Research Article
A Comparative Analysis of the Use of GitHub by
Librarians and Non-Librarians
Mark E. Eaton
Assistant Professor / Reader
Services Librarian
Kingsborough Community College
City University of New York
Brooklyn, New York, United
States of America
Received: 12 June 2017 Accepted:
6 Apr. 2018
2018 Eaton. This is an Open Access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 4.0
International (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
DOI: 10.18438/eblip29291
Objective – GitHub is a popular tool that allows software
developers to collaborate and share their code on the web. Librarians have
adopted GitHub to support their own work, sharing code in support of their
libraries. This paper asks: How does librarians’ use of GitHub compare to that
of other users?
Methods – To retrieve quantitative data on GitHub users, we
queried the GitHub APIs (application programming interfaces). By assembling
data on librarians’ use of GitHub, as well as on a comparison group, we
provided preliminary comparisons of these two samples. We analyzed and
visualized this data across a number of variables to offer salient insights as
to how librarians compare to randomly selected GitHub users.
Results – Librarians regularly use a more diverse range of
programming languages than the comparison group, hinting at a broad range of
possible uses of code in libraries. While the librarians’ sample group did not
demonstrate statistically significant differences from the comparison group on
most measures of activity and popularity, they scored significantly higher in
reach and productivity than the comparison group. This could be due to librarians’
greater longevity on GitHub, as well as their greater investment in GitHub as a
tool for sharing.
Conclusion – Our
data suggest that librarians are actively building their libraries with code
and sharing the results. While it was unclear whether librarians were more
active or popular on GitHub than the comparison group, it was clear that they
demonstrated statistically significant outperformance in terms of reach and
productivity. To explain these findings, we hypothesized that librarians’
embrace of GitHub is in line with widely held values of “openness” in the
library profession.
is “the biggest revelation in my workflow … since I started writing code.”
(Falster, as qtd. in Perkel,
2016, p. 127)
is a well-known web-based code sharing platform that has recently exploded in
popularity. Its functionality underpins cooperation by developers on many
software projects by allowing programmers to share and promote their work. For
scholars, GitHub is an interesting space to examine web collaboration and
cooperative coding.
is built on git, a prominent software version control
system that allows many geographically dispersed contributors to collaborate on
a project asynchronously. Git is a command line tool
that, among other things, allows for versioning, branching, and merging of
projects’ histories. GitHub adds value to git by
providing a web interface to a great deal of git’s
functionality, and by adding additional social and workflow features, thereby
making git-based projects much more accessible to the
public and to other programmers.
who code presumably benefit from GitHub in many of the same ways as other
programmers. It makes librarians’ programming work accessible and open to the
public, and it improves workflows via robust web tools. We can postulate that
GitHub is an effective tool for collaboration amongst coding librarians in much
the same way as it is for other users.
goal of this paper is to answer the following question: How does librarians’
use of GitHub compare to that of other users?
question leads to more specific inquiries about librarians’ use of GitHub. Are
librarians more or less active on GitHub than other users? Are they more or
less popular? Are they prolific producers of code? Are they more or less
connected with other developers on the site? Do they tend to use the same
programming languages as the larger community, or is their code clustered
idiosyncratically in specific languages? Are their repositories well regarded?
can begin to work toward answers to these questions using data from the GitHub
APIs, or application programming interfaces. This paper describes how we
queried the GitHub APIs to assemble quantitative data about GitHub use. We
describe how we handled the data to make useful visualizations. Our analyses
offer preliminary conclusions focused on our research question.
aim is to provide evidence-based insights about how librarians use GitHub. This
is important, as librarians’ software development work arguably plays a key
role in the future of the profession. This paper makes a small step toward
providing these important insights.
paper does not explain how to use git, GitHub, or the
GitHub APIs. Some understanding of GitHub and APIs is presumed. For those
looking for an introduction to git, Blischak, Davenport, and Wilson (2016), Perez-Riverol et al. (2016), and Bell and Beer (2015) have
provided detailed how-tos. There are also plenty of
interactive tutorials online that teach how to use git
and GitHub, such as Lord (2014), Lord (2015), and GitHub (2017a). Others
resources provide detailed introductions on how to use the GitHub APIs
(Dataquest, 2017; GitHub, 2017b). This paper does not review these topics.
Literature Review
literature on the use of GitHub in librarianship is almost nonexistent. If we
broaden our focus beyond GitHub, we find that the scholarly literature on
librarians’ coding practices is only slightly less sparse. Townsdin
and Whitmer (2016) describe it as a “limited
literature” (p. 251). One might assume that this is because there are not many
librarians writing code. However, the existence of prominent librarian
professional associations that focus on technology skills—such as Code4Lib and
the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA)—suggests otherwise.
this “limited literature” does not offer many insights about why librarians are
writing and using code. Some authors have speculated. Marshall (2015) suggests
that librarians may use code “to solve problems, to improve or enhance existing
applications, or to create new ones to meet specialized needs” (p. 25). Townsdin and Whitmer (2016)
describe several use cases, including facilitating librarians’ collaboration
with IT departments, building websites, and wrangling data. Yelton
(2015) suggests that “data import, export, and cleanup; expanded reporting
capability; and patron facing services” (p. 2) are possible reasons to write
code in libraries. Others suggest new, underexplored opportunities for code in
librarianship, such as organizing hackathons (Davis, 2016). Yet these
suggestions do not exhaust the possibilities. Somewhat more cynically, Stuart
(2011) describes programming as an “obligation” (p. 43) for contemporary
librarians; Townsdin and Whitmer
(2016) imply the same when they point out that programming skills are often
requirements of candidates looking for library jobs.
of the best insights into why librarians use code can be gleaned from Andromeda
Yelton’s (2015) extensive report on learning to code
for librarians. Her interviews with over 50 librarians who have written code
for their work give us important perspectives on librarians’ coding practices.
Upon reading through her examples, we get a sense of the preoccupations and
interests of librarians who are either learning to program or who are actively
using code. Likewise, Enis (2013) helpfully provides
real world examples of individual librarians’ coding practices. While the
samples of librarians assembled by Yelton and Enis do not appear to be controlled or random, they do provide
useful and interesting narrative examples of why librarians might use code.
from librarianship, scholarship on GitHub is a new and growing field. In 2015,
Grier argued that “scholars have drawn only modest conclusions from their study
of the Github database” (p. 116). Longo and Kelley
identified a similar lack of scholarship in 2016. However, the study of GitHub
is changing quickly. Grier’s description may have been accurate at the time he
was writing; however, git and GitHub scholarship have
developed substantially since then.
of the existing work on GitHub is concentrated in the field of computer
science. Given that git and GitHub are often taken
for granted among professional software developers, it is perhaps unsurprising
that computer science is well ahead of other disciplines in producing
scholarship on GitHub. There are many examples of this type of literature:
Arora, Goel, and Mittal (2016) analyze syntactic and
semantic conflicts that arise when code is being written by multiple developers;
Blincoe, Sheoran, Goggins, Petakovic, and Damian
(2016) measure the level of influence of popular users on GitHub; Hu, Zhang,
Bai, Yu, and Yang (2016) also attempt to measure influence; Jiang et al. (2017)
look at forking practices; Kalliamvakou et al. (2016)
examine the quality of data that can be gathered from the GitHub APIs; Lima,
Rossi, and Musolesi (2014) parse interactions on
GitHub to analyze social activity; McDonald, Blincoe,
Petakovic, and Goggins
(2014) consider factors associated with successful open source projects on
GitHub; and Yan, Wei, Han, and Wang (2017) analyze the use of GitHub for
is clear that GitHub is important to software developers. However, Davis (2015)
argues that these tools are also useful and important to librarians. While
GitHub was not designed explicitly for librarians, it is a tool that has
increasingly proved useful in many disciplines, including librarianship. Longo
and Kelley (2016) argue that GitHub’s popularity has spread to a range of diverse
fields. As GitHub spreads across disciplinary boundaries, scholarship on GitHub
begins to appear in many fields.
other words, we are not alone in attempting to broaden the scholarly
conversation on GitHub beyond computer science. The current growth of scholarly
literature on GitHub mirrors the ongoing growth and expansion of GitHub’s user
base. While git has existed since 2005, the
subsequent growth of GitHub has fueled the expansion of git-based
workflows beyond git’s core developer community: “As
the uses and users of GitHub move beyond its original core community of
software developers, the present and potential impact on fields such as social
knowledge creation, open science, open collaboration, and open governance
warrants consideration” (Longo & Kelley, 2016, p. 617). Recent work has
been done on the use of GitHub in fields as diverse as computational biology (Blischak et al., 2016; Perez-Riverol
et al., 2016) and public administration (Longo & Kelley, 2016; Mergel, 2015), among others.
much of this scholarship is fairly recent, version control and code sharing did
not begin with GitHub. Christopher Kelty (2008)
demonstrates that a culture of sharing code has a very long history in
computing. A number of version control tools have been used in open source
projects since the early 1990s, and many of these were popular in their
respective day. However, unlike GitHub, many of these early tools were only
suitable for small development teams (Hu et al., 2016). Moreover, they have
largely waned in popularity recently as git and
GitHub have become ascendant.
methodological approach—gathering quantitative data from the GitHub API—is not
entirely unique. Other scholars have done API-based work on GitHub, including
some large-scale data gathering by Jiang et al. (2017); as well some
interesting work by authors who have supplemented their API-based work with
qualitative surveys (Blincoe et al., 2016; Mergel, 2015); and in several interesting projects
presented at conferences, described by Hu et al. (2016).
these nearest methodological cousins, others do similar work while opting not
to use the GitHub API. These latter studies instead rely on third party
data-gathering tools or collections to access GitHub data. For example,
McDonald et al. (2014) draw from the API using a tool called GitMiner; Lima et al. (2014) do similar data mining using a
tool called The GitHub Archive; and a number of projects use GHTorrent, which is a mirror of the GitHub API (Blincoe, 2016; Kalliamvakou et
al., 2016; Miller, 2016). While these studies are interesting and inform our
present work, to our knowledge there has not been a study that directly
examines the use of GitHub by librarians with quantitative methods. This study
was intended to fill this gap by offering some preliminary quantitative
This study compares two distinct samples of GitHub users across
a number of variables, namely: programming
language choice, number of followers, number of following, number of public repositories, number of repository stars, GH index, and account creation date.
We have gathered data related to these variables from the GitHub API.
Our methodology focused in part on
exploratory data visualization. Many scholars who have studied GitHub have made
a point of presenting their findings visually (Blincoe
et al., 2016; Hu et al., 2016; Jiang et al., 2017; Kalliamvakou
et al., 2016; Lima et al., 2014; McDonald et al., 2014; Mergel,
2015; Yan, Wei, Han, and Wang, 2017). While there is a longstanding tradition
of exploratory data visualization in scholarly literatures, stretching at least
as far back at John Tukey (1977) and Edward Tufte
(1983), a robust popular visualization literature has only developed more
recently. This latter body of work is often aimed at professional practitioners
rather than scholars (Cairo, 2013; Few, 2012; Knaflic, 2015; Wong, 2010; Yau,
2011, 2013). This paper draws on the insights of both of these traditions,
insofar as they have taught us to think rigorously about effective
visualization and to use data as an exploratory tool.
his foundational text Exploratory Data
Analysis, Tukey (1977)
distinguishes between “exploratory” and “confirmatory” data analysis (p. 3).
Subsequently, he argues that exploratory data analysis is necessary to
successfully implement a confirmatory analysis (1980). In his later work with Hoaglin et al. (1983), he goes on to say that “exploratory
data analysis emphasizes flexible searching for clues and evidence, whereas
confirmatory data analysis stresses evaluating the availability of evidence”
(p. 2). Tukey’s encouragements toward exploratory analyses are taken up much
later in the popular and technical literature on data visualization. For
example, Nathan Yau (2011, 2013) follows in Tukey’s
footsteps in his work on data visualization.
data analysis, in the tradition of Tukey and Yau,
provided us with a methodological starting point. We also supplemented this
with confirmatory analysis in the form of t-tests and chi-square tests to
ensure that our exploratory work was on the right track and to evaluate the
significance of our findings.
gathered data from the GitHub APIs, and then manually and programmatically
filtered the data to produce a useful, workable dataset. We then applied
scientific Python tools to our data. Python is a popular programming language
with well-regarded data science libraries. Our work used the numpy, scipy and pandas libraries to structure our data
and run statistical tests, matplotlib and seaborn to plot charts, and other very common Python
libraries like requests and the
Python standard library. We made the code we wrote publicly available on GitHub
(Eaton, 2016b).
wrote code that retrieves and processes data from the GitHub APIs.
Understanding how APIs work is helpful in understanding the methodology
described below. While many APIs have a very wide range of possible use cases,
our approach ignored most of these, and instead focused on how we could harvest
quantitative data from the GitHub APIs. Below is a brief summary of how the
code we wrote assembled data from GitHub.
A unique request was
constructed for each of the search terms mentioned above. Overall, this
approach worked very well. However, the GitHub Search API returns a maximum of
100 results per query. Therefore, if there were more than 100 results, our
initial API call would not retrieve all of the available data. For this reason,
it was preferable not to use stemming. Instead, we searched each term
individually because this maximized the number of results we retrieved.
We were able to partly work around the
100-result limitation by applying both ascending and descending sort order to
the resulting data. This technique allowed us to get at both ends of the search
results, meaning that we could capture up to 200 results per search, rather
than just 100. This was sufficient to retrieve all of the results for the
keywords “librarian,” “biblothèque,” and “bibliothecaire.” However, the searches for “library” and
“libraries” yielded more than 200 hits. For these larger results sets, the
total number of results was in the low four figures. As a result, in these
cases, our script only captured the first 100 and the last 100 results. This
situation was not ideal, but we decided this was acceptable for our purposes,
since our searches provided us with sufficient data to conduct statistically
significant analysis.
The data produced by these searches was deduplicated, concatenated, and saved as a JSON document.
criteria. There are numerous reasons
to carefully filter GitHub data, some of which are described by Kalliamvakou et al. (2016). Many of the techniques they
describe for mitigating the “perils” of using GitHub data are reflected in the
approaches to filtering data that we used in our scripts. The filtering
techniques that we used are described in Table 1.
for Selection and Their Justification
Our criteria |
Reasons for the criteria |
user must have been active during the last 90 days. |
wanted a contemporary picture of GitHub, so our focus was on current users.
To this end, we excluded users whose updated_at date
was more than 90 days old. |
user account must be more than 30 days old. |
deliberately excluded very new sign-ups to focus on those users who had an
established presence on GitHub. We did this by excluding users whose created_at date was less than 30 days old. |
user must have contributed to at least one public repository. It is important
to note that this contribution can be to someone else’s repository; in other
words, it is not necessarily their own repository. |
significant number of users sign up for a GitHub account but contribute
nothing. These abandoned accounts would have produced almost no interesting
data and would have crowded out accounts that have data that is interesting
and useful. For these reasons, we excluded these users. |
user must have a bio. |
querying the Search API for keywords (such as “librarian”) favours those profiles that have bios, we required that
all users included in the study have bios. This made the comparison group and the librarians
group more directly comparable. |
list of users must be deduplicated. |
obvious reasons we did not want to count the same user twice. |
librarians dataset and the comparison
dataset need to be the same size. |
was done to make for an easy comparison of the two groups being studied. |
we had gathered and processed our data, the final samples used in our analyses
consisted of 112 librarians and 112 comparison group subjects.
Results and Discussion
most obvious place for us to begin our analysis was to compare the programming
languages used by librarians to those
used by the comparison group of
GitHub users. Figures 1 and 2 show the top 15 languages for both groups. In
total, there were 1,433 repositories for librarians (average of 12.79
per librarian) and 1,075 repositories for the comparison group (average
of 9.60 per comparison group user). The same scale is used in Figures 1
and 2 for easy comparison. A chi-square test was run on the top 12 languages
that are common to both librarians and the control group. The
most striking aspect of the results is the highly significant difference between
the two groups (X2(11, N =
1840) = 282.70; p
< .001). The p-value for this chi-square test is < .001, far below
the conventional threshold for statistical significance of p < .050.
The comparison group’s language choices are
concentrated specifically in JavaScript and Java, while the librarians’ language choices are more
evenly distributed over a wider range of programming languages. The librarians’ wide variety of language
choices may reflect the many different possible uses of code in libraries.
Libraries are home to many diverse activities, possibly resulting in many
varied reasons for adopting different programming languages.
choice among librarians
choice among comparison group
the most popular languages differ as well. JavaScript, the preeminent language
of the web, perhaps unsurprisingly dominates both groups. But from there the
two samples diverge. While Java features so prominently in the comparison group’s preferred choices, it
comes in at a distant seventh among librarians.
Ruby is strongly favoured by librarians, while
C# is strongly favoured by the comparsion
group. While we will forgo discussing the merits of various languages, it
is clear that librarians are choosing noticeably different languages for their
projects. What we learned from these charts is that librarians are using a
broad range of programming options, suggesting a range of possible use cases
for code in libraries.
we turned our attention to user metrics such as number of followers, number of following, and number of public
repositories for
users in both groups. “Followers” and “following” should be familiar concepts
to users of most social media. In the GitHub context, if I “follow” someone,
the result is that their activity (such as creating, forking, or starring
repositories) will appear in a timeline on my GitHub home screen. Public
repositories are projects that a user has shared on GitHub. A repository
can be either created from scratch by a user or derived from another user’s
work (“forked,” in GitHub terms).
applied two-tailed t-tests to these variables for confirmatory purposes.
Because of the very high variance of the data, we ran a log transformation on
the original data before doing the t-tests on the transformed data. From these
tests, we found that there is not a statistically significant difference in
terms of number of followers (t(222) = 1.62, p = .107); number of following (t(222) = 0.91, p = .363); and number of public
repositories (t(222) =
1.52, p = .131) between
the two groups.
Stars are another GitHub concept
that should be familiar to users of other social media. However, stars
are used somewhat differently in GitHub than in other social media. GitHub
users star repositories, rather than individual messages or posts. In this
respect, starring is more of an endorsement of a project, rather than a
reaction to a specific message or post from another user.
there is a statistically significant difference in the number of repository
stars (t(222) = 2.00, p = .048) for the two sample groups.
Librarians have significantly more repository stars than the comparison
group, according to a two-tailed t-test. Because of the high variance in
the data, we first ran a log transformation on the original number of stars data,
and then did our t-test on the transformed data.
summarize, the results of t-tests thus far can be seen in Table 2.
use a more exploratory, data visualization approach—in the spirit of Tukey
(1977) and Yau (2011, 2013) —it was also interesting
to visually group these datasets into those that measure activity (number of public
repositories and
of following)
and those that measure popularity (number of repository stars and number of followers) via scatterplots. This
approach produced the charts in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively.
used a log scale for these plots for increased readability and for consistency
with our confirmatory analysis. Visually, a log scale accommodates outlying
users who were disproportionately more active or more popular than most of the
subjects. Also, we added one (1) to each value, so that all values would be displayed
on the scatterplots, as a log scale cannot display zero values. It should be
noted that this causes some distortion in the lower left-hand corner of the
facilitate comparison of the two samples in aggregate, we included the averages
for both groups, displayed on the scatterplots as a star. While the number
of repository stars is the only statistically significant variable in these
calculations, it is interesting to note that the mean for librarians tended to
be higher than the mean for the comparison group for all of the other variables
as well. This relationship is especially pronounced in the popularity
scatterplot and can be seen in Table 2 as well.
the high variance found in all of these variables, it would be useful to
conduct further analysis with a larger study sample to demonstrate (or
alternately disprove) a statistically significant relationship between these
factors. In this way, our exploratory visual analysis suggests directions for
future, larger-scale confirmatory analyses.
Table 2
Summary of Results from T-Tests
Variable |
P-value of
log(Variable) |
Mean, librarians |
comparison group |
Number of followers |
.107 |
107.19 |
12.61 |
Number of following |
.363 |
13.24 |
8.85 |
Number of public repositories |
.180 |
19.05 |
15.47 |
Number of repository stars |
.048 |
41.96 |
9.0 |
threshold used for statistical significance: < .050.
of GH index
is also interesting to apply a more sophisticated measure to evaluate the number of repository stars. Elsewhere, I have devised
a measure called GH index, which measures the reach and productivity of GitHub
users (Eaton, 2016a). GH index uses the same math as the widely known H-index
measure, which measures the reach and productivity of a scholar. The innovation
of GH Index is that it applies the logic of H-index to GitHub stars rather than
academic citations. To our knowledge, GH Index is a novel measure of
contributions to open source projects. Miller (2016) later adopted this same
measure and further popularized it, naming it GH Impact.
we chart our subject groups according to GH
index score, we get the histogram shown in Figure 5.
the two groups are fairly similar according to GH index, librarians do have an edge, implying greater productivity
and greater reach for their projects. We applied a t-test to this relationship,
as statistical confirmation. Because of much lower variance of the GH index data, we did not apply a log
transformation when doing this particular test. Thus, we can see that librarians (M = 1.12) score
significantly higher than the comparison
group (M = 0.70) in productivity and reach (t(222) = 2.22, p = .027), which is statistically
significant at the conventional p < .050 level.
our findings on number of repository stars and GH index, we could potentially argue, following Hu et al. (2016),
that “popularity and quality [of GitHub repositories] are strong indicators of
their owners’ capability” (p. 5). However, because Hu et al. do not adequately
support this claim, we are reluctant to state the case as strongly as they do.
Nonetheless, our measures of repository stars and GH index lead us to suggest that our librarians’
repositories are making a greater impact than those of our comparison group.
exploratory and confirmatory analysis of librarians’ popularity, activity,
productivity, and reach leads us to ask a more specific follow-up question:
What is librarians’ level of influence on GitHub? Blincoe
et al. (2016) have measured the effect of various metrics on the level of
influence that a user has on GitHub. They point out “that popular users often
attract their followers to new projects.” Moreover, they argue that “users who
are both very popular and very active influence their followers” (p. 31). If Blincoe et al. are correct about this, popular librarians might similarly benefit from
the added influence of their GitHub reputation. This is an interesting
suggestion; however, two issues prevent us from generalizing Blincoe et al.’s conclusions to our dataset. First, only
two librarians in our study reach the popularity threshold of 500 followers
that Blincoe et al. require to be included in their
analysis of influence. Second, while our exploratory analysis suggests that
librarians may possibly be more active and popular than our comparison sample,
this is not confirmed by t-tests. Our statistically significant variables, number
of repository stars and GH index,
are not sufficient for an analysis along the lines of Blincoe
et al. Because of these factors, Blincoe’s
conclusions are not generalizable to our dataset.
creation date
factor that may help to explain our findings is that librarians can be shown to
be early adopters of GitHub. Specifically, if librarians have been on GitHub
longer than the average user, it can explain their relative productivity and
reach, as shown in the data on repository
stars and GH index. It is
therefore interesting to plot a histogram that shows the account creation date of our samples’ user
accounts, showing how long they have been on GitHub (see Figure 6). This
relationship, when tested with a two-tailed t-test, yields a highly significant
p-value (t(222) = 2.64, p = .009). We can therefore confidently
say that librarians (M = 1227.21 days) tend to have been on GitHub
longer than our comparison group users (M = 928.21 days).
analyses provide many interesting insights to consider. We hypothesize that
librarians’ measurable and statistically significant involvement with GitHub is
the result of their profession’s embrace of GitHub as an “open” platform.
Sharing code publicly often presupposes a certain commitment to openness.
Oftentimes this openness is a legal category, assigned by the programmer or the
institution as a software license. Kelty (2008)
describes the history of openness in software communities. Openness may also be
a powerful motivator for some librarians who share a commitment to the value of
openly sharing information in all formats (Puckett, 2012; Fernandez, 2012).
GitHub provides a way for librarians to put their commitments to openness into
action by providing a highly visible way to share code freely.
sharing is an important topic in librarianship because librarians shape their
libraries and communities through the software they build. By programming for
libraries, librarians are directly contributing to what their libraries will be
in the future. Librarians’ work builds their institutions with code. In this
sense, librarians create software tools that produce “actually existing
alternatives” (Kelty, 2008, p. 3) for libraries.
We have preliminarily established that the librarians in our study demonstrate statistically significant
outperformance in reach and productivity on GitHub. They also closely mirror
the comparison group on measures of activity and popularity. We have
pointed out that librarians use diverse programming languages, perhaps as a result
of their diverse librarianship practices. Moreover, we hypothesize that
librarians’ embrace of GitHub is rooted in values of openness. Hopefully this
study has demonstrated that librarians are indeed significant users of GitHub
and that further confirmatory study of these topics is warranted.
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Appendix A
Data from the GitHub Search API
"total_count": 322,
"incomplete_results": false,
"items": [
"login": "octocat",
"id": 583231,
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false,
"score": 114.60762
Appendix B
Data from the GitHub User API
"login": "octocat",
"id": 583231,
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"repos_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false,
"name": "The Octocat",
"company": "GitHub",
"location": "San
"email": null,
"bio": null,
"public_repos": 7,
"public_gists": 8,
"followers": 2070,
"following": 5,
Appendix C
Data from the GitHub Repo API
"id": 18221276,
"name": "git-consortium",
"full_name": "octocat/git-consortium",
"owner": {
"login": "octocat",
"id": 583231,
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
"private": false,
"description": "This repo is for
demonstration purposes only.",
"fork": false,
"issue_events_url": "{/number}",
"subscription_url": "",
"pulls_url": "{/number}",
"git_url": "git://",
"ssh_url": "",
"svn_url": "",
"homepage": null,
"size": 190,
"stargazers_count": 8,
"watchers_count": 8,
"language": null,
"has_issues": true,
"has_projects": true,
"has_downloads": true,
"has_wiki": true,
"has_pages": false,
"forks_count": 27,
"mirror_url": null,
"archived": false,
"open_issues_count": 4,
"license": {
"key": "mit",
"name": "MIT License",
"spdx_id": "MIT",
"forks": 27,
"open_issues": 4,
"watchers": 8,
"default_branch": "master"