Evidence Summary
Canadian Healthcare Practitioners’ Access to Evidence Based Information
Is Inequitable
A Review of:
Chatterley, T., Storie, D., Chambers, T., Buckingham, J., Shiri, A.,
& Dorgan, M. (2012). Health information support provided by professional
associations in Canada. Health
Information & Libraries Journal, 29(3), 233-241. doi:
Reviewed by:
Maria Melssen
Medical Librarian, Independent Contractor
Port Clinton, Ohio, United States of America
Email: Mariamelssen@gmail.com
Received: 28 Feb. 2013 Accepted: 25 May 2013
2013 Melssen.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 2.5 Canada (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by‐nc‐sa/2.5/ca/),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the same
or similar license to this one.
Objective – To determine
what services and resources are available to health professionals through
national Canadian and Alberta based health professional associations and
licensing colleges and if those resources and services are being used. Also, to
assess the associations’ perceptions of what resources and services Canadian
health professionals actually need and if those needs are being met, membership
satisfaction with the resources and services provided, and challenges the
associations have with providing resources and services.
Design – Structured
telephone interview.
Setting – Health
professional associations and licensing colleges in Canada.
Subjects – 23 health
professional associations: 9 Alberta-based associations and 14 national-level
professional associations and licensing colleges.
Methods – A librarian, communications officer, or another individual in a
comparable position at each association was invited via email to participate in
the study. Individuals
willing to participate in the interview were emailed the interview questions in
advance. Telephone interviews were conducted in July and August of 2009. For
those who did not respond to the email request or who did not wish to
participate in the interviews, information was collected from the association’s
Main Results – Of the 23
contacted associations 12 agreed to be interviewed: less than 50% response
rate. Data was collected from websites of seven associations that either
declined to be interviewed or did not respond to the authors’ email request.
Data were unavailable for four associations due to data being in members only
sections of the websites. Data were analyzed both qualitatively and
Resources and
services provided by the associations and licensing colleges range from none to
reference services provided by a librarian and access to licensed
None of the
three licensing colleges or the two provincial associations interviewed
maintains usage statistics or surveys their members. Nor do they grant access
to licensed databases or offer information services, such as having a librarian
or other information professional available to answer reference questions or to
perform mediated literature searches. The two provincial associations and the
three licensing colleges interviewed do supply information pertinent to health
professionals, for example insurance information and funding.
Seven national
associations were interviewed: two permit access to databases developed by that
association and three grant access to licensed databases such as Medline. All
seven national associations provide access to journals (four of the seven only
provide access to their own association’s journal) and five offer information
services. Four maintain usage statistics and five survey their members.
Of the seven
associations not interviewed, none grant access to licensed databases and one
permits access to databases developed by that association. Five provide access
to their own association’s journal and one provides book loans. Only one offers
information services. Cost and the priority to provide resources to staff over members
are barriers when trying to provide association members’ services and
Conclusion – Health
professionals’ access to health information varies depending on the
professional’s area of specialization, location in Canada, and particular association
memberships. There is no consistency as to what health information is available
to all health professionals in Canada, specifically Alberta. The majority of
the associations do not provide resources and services, nor do they survey
members to assess their usage, desires, needs, or satisfaction with resources
and services. Usage rates are low for the associations that do track resource
and service usage.
A resource list
of freely available online health information should be generated to mitigate existing
disparities without accruing additional cost factors. Also, a partnership
between hospital and academic libraries with various associations is needed to
promote the usage of licensed and freely available resources accessible at
This study has
several limitations. The low response rate and excluding associations and
licensing colleges in other provinces make this an incomplete assessment of all
associations which provide resources and services to health professionals in
Canada, specifically Alberta. To compensate for this deficit, the authors had
collected information from seven associations’ websites; however, because much
of the needed information was within members-only pages, some data may be
missing. Due to the study’s limitations, further research is needed to better
assess health professionals’ information needs and barriers to their use of
available resources and services.
The impetus for this study was the struggle health sciences alumni at
the University of Alberta face when trying to access evidence based information
once they are no longer affiliated with the university. In this study,
the authors were able to determine which health professional associations in
Canada could meet their alumni’s needs as well as those of other health
professionals throughout Canada. The findings support the current literature
and underscore the significant disparity between accessible resources for
Canadian healthcare professionals.
appraisal of this study was completed using the Evidence Based Library and
Information Practice Critical Appraisal Checklist (Glynn, 2006). The study’s
validity was analyzed in four content areas: population, data collection, study
design, and results. The data collection methods, study design, and results are
valid; however, the population selection validity is questionable.
The selection
of study participants is problematic due to a small sample size. Though the
associations selected for the interviews do meet the authors’ participant
selection criteria, this group may not include all of the potential study
participants. According to the Canadian Information Centre for International
Credentials (2013), there are over 30 health professional associations in
Alberta and over 70 national health professional associations in Canada. The
authors contacted only 14 national associations and 9 provincial associations.
Considering the number of associations available, the sample size is very
small. The data collected could have been richer if more associations were
Another issue
is the data from several associations is missing. Contact was made 23
associations and data was obtained from 19 associations, thereby lacking data
from 4 associations. The authors do acknowledge that this is due to data being
in members only sections of the websites.
The data
collection method is also a concern. There is a potential for intra-observer
bias because multiple individuals where responsible for collecting the data.
Also, one interview was conducted via email rather than telephone. This
variance in data collection could yield different responses from the phone
interview data.
Finally, presenting specific numbers opposed to saying “many” of
University of Alberta alumni continue to practice in Alberta would have
provided better support for the researchers’ decision to focus on Alberta-based
Despite these
issues, the study design is clearly outlined and appropriate for the authors’
established objectives. The authors include the interview questions in the
article which would allow another researcher to replicate this study as
secondary verification. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were clearly outlined,
and although there is no indication that the study design was validated, ethics
approval was obtained. Regarding the data itself, the response rate for the
sample size contacted was appropriate, data collection is clearly defined, and
the timing of data collection is appropriate. Moreover, the study’s results
were clearly explained and could be applied at similar institutions.
This study
stresses the need to address limited access to evidence based information for
health professionals in Canada. The ability to quickly and efficiently locate
reliable evidence based health information is critical for health professionals
to provide optimal patient care.
Librarians can play a crucial role in facilitating this information
need. The opportunities for librarians to work closely with professional
associations identified by the authors could be employed to bridge the evidence
based health information access gap.
Canadian Information Centre
for International Credentials (2013). National Professional Organizations and
Provincial and Territorial Professional Organizations. Retrieved 31 May 2013
from http://www.cicic.ca/en/profess.aspx?sortcode=
Glynn, L. (2006). A
critical appraisal tool for library and information research. Library
Hi Tech, 24 (3),