of texts which explored different aspects of
teaching and learning. Participants reflected on the course content and methods
and gave group feedback to the facilitator which was recorded. At the end of
the course participants answered a short questionnaire about their use of educational
theory and other evidence in their planning work.
– Findings of
this case study confirm the existence of several barriers to evidence based
user instruction previously identified from the literature. Amongst the
barriers reported were the lack of suitable material pertaining to specific
learner groups, material in the wrong format, difficulty in accessing
educational research material and a lack of time. Participants gave positive
feedback about the usefulness of the active learning methods used in the CEC
and the use of peer teaching demonstrated that learning had taken place.
Participants worked with significant amounts of theoretical material in a short
space of time and discussion and ideas were stimulated.
Conclusions – Barriers to engaging with evidence when
preparing to teach may be addressed by provision of protected time to explore
evidence in an active manner. Implementation would require organisational
support, including recognition that working with research evidence is beneficial
to practice.
Library and
information professionals, working in a variety of settings, invariably have to
undertake some kind of teaching, whether it is called user instruction,
training, lecturing or other variants of the term. Differing approaches are
taken to planning teaching sessions and differing levels of experience and
teaching qualifications exist in the Library and Information Science (LIS)
community (Julien & Genuis, 2011). Although there is considerable
literature on librarians as teachers, there is little research which
investigates librarians’ use of evidence in preparing teaching or “evidence
based teaching.” Questions arise such as what kinds of evidence LIS
professionals use or whether there are particular barriers to using evidence
that relate to the teaching role.
Inspired by
constructivist theories of learning and active learning techniques (for
example, peer teaching) the author was keen to learn more about the
relationship between health librarians and their use of evidence when preparing
to teach. The Jigsaw method of teaching that utilises group work and other
non-passive approaches to teaching was used. This method is based on the
“Jigsaw classroom” (Aronson, 2000). The author hypothesized that unless
interaction with evidence is active then it will have little effect on the
teaching process (Coomarasamy & Khan, 2004). She opportunistically used an
international workshop at which she was a facilitator, to explore such a
Literature Review
project examines three interlinked aspects of library and information practice.
To situate the case study within an appropriate context a selective literature
review will focus on these key areas: evidence based library and information
practice, information literacy instruction, and active learning methods. It is
important to review key evidence based library and information practice (EBLIP)
literature in order to define terminology, examine what is meant by “evidence”
and identify what the barriers to EBLIP are, particularly with reference to a
librarian’s teaching role. This case study is about librarians as teachers and
as such it is important to define what is meant by “information literacy” and
how practitioners engage with evidence in order to prepare to teach. Some
explanation of the area of active learning is given as a precursor to the
methods used in this study.
Based Library and Information Practice
based library and information practice is a way of working which evolved from
evidence based medicine. Health librarians have been the initial and enduring
champions of EBLIP playing a central role in evidence based medicine in
particular in the development of systematic reviews. Subsequently they soon
became aware that they could take an evidence based approach to their own work.
The LIS community was not alone in this “nagging awareness” (Booth & Brice,
2004, p.7) with other professionals, for example in social care and education,
also engaging with evidence based practice.
In its
broadest sense, EBLIP involves practitioners engaging with research to inform
their practice. Anne McKibbon provided a focussed definition of EBLIP, which
was the developed by Booth (Booth & Brice,
2004) into
an understanding that
“Evidence-based librarianship (EBL) is an
approach to information science that promotes the collection, interpretation
and integration of valid, important and applicable user-reported, librarian
observed, and research-derived evidence. The best available evidence, moderated
by user needs and preferences, is applied to improve the quality of
professional judgements” (p.7).
definition mirrors Sackett’s (2000) definition of evidence based medicine (EBM)
“[the] integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and
patient values” (p.1), and draws together the three elements of evidenced based
practice (EBP): evidence, knowledge and experience of the practitioner, and
what is appropriate for the particular client/user/patient in question. A key
characteristic of Booth’s definition is the way evidence is defined, in that it
includes evidence from service users and practitioner observations. Booth and
Brice (2004) also talk about a common misunderstanding about EBLIP and the
library literature, with practitioners believing that they have to apply a
traditional hierarchy of evidence in EBLIP where this is often not appropriate
for the types of questions asked in library and information science (p. 9). The
phrase “the best available evidence” refers to this aspect of EBLIP. The use of
what Kelly et al. (2010) call “epistemologically and methodologically diverse
evidence” (p. 1059) can be seen in professional areas much closer to the
original EBM movement, such as systematic reviews to answer complex public
health questions.
(2011) considers whether, as suggested in Booth’s definition of EBLIP, the use
of evidence is pluralistic and embraces evidence other than research derived
evidence. She argues that in practice it does not, with the emphasis placed on
research evidence and within that a focus on particular types of research
evidence as demonstrated in the traditional hierarchy. She states “anything
other than positivistic, scientific evidence has been demoted...the notion of a
hierarchy and what is represented therein, is so far removed from the reality
of practitioners’ experiences and what is valuable to them” (p.43). This raises
two key points: firstly, the focus of EBLIP has centred on the “research
evidence” aspect of the three elements, and that the local context and the
practitioner’s knowledge and experience have been wrongly undervalued and under
promoted. The second point is that within the research element aspect of EBLIP,
qualitative research is not being given its rightful value as high-quality
formalised research and this is a cultural problem which needs to be addressed.
The message is clear that all elements of the EBLIP model are important and all
types of evidence need to be engaged to arrive at the best decisions in
As part of
EBLIP, librarians will have questions to answer about user instruction, such as
“What is the best way to structure my small group sessions on critical
appraisal with post graduate students”, “What is the best way to conduct an
induction lecture to 200+ new users?”, and “How do I engage my year 7 boys with
the fiction collection in our weekly supervised reading session?” To answer
such questions librarians face the challenge of engaging with a variety of
types of research evidence from multiple disciplines aimed at different
audiences with different purposes.
questions may also be answered by focussing on what Koufogiannakis (2011) calls
local evidence (e.g., evaluation forms from teaching sessions) and professional
knowledge (e.g., in a practical session it becomes clear to the facilitator
that some students need extra support with their IT skills in order to
participate fully). The literature beyond that of EBLIP will now be considered
to contextualise this case study and reflect how information professionals
fulfil the need for evidence to improve their practice in this area.
“Information Literacy lies at the core of
lifelong learning. It empowers people in all walks of life to seek, evaluate,
use and create information effectively to achieve their personal, social,
occupational and educational goals. It is a basic human right in a digital
world and promotes social inclusion of all nations” (High-Level Colloquium on
Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning, 2005, p.3.).
This text,
taken from the “Alexandria Proclamation” written by international information
literacy (IL) stakeholders, provides an indication of how far reaching the
concept of information literacy has become in many contexts across the world.
Through this proclamation and the work of the earlier expert meeting in Prague
in 2003, IL was linked to concepts such as the knowledge economy and the
information society. A humanitarian element may also be clearly perceived
within the IL movement with the concept linked to, and practice developed
under, the banner of “lifelong learning” and “social inclusion” (Webber &
Johnston, 2003).
The main
focus of activity in IL practice is within the education sphere, particularly
within higher education (HE). In HE, library and information professionals and
faculty staff are engaged with teaching students information skills. Library
staff also train researchers to make the best use of the academic resources
they need. Due to the high level of activity in HE, including numerous papers
on best practice in teaching information skills and “how to” books, this focus
on information skills is sometimes confused with the wider concept of IL. Lloyd
(2010) examines the concept of IL in various areas, defining it as more than a
“textual practice, as we commonly conceive it to be in the library or
educational setting” (p. xvi). She describes it as a social practice which
involves people reaching shared understandings and engaging with information in
particular cultural environments.
In truth,
library and information science practitioners are focussed on providing for the
needs of their user communities, whether this is to equip undergraduates to
complete their degree, to help a member of the public access travel information
on the Internet, or to support a researcher seeking evidence for a systematic
review. Despite the growing EBLIP movement, which advocates the use of research
evidence by practitioners, there is a divide between the LIS academic
community’s research into IL (which provides the theoretical framework) and the
needs of practitioners in the LIS community. This divide was highlighted by Eve
and Shenk (2006), in their qualitative study about the impact and use of
research by LIS practitioners. They found that typically practitioners are
reluctant to engage with research material and have little time to undertake
their own research or publish examples of best practice. Conversely,
researchers are perceived to be guilty of a lack of engagement with the
practitioner community and of limited dissemination of their work. The Research in Librarianship – Impact
Evaluation Study (RiLIES) report found “a disconnect between LIS
research and the practitioner Community” (Cruickshank, Hall & Taylor-Smith, 2012, p.4). Suggested
recommendations to ameliorate this included: involving practitioners in research
projects at an early stage, making research evidence more accessible and
practitioners, employers and the UK professional body offering support and
encouragement for engagement with research.
as Teachers
A plethora
of papers examine all aspects of the teaching role that Information
professionals inhabit. Two recent papers examined this aspect of librarian’s
work and consider how librarians prepare for teaching. In a national survey of
Canadian librarians involved in information literacy training, Julien and
Genuis (2011) explored librarians’ experiences of the teaching role. As part of
this survey participants were asked how they prepared for teaching activities,
including mention of a specific category of reading professional or research
literature; 75.1% of respondents used professional reading as a method of
preparing for their instructional role. These researchers found a beneficial
effect for those respondents who undertook professional reading in that they
were more likely to feel prepared for teaching work and were more comfortable
with the teaching aspect of their role (p.107). Participants were given the
opportunity to provide additional open comments; and particular interpersonal
challenges were noted by the researchers. For example, participants described
their lack of knowledge of educational theory, teaching methods, and curriculum
design. Only 39.7% of those surveyed had received any formal training in
teaching (p.106).
Bewick and
Corrall (2010), focussed on U.K. subject librarian’s acquisition and use of
pedagogical knowledge. Their findings concurred with those of Julien and
Genuis, (2011) with participants’ primarily acquiring knowledge informally,
through on the job training and trial and error. Less than a third of
respondents had undertaken an extended course or training programme, but more
than half had participated in a short course to improve teaching knowledge and
skills. A minority of respondents mentioned personal reading as a method of
gathering pedagogical knowledge, but the exact number is unknown as this was
reported within a wider category of “other methods”. The authors report that
most participants “felt confident about teaching and thought their knowledge
sufficient” (2010, p.97).
then are faced with a vast array of different types of evidence to help them
prepare for information literacy teaching and there is evidence that there is a
general lack of engagement with research by practitioners both in terms of
research consumption or production. However, professional reading has been
cited by practitioners as a preferred way of preparing for teaching and it has
been found to have a beneficial effect in how they felt about teaching, (Julien
& Genuis, 2011). This paper will now move on to look in more depth at the
barriers to engaging with evidence and the use of active learning as a method
to engage with research.
Barriers to
Eve and
Shenk (2006) research anticipated barriers to EBLIP later cited in the
literature review by Booth (2011). Booth’s review identified seventeen themes,
including lack of time, poor access to the evidence base, lack of
organizational support, and inappropriate orientation of research. A study by
Turner (2002, as cited in Booth, 2011) is examined in more detail with “time
constraints” being cited as the number one barrier to practitioners consulting
the research literature. Booth unpacks this barrier and suggests two
concomitant parts: what the time is needed for (e.g., to acquire, appraise and
apply research), and the reasons why the time is lacking (e.g. workload and
management responsibilities). While acknowledging “the competing horizons of
short-term deliverables and longer-term professional development” (p. 11), also
implicit within this tension is the prioritisation of EBLIP and whether
motivation is lacking to engage with research evidence. Indeed Booth states,
“there remains an ongoing need for more success stories so that practitioners
can realise the value of the evidence-based approach, particularly when ranged
against more established alternatives for library decision making and planning”
(p.15). The review examined barriers and facilitators to using evidence in all
aspects of library and information practice, so Booth’s findings can be applied
to the use of evidence in user-education, but due to the generic application
there were few examples specifically related to information literacy support.
Learning as EBLIP Method
learning refers to a learner-centred approach to teaching that is based on
constructivist theories of learning, developed most prominently by the work of
Bruner who posited that learners are active participants in any learning
situation; they work with new information to process and construct new meanings.
Bruner also highlighted the importance of social interaction in the learning
process (Culatta, 2013). The constructivist theory of learning and its
practical applications are succinctly encapsulated by Chickering and Gamson.
is not a spectator sport. Students do not learn much just by sitting in classes
listening to teachers, memorizing pre-packaged assignments, and spitting out
answers. They must talk about what they are learning, write about it, relate it
to past experiences, apply it to their daily lives. They must make what they
learn part of themselves” (Chickering & Gamson, 1987, p.4).
When using
a Constructivist approach, learners also need to engage in higher order
thinking tasks such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (Bonwell &
Eison, 1991). Bloom’s taxonomy provides a useful theoretical underpinning for
the Jigsaw method used in this study. Bloom classifies three different aspects
of learning; the cognitive domain, which is about the use of knowledge, the
affective domain, which is about the use of values (for example listening and
respecting other’s views in the classroom, (Clarke, 2004) and the psycho-motor
domain which is about skill development. They are sequential in their use, so
for example it is not possible to synthesise facts until you know what those
facts are. It is also possible to use the different domains in order to build
up the levels over a period of time for example throughout a module or course
(Atherton, 2011). So far so good, but is there any evidence that librarians use
active learning methods themselves in their own preparation for their teaching
Young and
Vielle (2011) report that librarians use multiple methods to keep up to date
with current research, policy and practice, for example by accessing social
media, using email lists, as well as personal reading and attendance at
training days, conferences and other continuing professional development (CPD)
activities. Another approach to keep research part of practice is to introduce
a discussion group around particular journal articles or professional
materials. Such discussions can happen within an existing meeting or, in a more
formalised way, can take the form of a journal club thereby mirroring medical
professional groups that follow the “five steps of evidence based practice”
(Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, 2009). It is within this method of
professional development that we see an opportunity for practitioners to engage
with active learning.
authors report case studies and reviews of journal clubs and discussion groups
for LIS practitioners (Haglund & Herron, 2008; Young & Vilelle, 2011;
Kraemer, 2006; Pearce-Smith, 2006). The wider medical literature reports a
variety of different methods employed under the banner of “journal club”. A
recent review (Harris et al., 2011) found that common elements in journal clubs
in medical settings included “using principles of adult learning” which was
defined as “promoting active learner participation” (2011, p.38). Another
common element was “using multifaceted approaches to teaching and learning”
(2011, p.38) which are basically active learning methods e.g. small group
discussion. They conclude that one element of a successful journal club is to
design the club using principles of adult learning, however they report that:
“Adult learning was an ingredient in some
studies across all areas, but the influence of adult learning is difficult to
assess because it may have been underreported when the educational intervention
was described. This may also be the case with multifaceted approaches to
teaching and learning…” (2011, p.9).
selected review of the literature has explored different areas of research in
order to contextualise and inform the aims of the case study presented. To
summarise there is little literature on how librarians use or don’t use
evidence (including practice based evidence, secondary sources and primary
research) to prepare for teaching; although there is well-documented evidence
to suggest that there is an overall research practice gap. Professional reading
and informal “on the job” learning are reported as preferred methods of
preparing for teaching (Julien & Genuis, 2011; Bewick & Corrall, 2010).
Key barriers to EBLIP are a lack of time and opportunity, but specific barriers
which pertain particularly to “evidence based IL instruction” are unknown.
There is some evidence to support the effectiveness of active learning as an
EBLIP method.
This study
investigates the following research questions:
investigate the relationship between active learning and EBLIP the author
conducted a Continuing Education Course (CEC) at the European Association for
Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) 2011 Workshop, “Active Learning and
Research Partners in Health,” held at Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey. As this small case study was practitioner led
action research it was not necessary to obtain ethics approval, however participants
granted permission to use their feedback and comments in a publication or
presentation about the CEC. An example of the consent form can be seen in
Appendix A.
The case
study took the form of a CEC with five participants. Individuals were required
to read journal articles or book chapters before the session and worked with
these texts to discuss, teach, and reflect on ideas and concepts elicited from
them on the day of the workshop. The author facilitated the CEC, presented on
the concept of active learning, and led the group-work that included feedback
and reflection on the CEC method and the content of the texts. The session
closed with a focused discussion providing feedback regarding the method. This
conversation was recorded, transcribed, and analysed. Please see Appendix B for
the questions used to lead this discussion. Immediately after the close of the
CEC participants answered a short questionnaire about their use of educational
theory and evidence in their planning work, shown below as Appendix C.
The case
study focused on active learning and used an adaptation of an instructional
method, originally employed with school children called, the ‘Jigsaw classroom’
(Aronson, 2000). The Jigsaw method describes a method of working with small
groups and is designed to be participatory for learners and to encourage deep
learning (Fry, Ketteridge, & Marshall, 2003). It is recognised to develop
the learner’s cognitive and affective domains through its collaborative nature
(Wong & Driscoll 2008; Robledo-Rella, Neri, & Noguez, 2010). Teachers
can select from a variety of collaborative methods when working with small
groups, such as discussion, answering/asking questions, and peer teaching. The
Jigsaw method is very rich in that it incorporates a number of methods and
develops a number of skills within one exercise. It maximises potential
learning (Bloom’s cognitive domain) but also encourages and develops other
skills in the learners, such as presentation skills, listening skills,
organisation skills, and time management skill (the affective domain),
(Chapman, 2009). This multifaceted learning method enables the teacher to
provide an opportunity for all the learners in their group to be engaged at
some point in the exercise. This is achieved by incorporating diverse aspects
and demands on the students that require different skills and engage different
learning styles.
A Jigsaw
exercise enables participants to assimilate significant amounts of new
information in a short space of time by engaging with such material using a
variety of active methods. The basic structure of the Jigsaw exercise can be
adapted to different numbers of participants or to different settings. In the
CEC, the session began with participants sitting together where they chose, but
each person had been previously allocated to a different “expert group”
reflecting the material they had. As there were only five participants in
total, the participants were assigned to a group of three and a group of two.
Each small group worked on two topics.
initial introductions and setting the context and purpose of the CEC, including
a reflective exercise, the Jigsaw then began with delegates having time to
review the materials they had read individually before moving to their “expert
groups”. Each group discussed the material they had read and then planned how
they would teach this material to other delegates. Participants then paired
with someone from the other “expert group” and taught their peers about what
they had learned by delivering a short presentation.
The author
selected reading materials for the session that fulfilled several criteria. The
aim was to use diverse materials in terms of type of material and its intended
readership, and it was important to mix content to include both original
research and summaries or syntheses of theory, in order to use a broad range of
evidence. Four distinct groups in the Jigsaw exercise were assigned materials
indicated on these topics: planning learning (Webb & Powis, 2004); working
with small groups (Jaques, 2003;
Kaufman, 2003); working
with large groups (Cantillon, 2003; Verlander & Scutt, 2009); and
motivating learners (Newstead & Hoskings, 2003). Of these, three short
papers were taken from the British
Medical Journal series “ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine”
(Cantillon, 2003; Jaques, 2003; Kaufman,
2003) and gave a good introduction to the topics of teaching small groups,
large groups and applying educational theory in practice. The BMJ papers were
examples of pithy writing that provide a topic summary and are underpinned by
theory. Such articles can be useful materials to introduce into this type of
training session, as they provide a good introduction to a broader theoretical
landscape that can be further explored at a later date. It is not always
necessary to use papers which can be straightforwardly applied to practice or
papers which are aimed specifically at an LIS audience. Concepts and ideas from
other disciplines can spark ideas for use in LIS practice. Articles from other
disciplines can also provide a further intellectual challenge and enjoyment for
the reader. However, articles should not be chosen for novelty value, and there
must be a core of meaning which is relevant to the LIS practitioner.
The author
also selected two book chapters. One chapter was aimed at higher education
practitioners and discussed learner motivation (Newstead & Hoskings, 2003).
This chapter provided a broad overview of the key theories and concepts related
to student motivation, with many links to further reading. As it was aimed at
an HE audience, it had more breadth than a text aimed at IL practitioners. The
other chapter, by Webb and Powis (2004), was infused with educational research.
This book is aimed at an LIS practitioner audience and was also a good example
of how to introduce some pedagogical theory into a discussion at an appropriate
level, and therefore complementary to the Newstead and Hoskings chapter. The
final reading was Verlander and Scutt’s (2009) article wherein the link between
evidence and implementation in practice was clearer to envisage for the reader
as the research was practitioner based. Together, these diverse readings served
to raise participant awareness of the kinds of materials that were available,
or reminded participants of the types of suitable sources to inform their
teaching roles.
After the
Jigsaw exercise, the group reformed as one, and participants were then invited
to take a few moments to reflect individually on the technique. Participants
then shared comments with one another regarding the effectiveness of the method
and the likelihood they could utilise the method or an adaptation of the method
in their own teaching. They were also asked to describe how it felt to be a
participant and whether they had identified any particular messages or points
for discussion from the literature used in the session. The resulting group
feedback was recorded with the participants’ permission. After this the session
was brought to a close and participants completed a short questionnaire about
the use of evidence and educational theory in the preparation of teaching
sessions. The group feedback was transcribed and the author used this
transcription and the recording to organize the responses into simple
categories that reflected the four research questions stated above.
the participants represented from five countries: Cyprus, Norway, Slovenia,
Poland, and Australia. Participants served as mid-career health information
professionals and service managers at both academic institutions and health
care settings.
How do
librarians use evidence when planning a teaching or training session?
What types
of evidence do librarians use when planning a teaching or training session?
participants reported that they did use articles or papers when preparing to
undertake a teaching session, but they felt unable to pursue extensive
research. One respondent noted: “I use these articles sometimes as I have many
different tasks to do and didn’t have time to go more in depth in this matter.”
Participants also reported using evaluation questionnaires and materials to
support a specific project, such as creating a web-based tutorial. Current
awareness services were also cited as a method of keeping up to date on all
professional areas. A number of participants commented that the session had
raised their awareness of materials and ideas that could inform their
information literacy work which they would investigate after the session.
described superficial attempts to incorporate educational theories in planning
learning. Some respondents reported using techniques that were derived from a
theoretical base, but did not report a familiarity or comfortable use of
theory. One respondent reported
increased awareness of using educational theory in practice but suggested that
preparing teaching materials was given priority due to time constraints:
“I should put more attention for using
theories of learning in teaching. I have concentrated more on learning material
because lack of time and engagement in different activities.”
experienced professional reported that they had knowledge of a constructivist
approach to learning but that in practice it was difficult to keep sessions
true to this methodology, noting
“I try to have a constructivist approach
but it is easy to slip back into old-fashioned lecturing. The need to be in
control … [a] lack of confidence in using active learning techniques.”
What are
the barriers to using evidence when preparing for a teaching session?
presented several barriers to using evidence to prepare for teaching via their
questionnaire responses. Several issues related to the material itself, and a
lack of suitable material pertinent to the particular characteristics of the
students to be taught was felt to be a barrier. The level of material available
was also felt to be a barrier, as review articles would be more useful to read
than primary studies. Difficulty in locating articles was also cited as a
barrier, which may seem unusual coming from information professionals, but
working in a health information environment meant that some participants were
unable to access non-medical databases. One participant noted:
“A barrier to finding evidence in articles
is locating them – having access to a suitable database, we only have medical
ones e.g. Medline, CINAHL and PsychINFO, so articles would be already medical
teaching orientated.”
also reported the challenge of understanding educational research articles when
coming from a librarianship background, and of not having undertaken a teaching
qualification. More than one respondent reported lack of time as a barrier,
particularly in the face of competing priorities. One respondent suggested the
need for high quality review articles as a solution to this barrier. A lack of
confidence to utilise teaching methods reported in the research literature was
another barrier to EBLIP.
Do active
learning techniques help overcome barriers to EBLIP and therefore improve
teaching practice?
about the methods used was very positive, although participants noted that it
was challenging and quite demanding, with one delegate reporting that it
“certainly took me out of my comfort zone” but that “it was good, it engages
you straight away”. The role of the facilitator was noted as key to the success
of the method in terms of time management and creating a comfortable atmosphere
for the group. “I think that is one of the roles of the facilitator to make the
learning space comfortable and people willing to come forward rather than
staying back.” The same delegate reflected that the whole group had been
disciplined with the time management and also committed to the spirit of the
exercise, being enthusiastic and respecting each other’s views:
I must say I felt very secure in this
group. I mean I know x, I know you from before, but even so I don’t know either
of you and I think everybody is very pleasant and kind to each other. You know
there are no problems with the group. That makes it feel more secure and be
prepared to open up more.
The peer
teaching element of the exercise was felt to be a useful part of the process,
with one delegate commenting: “I think it was effective… if I read it and then
I have to talk about this, to pass my knowledge is more effective than just
reading.” This is the essence of why active learning is a useful technique, to
“teach” the article, even in terms of a brief summary, the participant needs to
understand the material better than they otherwise would by just reading it.
The group
feedback elicited several comments regarding the significant amount of material
covered in the session: “In a way we have learnt or we have read six articles
when in fact we have only actually had to read three each” and “We have sort of
got the sort of summary of three more.” One participant commented that it was
reassuring that they were “all in the same boat” another noted “And also the
realisation that you are then going to listen to your colleagues who are
equally not familiar with the topic is good.”
The session also piqued the interest of one delegate to investigate the
papers they hadn’t read in more detail: “And I also feel that I am now curious.
I would like to read the other three articles.”
reflected on how they could adapt the method and whether it would work in their
own work teaching situations. The session gave participants insights into how
it felt to be a learner again and what kinds of activities were useful to
learners. One participant identified on the peer teaching aspect and how they
could use this with their groups:
“Well I thought I could adapt it and
therefore using different strategies for the group. I teach small groups. It is
different strategies to get them involved instead of me talking and then them
doing little exercises. I could talk and then they perhaps could do a little
presentation back and then maybe that’s a way of learning.”
delegate thought the method could be usefully applied to staff training at
their institution:
“Because we are on four sites and we don’t
get together very much and we actually use a Skype type system … I think you
could even adapt it to that…we have different channels, so you could say you go
to that channel and talk about that and then people come together again in the
main channel.”
delegate commented that this approach would work well and be a welcome
alternative to sitting “passively with earphones on and you just fall asleep.”
The group
discussed how well the reading material had been chosen to reflect key areas of
interest and make the best use of the time available. One participant remarked:
“I think that this material was really very
carefully chosen and that I can get some main themes, large groups, small
groups, various situations. So maybe I know these things but this session we
get the themes very concentrated.”
delegate commented that engaging with the material had enabled them to
more… deep[ly], about certain topics, so then I think it is easier to
understand our learners.”
The group
also felt that the material had given them insights into both their own
practices and that of their learners. For example, one person commented on the
usefulness of doing an “audit” as described in the Webb and Powis (2004)
chapter. The group also discussed the issue of learner motivation that had been
the focus of one of the expert groups. They felt that this gave them a useful
insight into what was going on beneath the surface with their own learners.
Findings of
this case study confirm the existence of several barriers to evidence based
user instruction identified previously (Booth, 2011; Eve & Shenk, 2006).
Respondents also cited specific examples of these barriers, including a lack of
suitable material pertaining to their specific learner group, the lack of
review level material, and a difficulty in accessing educational research
material, while overall a lack of time was the main barrier reported. The lack
of pedagogical training for librarians was also reported and expressed as a
difficulty in interpreting and understanding particular forms of evidence. Some
of these barriers to EBLIP (regarding materials) could be overcome in a
workshop, journal club, or by the use of a facilitator responsible for choosing
and circulating appropriate materials before discussion sessions.
The group
feedback on the usefulness of the Jigsaw learning method was positive. The
group felt they had learned a significant amount, both about theory and
teaching practice, from the material itself and also from the meta-learning
aspect of reflecting on and experiencing the method in practice. They also
reported an emotional element to the experience, such as feeling what it was
like to be a learner again, feeling actively engaged with the session, and a
sense of camaraderie with the other participants. Such elements made the
experience richer and more likely to resonate and remain with participants, as
they had to give something of themselves to participate in the session. The positive
comments from participants about the material and how they would use the ideas
in practice concur with Julien and Genuis’ (2011) findings that reading had a
positive effect on a librarian’s role as teacher.
Two key
barriers cited in the literature were lack of time and also lack of motivation
to undertake EBLIP activities. Using active learning methods increased
understanding and made more effective use of the time available. Such methods
also led easily into a discussion on the relationship with practice both in
terms of methods and materials that had been covered. This gave participants
the opportunity to consider the local context and professional experience
elements of the EBLIP model. Participating in this type of session necessitates
an investment and therefore rewards participants with a feeling of achievement.
It also effectively creates or strengthens the connection between group
participants through shared experience. Often some humour is generated at the
end of the session quite naturally, when participants reflect on the
experience. These components all help to create a positive experience and
therefore one which participants would be more likely to repeat. This is
especially beneficial when practitioners are labouring under a heavy workload
and need additional motivation to make time for EBLIP activities. The chosen
method needs to maximise benefit to participants and their organisation.
This case
study conforms to the mode of action research (Stenhouse, 1981), an exploratory
investigation by a practitioner. The group was small, with only five
participants, and as such the findings from this study cannot be generalised.
However the theories and ideas generated can be used when working with larger
groups and can be further developed. The investigation was confined to the
original workshop setting, as there was no follow up with participants, and
therefore no further data was collected on the links between the workshop and
participants’ subsequent practice. However, the initial reflections related to
potential impact on practice were collected during the session.
professionals have a wide variety of evidence to choose from to assist in
preparation for their role as information literacy practitioners. Respondents
reported the use of journal articles and evaluation questionnaires specifically
in their preparation to teach. Other materials were used for general current awareness
or to undertake a specific task, such as creating a web based tutorial. There
are numerous barriers to EBLIP documented in the literature, and respondents
reported a number of barriers that concurred with those found in the
literature. Specific examples include the challenge of finding materials that
related to a particular group of learners and the difficulty in understanding
educational research papers without the benefit of a teaching qualification.
This study found some evidence to support the effectiveness of active learning
methods as an EBLIP tool. Professional reading was also found to be beneficial
to how librarians feel about their teaching role.
This case
study provides a snapshot of common issues information professionals face in
their practice, and identifies barriers to EBLIP which are specific to the IL
teaching role. In a small case study such as this, it is not possible to prove
or disprove a hypothesis about the effectiveness of active learning and EBLIP,
but the aim of exploring these themes was met. The feedback from participants
endorses the evidence from the literature that active learning is a useful
EBLIP tool. Barriers to engaging with evidence when preparing to teach may be
addressed by provision of protected time to explore evidence in an active
manner. Organisational support would be required to implement such an
intervention, with a recognition that working in an evidence based way is worth
pursuing, and that it will make a difference to practice.
conclusions can be drawn from the case study. Participants worked with
significant amounts of theoretical material in a short space of time, and
teaching one another about this material, they were able to demonstrate that
some learning had taken place. Through discussing ideas, they created a very
positive atmosphere in the room, not a bad thing to engender at work. This type
of method creates an opportunity to engage socially and individually with
different types of evidence.
The author
is presently taking this initial experience forward within a workplace-based
“active journal club,” with plans for further evaluation on the impact on
practice by following up participants use of evidence after the group sessions.
A larger study to compare an active journal club or discussion group such as
described in this case study with a more passive format would strengthen the
results of this research. This type of study would help answer the question of
how effective active learning methods are in helping to overcome barriers to
EBLIP and improve IL practice.
I would
like to thank the workshop members for their excellent participation and hard
work; we also had fun. I would like to thank the ScHARR Public Health
Collaborating Centre who contributed to funding my place at the 2011 EAHIL
conference. Thank you to Sue Wilson for transcribing the recording of the
session feedback. Thank you to colleagues for giving valuable comments and
suggestions on earlier drafts of this paper.
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Appendix A
Permission to Use Contribution in
Journal Article
I plan to
write a paper about evidence based practice and teaching methods. I would like
to include your comments and contributions from our session today. I will be
undertaking an analysis and synthesis of the discussions from today and will
use these to support the writing of the paper. I will anonymize any comments
used and acknowledge all the workshop participants at the end of the article.
If you are
happy with the above, please sign and date below to show your agreement with
the statement.
I am happy
to have my contributions (written or verbal) used anonymously in a journal
article. I understand I will be acknowledged in any such article.
Appendix B
Questions for Group Reflection
Following the CEC Session
Appendix C
Post-session Questionnaire
answer the four questions below: