

Call for Volunteers for EBLIP Journal: Peer Reviewers from Public Libraries


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DOI: 10.18438/eblip30548



Evidence Based Library and Information Practice seeks librarians working in public libraries who are willing to serve as voluntary peer reviewers for the journal.

The role involves:



The ideal candidate is a library professional who has some exposure to data based decision making, evidence based practice, and/or research methods. Interested persons should send a statement of interest and resume to Dr. Ann Medaille, Editor-in-Chief, at

Peer reviewers for the journal follow detailed guidelines supplied by the Editorial Board. The double-blind peer review process is managed through the Online Journal System for notification, acceptance, and reviewers’ comments.

Individuals are asked to indicate their interest by July 19, 2024.

About the journal:

Published quarterly and hosted by the University of Alberta, this peer-reviewed, open access journal is targeted at all library and information professionals interested in an evidence based model of practice. By facilitating access to librarianship research via original research articles and evidence summaries of relevant research from the library literature, Evidence Based Library and Information Practice enables librarians to practice their profession in an evidence based manner. Please visit the
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice website for further information about the journal.