Research Article
Amy Deschenes
Head of UX & Digital
Harvard Library
Cambridge, Massachusetts,
United States of America
Meg McMahon
User Experience Researcher
Harvard Library
Cambridge, Massachusetts,
United States of America
Received: 24 Jan. 2024 Accepted: 29 Apr. 2024
2024 Deschenes and McMahon. This is an Open Access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 4.0
International (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
DOI: 10.18438/eblip30512
– To understand how many undergraduate and graduate students use generative
AI as part of their academic work, how often they use it, and for what tasks
they use it. We also sought to identify how trustworthy students find
generative AI and how they would feel about a locally maintained generative AI
tool. Finally, we explored student interest in trainings related to using
generative AI in academic work. This
survey will help librarians better understand the rate at which generative AI
is being adopted by university students and the need for librarians to
incorporate generative AI into their work.
Methods – A team of three library staff members and one student
intern created, executed, and analyzed a survey of 360 undergraduate and
graduate students at Harvard University. The survey was distributed via email
lists and at cafes and libraries throughout campus. Data were collected and
analyzed using Qualtrics.
– We found that nearly 65% of respondents have used or plan to use generative
AI chatbots for academic work, even though most respondents (65%) do not find
their outputs trustworthy enough for academic work. The findings show that
students actively use these tools but desire guidance around effectively using
Conclusion – This research shows students
are engaging with generative AI for academic work but do not fully trust the
information that it produces. Librarians must be at the forefront of
understanding the significant impact this technology will have on information-seeking
behaviors and research habits. To effectively support students, librarians must
know how to use these tools to advise students on how to critically evaluate AI
output and effectively incorporate it into their research.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been part of our everyday lives for years.
If you have ever used autocorrect on your phone, used a maps app to avoid
tolls, or selected a suggested search term from a drop-down menu, you have used
In November 2022, the company OpenAI launched ChatGPT, a generative AI
chatbot. ChatGPT enables anyone with an account to create content, edit their
writing, debug code, search for information, and do much more through a natural
language chat interface. However, the tool is not without drawbacks and risks.
It can produce factually inaccurate information, known as hallucinations, and
exhibit biased behavior (OpenAI, 2022). There are concerns about its ethical
implications and environmental impact (Nguyen et al., 2022). Even with these
issues, as of February 2023, it is the fastest-growing consumer application in
history (Hu, 2023).
In the last year, Harvard Library has begun exploring the ethical use of
generative AI in teaching, learning, research support, metadata creation, and
administrative operations. Our library’s annual goals reference the potential
of experiments with generative AI in support of library work and the importance
of learning about relevant tools to guide library users. ChatGPT, along with
other generative AI tools, has the potential to dramatically impact how
academic research is conducted and how libraries support researchers.
In the fall of 2023, we surveyed undergraduate and graduate students to
better understand student adoption rates of generative AI, as well as
perceptions of using generative AI for their academic work. The survey sought
to understand how often students use generative AI, the related concerns that
they have, and the guidance they want from libraries in support of using
generative AI for academic work.
John McCarthy first introduced AI as a concept in 1956. Since then, its
definition has been a subject of debate. For this paper, we will adopt the
definition of AI proposed by Popenici and Kerr (2017), “computing systems that
are able to engage in human-like processes such as learning, adapting,
synthesizing, self-correction and use of data for complex processing tasks” (p.
2). One technique employed in the development of AI systems is deep learning, a
subset of machine learning. This technique allows AI systems to recognize and
replicate the human-created data on which they have been trained, forming the
basis of generative AI chatbots (Halaweh, 2023). Our definition of generative
AI is from Martineau (2023), who defines it as a deep-learning model that takes
raw data and “learns” to generate statistically probable outputs when prompted.
As generative AI advances, new applications are emerging across industries,
including higher education.
The use and application of generative AI in higher education is a rapidly
growing topic of interest among academic institutions. Faculty are working to
adapt their teaching approaches to address generative AI capabilities, as
evidenced by the increasing publications on how generative AI will
significantly impact the future of education (McMurtrie & Supiano, 2023). A
survey conducted by Educause found that 83% of higher education professionals
believe generative AI will profoundly disrupt higher education within three to
five years (McCormack, 2023).
In addition to speculation on the impacts of generative AI on higher
education, experts have highlighted significant ethical challenges requiring
consideration, including the perpetuation of biases, privacy violations, and
lack of sustainability (Nguyen et al., 2022). Another concern is how generative
AI usage may undermine academic integrity (Farrelly & Baker, 2023). Despite
these ethical considerations, İpek et al. (2023) found in a systematic review
that many articles discussed integrating ChatGPT into education as a supportive
tool. Proposed applications include the generation of research ideas and
learning aids (Stojanov, 2023), the construction of a Boolean query for
systematic reviews (Wang et al., 2023), and the creation of research paper
drafts (Bodnick, 2023).
Current students have provided positive anecdotal feedback about
incorporating generative AI into their academic work (Bodnick, 2023; Terry,
2023). Empirical studies corroborate these accounts, finding students are aware
of and largely positive towards using generative AI to support academic tasks
(Bonsu & Baffour-Koduah, 2023; Chan & Hu, 2023). Similar results
emerged from experimental studies where students were asked to use generative
AI for class (Sudirman & Rahmatillah, 2023; Zhu et. al., 2023). Additionally,
students recognize the potential for inaccuracies in generative AI outputs and
believe they must review the output (Shoufan, 2023). The majority of the
literature reviewed was focused on undergraduate students, which Crompton and
Burke (2023) found was the trend of studies about students and AI in higher
The early library science literature on generative AI largely speculated
about future applications in libraries. Arlitsch and Newell (2017) and Wheatley
and Hervieux (2019) advocated for greater library involvement in institutional
AI conversations. A literature review by Gasparini and Kautonen (2022) proposed
various roles for research librarians, including participating in AI
development, leading AI workshops, and prioritizing user needs when engaging
with AI.
With the advent of generative AI, speculation has given way to assessing
real-time impacts on academic libraries. “ChatGPT, and similar large language
model technologies, have the potential to be disruptive technologies,
significantly affecting not just academic libraries but higher education as a
whole” (Teel et al., 2023, p. 1). Recent literature has focused on possible
generative AI applications in libraries, including improving search and
discovery, cataloging, creating metadata, and providing reference and
information services (Cox & Tzoc, 2023; Lo, 2023; Lund & Wang, 2023;
Teel et. al., 2023).
Regarding the intersection of current AI and libraries, one study found
academic stakeholders had favorable perceptions of AI chatbot use in libraries
(Kaushal & Yadav, 2022). There has been little research in the library
field on how students use generative AI for academic work as it relates to
libraries. Papers by Gasparini and Kautonen (2022) and Hervieux and Wheatley
(2021) called for librarians to consider patron relationships with AI. This
paper aims to address that research gap by improving the library profession's
understanding of how users engage with generative AI.
The research findings from the survey had a direct impact on library staff
who provide research and access services to students. The UX team shared the
survey findings with campus partners interested in student adoption of
generative AI; audiences ranged from faculty members to academic technology
staff members. By conducting this kind of foundational research about the
adoption of new tools like generative AI, we will ensure that library services
are evolving based on users’ needs and changes in their habits related to
academic research.
The UX team recruited participants using convenience sampling methods. We
solicited student participation through listserv announcements and tabling at
campus locations, and we collected data via an anonymous online survey. The
survey prompted participants to provide informed consent before accessing the
survey questions. After completing the survey, respondents could voluntarily
enter a raffle to win one of three $50 Amazon gift cards. The survey was active
from October 16, 2023, to November 6, 2023.
The online survey consisted of closed- and open-ended questions, including
a screening question to verify participants were university students, as well
as four demographic questions to characterize the sample. The survey
incorporated branching logic with three possible paths: one for participants
who indicated they had not and would not use generative AI; one for
participants who had used or would use generative AI; and one for those unsure
about future use. For the participants who indicated they “have not and will
not” use generative AI, there was a question to better understand their
reasoning. Those who reported generative AI use or intent to use generative AI
in the future were asked about applications in their academic work.
Participants who were unsure skipped directly to the final survey section on
overall trust in generative AI and desired library support for using generative
AI academically; all participants completed this section of the survey. All
questions throughout the survey were optional. The full survey instrument is
included in Appendix A.
A total of 360 undergraduate and graduate students completed the survey.
Open-ended responses were inductively coded using thematic codes. Interrater
reliability was established through meetings where the two coders discussed
codes and iterated on the codes together. Descriptive statistics were utilized
to examine frequencies for closed-ended questions. Qualtrics Crosstabs was used
to identify statistically significant differences. Crosstabs uses a chi-square
test to identify any statistically significant differences between student
subgroups in the sample. The two demographic variables examined were student
status (undergraduate vs. graduate). A p-value of p < 0.05 was used to
determine statistical significance for all data.
We received 360 completed survey responses. About half of the responses
were undergraduate students and half were graduate students. There were 183
(50.2% of total) undergraduate student participants and 181 graduate student
participants (48.8% of total).
The survey included students from all areas of academic concentration.
There were 50 humanities students, 171 sciences students, 121 social sciences
students, and 18 undeclared students who responded to the survey.
Around 64% of students had used or planned to use
generative AI for academic work. 10% were unsure if they would use it, and 26%
said they would not use it. Most students use ChatGPT when using generative AI
for academic work. Students who use generative AI for academic work primarily
use it occasionally. Significantly more of the students who do not use or do
not plan to use generative AI are undergraduates (p-value 0.02373).
The most popular reasons that students said that they
would not use generative AI were more internally focused risks rather than
larger, big-picture risks about these tools. The most popular reason that they
would not use it was “Using AI chatbots feels like plagiarism,” followed
closely by “Using AI chatbots undermines my learning.” The next two most
popular concerns were the output of AI and the impact of AI on the world.
Table 1
Use or Planned Use of Generative AI for Academic Work
Undergraduate |
Graduate |
Total |
Yes, I plan to use them. |
28.57% |
6 |
71.43% |
15 |
5.50% |
21 |
Yes, I have used
them. |
48.11% |
102 |
51.89% |
110 |
58.90% |
212 |
No, I will not use them. |
61.46% |
59 |
38.54% |
37 |
25.92% |
96 |
I'm not sure. |
45.45% |
15 |
54.55% |
18 |
9.69% |
33 |
Table 2
Which Generative AI Chatbot(s) Do You Use for Academic
Percentage |
Count |
ChatGPT |
81.18% |
233 |
Bard |
6.62% |
19 |
Bing Chat |
3.83% |
11 |
ScholarAI |
2.44% |
7 |
Claude |
2.09% |
6 |
Other |
3.83% |
11 |
Table 3
Frequency of Student Use of Generative AI for Academic
Percentage |
Count |
Never |
4.08% |
10 |
Very rarely |
19.59% |
48 |
Rarely |
16.73% |
41 |
Occasionally |
39.59% |
97 |
Somewhat frequently |
11.43% |
28 |
Frequently |
6.12% |
15 |
Very frequently |
2.45% |
6 |
Table 4
Students Who Will Not Use Generative AI, Reasons
Percentage of Answering |
Count |
Using AI chatbots feels like plagiarism |
63.6% |
63 |
Using AI chatbots undermines my learning |
59.6% |
59 |
I don't trust AI chatbots |
55.6% |
57 |
I'm unsure about where the information comes from |
51.5% |
50 |
I'm dissatisfied with the outputs from AI chatbots |
42.5% |
42 |
I have privacy concerns with AI chatbots |
33.3% |
34 |
AI chatbots harm the world |
22.2% |
23 |
Students were most likely to use generative AI tools for
summarizing the text of readings. They were also likely to use the tools to get
feedback on their writing or to make edits to it. They were less likely to use
generative AI for other parts of the research process, such as choosing a
topic, finding sources, or narrowing down a topic.
When asked about the importance of generative AI for
different steps in the research process, students indicated they thought
generative AI would be most important for doing preliminary research on a topic
and writing or editing a paper draft. They explained that they felt generative
AI was less important for research tasks such as identifying a topic, locating
and evaluating sources, and citing sources.
There was one open-ended question in this section that
asked about other ways that students planned to use AI chatbots in support of
their research. The responses to this question fell into four major themes:
As a learning
partner to understand a new topic, suggest improvements to work, brainstorm, or
check their understanding (35)
To help with
research (28)
To help with coding
To help with
writing (23)
One student participant shared that “AI helps in my
preliminary understanding of topics, just as a Google search would.” Another
said, “I use it extensively when I’ve decided on core aspects of a project
(focus area, structure, basic content), but am unsure how to proceed.”
There were also three generative AI research tools
that students brought up in the open-ended question. These tools are notable
for librarians because they relate to information literacy and other
library-taught skills.
· for background research
· for literature reviews
· for paraphrasing &
summarizing text
One student shared that “ResearchRabbit has
increasingly become important to me for literature reviews.”
When all participants were asked to rate their concerns
about using generative AI in their academic work, we found that these concerns
were mostly related to the output of the tools, then world concerns, followed
by concerns about academic integrity. These concerns broke down as follows:
Information from AI chatbots might be factually incorrect: 88.6%; The source of
information produced by AI chatbots is unclear: 83.1%; Privacy of AI chatbots:
Other students felt that using AI chatbots was
academically dishonest or could be considered cheating (59.3%), that AI
chatbots could have a negative impact on the world (58.2%), that using AI
chatbots to help complete academic work is unethical (55.1%), and that using AI
chatbots undermined their learning (49.7%).
Our findings show that undergraduate students are
statistically more likely (p < .05) than graduate students to have concerns
regarding the use of generative AI in academic work as unethical (p = 0.02509)
and as something that undermines their learning (p = 0.01934). Specifically,
60.4% of undergraduates consider using AI chatbots for academic work as
unethical, while only 52.8% of graduate students share this concern. Similarly,
54.9% of undergraduates believe that using AI undermines their learning, in contrast
to 42.8% of graduate students who hold this view.
Both undergraduate and graduate students have low trust
in generative AI tools and very low trust in generative AI outputs. Around 59%
of respondents disagreed that AI chatbots are trustworthy enough to use as part
of completing academic work, and around 66% disagreed that the information they
generate is trustworthy enough to use to complete academic work.
There are differences in how students think about trust
in generative AI between disciplines. Around 72.7% of students in the
humanities disagree with the statement that “AI chatbot tools are generally
trustworthy enough to use as part of my process for completing academic work.”
For students in the sciences, there is about 69.8% disagreement with the
statement and for students in social sciences, there is about 60.2%
Around 83% of respondents disagreed that they could use
outputs from AI chatbots with minimal editing. These findings suggest that
students believe they will have to edit the outputs from generative AI tools to
use them as part of academic work.
Most students said they would find a locally maintained
generative AI tool “somewhat trustworthy.” The complete breakdown for this
question is 3.74% said “not at all trustworthy,” 5.08% said “somewhat
untrustworthy,” 11.76% said “somewhat untrustworthy,” 11.23% said “neither
trustworthy nor untrustworthy,” 30.48% said “somewhat trustworthy,” 29.95% said
“trustworthy,” and 7.75% said “extremely trustworthy.”
Most students said they would be “somewhat likely” to use
a locally maintained generative AI tool. The complete breakdown for this
question is 4.57% said “not at all likely,” 6.99% said “unlikely,” 8.06% said
“somewhat unlikely,” 13.17% said “neither likely not unlikely,” 33.06% said
“somewhat likely,” 27.42% said “likely,” and 6.72% said “extremely likely.”
Students strongly desire training and support on using
generative AI for academic work. 74.3% of students said that guidance on how to
incorporate AI chatbots into academic work would be very useful to them. 72.8%
wanted guidance on prompt creation, and 64.7% were seeking information on how
AI chatbots work.
Our findings indicate that approximately 65% of students
had either already utilized or intend to employ generative AI tools for
academic work, while 25% did not plan to use such tools and 10% remained
uncertain. Among those students who are using AI, ChatGPT is the overwhelmingly
dominant platform, with the vast majority (81%) of participants reporting that
they use it. In terms of frequency, most respondents are accessing generative
AI tools at least occasionally to assist with their academic endeavors. This
number is a significant increase from the literature reviewed. This trend
indicates that more students will likely be using generative AI as time
Students are most likely to use generative AI tools to
summarize readings and get feedback on or edit their writing. This supports
Walczak and Cellary’s (2023) study that found 50% of participants using
generative AI for writing-based tasks. Students are less likely to rely on
generative AI for steps like choosing and narrowing down topics or finding
sources. When rating the importance of generative AI for research tasks,
students felt it would be most useful for doing preliminary research on a topic
and drafting a paper, but saw it as less crucial for identifying topics,
locating sources, and citing sources.
Open-ended responses highlighted additional planned uses,
such as utilizing generative AI as a learning partner, aiding in research,
helping with coding, and assisting with writing. Our study shows that students
view generative AI as more beneficial with writing-based tasks such as editing,
drafting, and summarizing, rather than tasks like gathering sources.
While Shoufan (2023) found that only 6% of their
participants viewed AI systems as a major threat to learning or academic
integrity, our findings differed significantly. In our study, 59.6% of
non-users of AI believed it undermines learning, and 63.6% felt it was akin to
plagiarism. Our findings align much more closely with Welding’s (2023) finding
that 51% of students believe that using generative AI for academic work
constitutes cheating or plagiarism. When including generative AI users'
concerns, these percentages dropped slightly but remained high, indicating that
most of our participants do have concerns about generative AI as a threat to
learning and academic integrity.
Our findings that students have concerns about AI as a
threat to learning and integrity align with their low levels of trust in AI
tools and outputs, as evidenced by additional results from our study. Students
expect that they will have to edit the outputs from generative AI tools to use
them as part of academic work. This supports Shoufan's (2023) finding that
students recognize the possibility of inaccuracies in generative AI outputs and
believe a review of the output is needed.
While students expressed low trust in publicly available
generative AI tools, the results differed when we explored attitudes toward a
potential AI tool developed specifically for students at our institution.
Notably, 68.18% of students said they would find a locally created generative
AI system generally trustworthy, as compared to the 58.56% of students who find
broader generative AI tools generally untrustworthy. This does not seem to affect the likelihood
of use of the tool, with 67.2% of participants (opposed to the current 65%)
saying they would use the tool.
We found that students overwhelmingly said they would
find guidance on how to properly use generative AI chatbots helpful for all
types of academic work. This guidance could include how to craft effective
prompts and how to appropriately incorporate the tools into the research
process. Librarians are uniquely positioned within higher education to meet
these guidance needs, as they have historically addressed needs related to
emerging technologies (Fourie & Meyer, 2015).
As generative AI becomes more prevalent, librarians must
actively engage with these tools to fully understand how we can best assist
students in navigating this new technological development. One study found that
only 20% of librarians believe that their patrons are interested in interacting
with AI (Hervieux & Wheatley, 2021). Our research clearly shows most
students are using generative AI and desire guidance on its use. Prior research
indicates students' knowledge of generative AI technology is positively
associated with use, suggesting exposure and hands-on experience can facilitate
acceptance and adoption (Chan & Hu, 2023). This highlights calls from
Walczak & Cellary (2023) and Teel et al. (2023) for educators and
librarians to provide opportunities for students to develop AI literacy and
consider the ethical application of generative AI in their academic work
Academic librarians are poised to address AI literacy as
part of the broader scope of information literacy. As a first step, librarians
must familiarize themselves with generative AI. AI expert Ethan Mollick says
that it takes 5-10 hours of using generative AI to “get it” (2023). Librarians
may want to try out using generative AI for tasks such as summarizing articles,
searching for preliminary information on a topic, and editing documents,
similar to tasks for which their students might use the tools. Librarians might
encourage their students to compare the output from ChatGPT with the output
from another tool, like Claude or Bard, and discuss why the outputs might
differ. Finally, librarians have the unparalleled ability to evaluate
generative AI output with the same critical skills they would use to evaluate
online news articles or other sources of information – and more importantly, to
teach those evaluative skills to their students.
In the future, librarians should provide instruction and
reference support related to using generative AI for research. Librarians may
want to augment existing library instruction to include how to use (or avoid
the use of) generative AI for certain research tasks. Librarians might also
teach students AI-specific strategies such as prompt creation, tool selection,
and critical evaluation of generative AI output. To better serve students with
this cutting-edge technology, librarians must take advantage of professional
development opportunities to build their skills in this area.
Librarians can help students understand how to select a
given information retrieval platforms, such as Google, a scholarly database, an
online library catalog, or a generative AI tool. Librarians can also teach how
to incorporate generative AI into steps of the research process such as coming
up with search strategies (for example, asking ChatGPT to generate keyword
synonyms), conducting preliminary topic research, and conducting a literature
review. Librarians may want to familiarize themselves with specific AI tools
that relate to conducting research and summarizing text, such as,
ResearchRabbit, and Quillbot.
Additionally, librarians need to understand their local
institution’s policies on the use of generative AI for academic work so that
they can effectively answer questions that students have about appropriate use,
especially as it relates to academic integrity. Students have major concerns in
this area and are looking for support in understanding what they are allowed
and not allowed to do with generative AI tools in their academic work. By understanding local policies or guidelines
related to the use of generative AI for academic work, librarians can address
anxiety and fears students may have about how using generative AI could impact
them academically. If no such local policies or guidelines exist, librarians
may want to advocate for their development.
Since we learned in the survey that students would trust
locally developed AI tools, librarians may want to explore the incorporation of
generative AI solutions for front-line reference support. Potential strategies
could include using generative AI to edit content for research guides, building
a custom Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) to use as a reference
knowledge chatbot, and evaluating vendor enhancements that incorporate
generative AI features.
This research gives us a general sense of the beginnings
of student use of AI for academic work at our institution. At the time of this
publication, our institution has initial guidelines on the use of generative AI
tools, but it does not have any official University-wide policy or guidance on
how students should interact with generative AI for their academic work.
Different institutions will have different rates of adoption among students
based on a variety of local factors.
The research team used convenience sampling because it
was the most efficient approach. In this particular study, respondents were
most likely to respond if they used or had strong feelings about using
generative AI and are therefore not representative of the overall student
population. Further research could be conducted using other sampling methods,
like random or cluster, to enhance the understanding and accuracy of the data.
Some preliminary evidence, both from the survey and
through anecdotal feedback, shows the rate of adoption and methods of using
generative AI vary among different academic disciplines and schools. This
survey sought to present a general look at the usage of generative AI for
academic work among undergraduate and graduate students. There is the
possibility there is much more nuance in adoption and attitudes among different
fields of study. Future research may be done with specific disciplines to
understand the different ways generative AI is useful for learning and research
throughout academia.
Generative AI is already changing students’ approaches to
academic research. Students are using it to summarize text, perform preliminary
research on a topic, and get help with their writing. At the same time they are
adopting generative AI chatbots for academic work, they have concerns about the
consequences of their usage and how the tools might impact their learning.
Librarians must take the opportunity to lead on campuses that are rapidly
adjusting to the introduction of generative AI in academic work.
Librarians must be at the forefront of understanding the
significant impact this technology will have on information-seeking behaviors
and research habits. To effectively support students, librarians must know how
to use these tools to advise students on how to critically evaluate AI output
and effectively incorporate it into their research. Library staff who support
research, teaching, and learning need to know how generative AI works and what
generative AI tools students are likely to use for research.
Students are seeking guidance and leadership around the
appropriate usage of generative AI chatbots for academic work. The research
shows that students would trust AI tools developed and maintained by internal
teams at their institution. Given these data points, librarians must take the
lead in our academic community around effective generative AI usage. Librarians
need to explore and evaluate how AI solutions could be applied to all aspects
of library work, as well as what the impact of those applications could be.
There are potential opportunities to automate repetitive tasks, answer
reference questions via chatbot, or use generative AI as a cataloging
assistant. By implementing these tools in our work, we will deepen our
understanding of the benefits and limitations of generative AI, which will have
a direct impact on how we can engage and support students in understanding the
ethical use of these technologies on our campuses.
This research shows students are engaging with generative
AI for academic work but do not fully trust the information that it produces.
Librarians must establish themselves as leaders in the critical evaluation of
AI outputs and thoughtful use of generative AI for academic work to support our
campus communities. Experimentation with and adoption of generative AI tools
are critical for the successful future of academic librarianship.
Amy Deschenes: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Visualization,
Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Project
Administration Meg McMahon: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal
Analysis, Investigation, Validation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review
& editing
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Survey Questions
Student Use of AI Chatbots for Academic Work
About this survey
What is the purpose of this research?
Librarians, along with other staff who support students
in their academic work, would like to understand how students are using or plan
to use AI (AI) chatbots to support their studies. An AI chatbot, like ChatGPT,
is a computer program that uses AI and natural language processing to understand
questions and generate responses to them, similar to human conversation.
These chatbots can be used by students to help identify a
research topic, conduct research, evaluate sources, and edit writing. AI
chatbots are new tools that can be useful but also have been known to create
junk information or spread misinformation.
This study will enable staff members to determine what
types of training or support students might need for using AI chatbots. We seek
to understand how often and when students turn to AI chatbots to support the
research process. We also want to learn how students feel about the ethical
implications and risks associated with these tools.
Through this study, staff will be able to meet the needs
of students using AI chatbots in support of their academic work. This study
intends to understand when and why students are using these tools, and where
they need support in their usage of them.
What can I expect if I take part in this research?
You will complete a 10-minute survey focused on how you
feel about using AI chatbots to support your academic work and why you use (or
do not use) them.
What should I know about the research study?
All survey answers
will be anonymized. You will be asked an optional question requesting that you
share your email address. This information will only be used for the raffle
prize entry and to follow up with you for future studies.
Whether or not you
take part is up to you.
Your participation
is completely voluntary.
You can choose not
to take part.
You can agree to
take part and later change your mind.
Your decision will
not be held against you.
Your refusal to
participate will not result in any consequences or any loss of benefits that
you are otherwise entitled to receive.
You can ask all the
questions you would like to before you decide.
Who can I talk to about this study?
If you have questions, concerns, or complaints, or think
the research has hurt you, you can reach out to the research team. If you have
any questions, you can contact the team.
Acknowledgement of consent
I understand that my participation in this research is
completely voluntary and refusal to participate will not result in any
consequences or any loss of benefits that I am otherwise entitled to receive.
[Check Box]
Survey Questions
Are you a student
at this institution?
No [If this option,
the participant’s next screen will say, “Thank you for your time.” and they
will not proceed to the other questions.]
Have you used or do
you plan to use AI chatbots, like ChatGPT and Bard, for your academic work?
Yes, I have used
them. (Path A)
Yes, I plan to use
them. (Path A)
No, I will not use
them. (Path B)
I’m not sure (Path
PATH A: YES, I have used them OR Yes, I plan to use them.
For the following questions, think about how you use (or
plan to use) AI chatbots, like ChatGPT and Bard, in your research process. The
research process includes steps like identifying a topic, conducting research,
and writing.
Which AI chatbot do
you use most often for academic work?
Bing Chat
Other [Text entry]
How frequently do
you use an AI chatbot for academic work?
Very rarely
Somewhat frequently
Very frequently
Please indicate in
what ways you are likely or unlikely to use AI chatbots in your academic work
within the next year. [Likert 7 points: Very Unlikely to Very Likely]
To help me
summarize the main points of reading materials
To provide feedback
on or edit my writing
To find relevant
sources for my research
To help me choose a
research topic
To help me focus or
narrow my research topic
To help me generate
an outline for a research paper
Please indicate how
important or unimportant AI chatbots are for each step in the research process.
[Likert 7 points: Not at all Important to Extremely Important]
Identifying and
developing a topic
Doing a preliminary
search for information
Locating materials
Evaluating sources
Writing and editing
a paper
Citing sources
Are there other
ways you use or will use AI chatbots in the research process?
[Text Entry]
PATH B: NO, I will not use them.
I will not use AI
chatbots in my academic work because… [Multiple Selection]
I’m dissatisfied
with the outputs from AI chatbots
Using AI chatbots
feels like plagiarism
Using AI chatbots
undermines my learning
I’m unsure about
where the information comes from
I’m unsure how to
use AI chatbots for academic work
I don’t trust AI
I have privacy concerns
with AI chatbots
AI chatbots have a
negative impact on the world
Other [Text Entry]
PATH C: I’m not sure.
Go directly to ALL PATHS
Trustworthiness & Guidance
Please indicate how
much you agree or disagree with these statements about AI chatbots and academic
work: [Likert 7 points: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree]
AI chatbot tools
are generally trustworthy enough to use as part of my process for completing
academic work.
The information
generated by AI chatbots is generally trustworthy enough to use as part of my
process for completing academic work.
I expect to be able
to use the outputs from an AI chatbot as part of my academic work with minimal
Please indicate
your level of concern about AI chatbots as they relate to the following
statements. [Likert 7 points: Not at All Concerned to Extremely Concerned]
Using AI chatbots
to help complete my academic work is unethical
Others consider
using AI chatbots as academically dishonest or cheating
Information from AI
chatbots might be factually incorrect
The source of
information produced by AI chatbots is unclear
AI chatbots could
have a negative impact on the world
Privacy of AI
Using AI chatbots
undermines my learning
[Text Entry]
Imagine our
university offered a local AI chatbot populated with local information and
maintained by local staff. How
trustworthy would you find this kind of tool?
Not at all
Neither trustworthy
nor untrustworthy
Imagine our
university offered a local AI chatbot populated with local information and
maintained by local staff. How likely
would you be to use this tool?
Very unlikely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely nor
Somewhat unlikely
Very likely
Please indicate how
helpful or unhelpful the following guidance around AI chatbots would be for
your academic work. [Likert 7 points: Not at all helpful to Very helpful]
Information on how
AI chatbots work
Information on
creating prompts or questions for AI chatbots (a prompt is the text that you,
the user, types into an AI chatbot)
Information about
how to incorporate AI chatbots into your research process
Other [Text Entry]
Email address for
raffle of $50 Amazon gift card:
[Text Entry]
I am open to being
contacted for a compensated ($50 Amazon gift card) interview based on my
Select your degree
program, status, or role:
MBA (Master of
Business Administration)
MMSc (Master of
Medical Sciences)
MPH (Master of
Public Health)
MHCM (Master in
Health Care Management)
SM (Master of
MD (Doctor of
DrPH (Doctor of
Public Health)
DMSc (Doctor of
Medical Sciences)
DMD (Doctor of
Dental Medicine)
JD (Juris Doctor)
LLM (Master of
SJD (Doctor of
Juridical Science)
PhD or Post Doc or
Other student
Please describe
your program [text entry]
What is your
concentration or primary research area? (Please select whichever is the best
African Studies
& African-American Studies
Anthropology and
Arts, Architecture,
and Design
Asian Studies
Astronomy and Space
Business and
Classics and
Medieval Studies
Computer Science
Film, TV, Theater,
and Dance
Geography &
Political Science, and International Relations
History &
History of Science
Information Science
Jewish Studies
Language and
Latin American,
Caribbean, and Latino Studies
Medicine or Dental
Middle Eastern
Native American
dd. News and Media Studies
Philosophy &
hh. Psychology
Public Health
Slavic Studies
Women's, Gender,
and Sexuality Studies
Something else,
please describe [text entry]
Year of Graduation
Beyond [text entry]
Do you use
assistive technology or software related to a disability? (Examples: JAWS,
ZoomText, VoiceOver)?
Yes (Please
describe) [text entry]
b. No