Evidence Summary
A Pilot to Initiate Research Data Management
Services Within Academic Libraries Helps Librarians to Learn About, Engage
With, and Enhance Skills Within Their Research Communities
A Review of:
K. B, Koos, J., Miller, R. S., Miller, C. F.,
Phillips, G. A., Scheinfeld, L., & Surkis, A.
(2019). A model for initiating research data management services at academic
libraries. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 107(3), 432–441. https://doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2019.545
Reviewed by:
M. Muellenbach
Director and Associate Professor
Health Sciences University
California, United States of America
Received: 11 Nov. 2020 Accepted: 5 Jan. 2021
2021 Muellenbach. This
is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 4.0
International (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
DOI: 10.18438/eblip29879
Objectives – To initiate
or expand research data management (RDM) services within the participating
libraries serving health sciences populations.
Design – Case report.
Setting – Six institutions consisting of
three academic health sciences and three university libraries within the
National Network of Libraries of Medicine Middle Atlantic Region in the United
States of America.
Subjects – Between two and eight librarians
participated from each institution, for a total of twenty-six librarian
Methods – Pre-pilot phone interviews
were conducted and included open-ended questions about RDM services, the
library’s motivation for participating, and their degree of institutional
commitment. To deepen their understanding of RDM, the participants were
required to complete eight educational modules that included text, videos, and
quizzes. The participating institutions received data interview questions to
connect with their research community to be better informed about their
attitudes, language, and practices. The participants also received a Teaching
Toolkit, complete with slides, a script, and an attendee evaluation form. The
participants were provided with a data series, consisting of branded classes
for teaching over a designated period with instructors from within and outside
of the library. Collaboration with library partners was encouraged as was the
use of a focused marketing plan. In fact, a major component of the pilot was
the expert support, provided through biweekly meetings that included marketing
tips and presentations on such topics as clinical research data management and
data visualization. Finally, post-pilot
program interviews were conducted, and the open-ended questions covered the
pilot program as a whole and its individual components.
Main Results – Of the six
participating institutions, five institutions rated the RDM educational modules
very positively. Conducting data interviews was valuable for all six
institutions because it allowed the librarians to meet with researchers, build
relationships, and use what they learned to develop RDM services for the
future. The Teaching Toolkit was rated positively by the six institutions,
especially for its adaptability, the time saved over developing the content
from scratch, and its usability. Finally, the two institutions that held the
data series courses stated that the series succeeded in further marketing the
RDM services developed by the library.
Conclusion – The pilot
project met its objectives: the librarians at the participating institutions
completed the educational modules, administered the data interviews, and taught
an RDM foundations class based on the Teaching Toolkit. In addition, a data
series was hosted at two institutions. The components of the pilot project had
the intended results at each institution, and the classes were reviewed
favorably. Based on the pilot participants’ positive outcomes, the authors are
certain that the freely available program materials would achieve success
training provides individuals with the ability to review data, build on other
researchers’ results, and reproduce their experiments. Librarians have an
opportunity to provide support in this area and to expand RDM services within
the biomedical research community. This study builds on a curriculum that was
designed by and for librarians to train researchers, as well as an online
course developed by Harvard University librarians (Martin & Goldman, 2017,
2019). This study’s program is unique in that it provides in-depth librarian
training and a customizable Teaching Toolkit for delivering RDM training
institution wide.
of “The CAT: a generic critical appraisal tool” (Perryman, 2014) found the
study to be concise and well organized, with links to detailed supplementary
materials, including the well-designed pre- and post-pilot interview questions.
The authors have in-depth knowledge about RDM services, as evidenced by the fact
that their project received support from the National Network of Libraries of
Medicine (NNLM), and more than ten peer-reviewed papers on this topic are
included in their reference list. The project provided the librarian cohort
with customizable materials and, importantly, the expert mentoring needed to
launch their own RDM services, and this resulted in positive ratings by the
pilot participants.
potential weakness of this study is that the pilot project relied on expert
librarian mentors from just one institution, and this time commitment is not
sustainable. Perhaps a future initiative could involve a community of data
librarian mentors that could be available via chat, email, phone, a Slack
channel, and web conferencing. The lead author is already working to address
this issue as the coauthor of a commentary that describes a rationale to create
the Medical Library Association (MLA) Data Services Competency to further data
and open science skills development (Federer et al., 2020). The authors also highlighted
that an MLA Data Special Interest Group has been developed, as well as NNLM RDM
class cohorts. In addition, librarians from smaller libraries could partner
with instructors from outside the library and thereby expand course offerings.
This would also serve to enhance interprofessional education initiatives,
provide opportunities for teaching, and strengthen the program overall.
authors succeeded in providing a cohort of librarians with RDM training and a
customizable Toolkit for initiating and enhancing RDM services within their
institutions, and this report makes a significant contribution to the
literature. This implies that the institutions of this librarian cohort must
provide resources to help foster their development as RDM experts. Given that
the study was published in 2019, expanding the original Toolkit to include the
RDM materials from librarians that were tailored to the needs of their
institutions would benefit future librarian participants from a wide variety of
institutional settings and ensure that the materials are up to date. In
addition, since RDM principles and practices are the same worldwide, future
studies may wish to focus on researchers from different countries, disciplines,
ethnic groups, and settings who receive this training and demonstrate its value
in furthering research productivity.
L., Foster, E. D., Glusker, A., Henderson, M., Read,
K., & Zhao, S. (2020). The Medical Library Association data services
competency: A framework for data science and open science skills development.
Journal of the Medical Library Association, 108(2), 304–309. https://doi.org/10.5195%2Fjmla.2020.909
E., & Goldman, J. (2019). Best
practices for biomedical research data management. Canvas Network. https://www.canvas.net/browse/harvard-medical/courses/biomed-research-data-mgmt
E., & Goldman, J. (2017). New England
collaborative data management curriculum. Lamar Soutter
Library. https://library.umassmed.edu/resources/necdmc/index
C., & Rathbun-Grubb, S. (2014). The
CAT: A generic critical appraisal tool. https://www.jotform.us/cp1757/TheCat