% Encoding: UTF-8 @Article{boll-1910, author = {Bolling, George Melville}, title = {A {Contribution} to the {History} of {Religion} in {India}}, journal = {Catholic University Bulletin}, date = {1910}, volume = {16}, pages = {113--26}, url = {https://archive.org/details/CatholicUnivBulletinV16}, urldate = {2017-10-18}, } @Book{trau-1997, author = {Trautmann, Thomas R.}, title = {Aryans and {British} {India}}, date = {1997}, location = {Berkeley}, publisher = {University of California Press}, isbn = {978-0-520-91792-7}, } @Incollection{eino-2005, author = {Einoo, Shingo}, title = {The {Formation} of {Hindu} {Ritual}}, editor = {Einoo, Shingo and Takashima, Jun}, booktitle = {From {Material} to {Deity}: {Indian} {Rituals} of {Consecration}}, date = {2005}, location = {New Delhi}, publisher = {Manohar}, pages = {7--49}, isbn = {978-81-7304-627-8}, } @Book{boll-1909, editor = {Bolling, George Melville and Negelein, Julius von}, title = {The {Parisistas} of the {Atharvaveda}}, date = {1909}, location = {Leipzig}, publisher = {O. Harrassowitz}, } @Book{ping-1981, author = {Pingree, David}, title = {Jyotiḥśāstra: Astral and Mathematical Literature}, date = {1981}, location = {Wiesbaden}, publisher = {Harrassowitz}, series = {History of Indian Literature}, isbn = {978-3-447-02165-4}, shorttitle = {Jyotiḥśāstra}, } @Book{mitc-2002, author = {Mitchiner, John E.}, title = {The {Yuga} {Purāṇa}: Critically Edited, with an {English} Translation and a Detailed Introduction}, date = {2002}, location = {Kolkata}, publisher = {Asiatic Society}, series = {Bibliotheca {Indica}}, number = {312}, edition = {2}, } @Incollection{yano-2004, author = {Yano, Michio}, title = {Planet Worship in Ancient {India}}, editor = {Burnett, Charles and Hogendijk, Jan P. and Plofker, Kim and Yano, Michio and Iqbal, Muzaffar}, booktitle = {Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of {David Pingree}}, date = {2004}, location = {Leiden}, publisher = {Brill}, pages = {331--48}, isbn = {978-90-04-13202-3}, ean = {9789004132023}, } @Article{biss-2003, author = {Bisschop, Peter and Griffiths, Arlo}, title = {The Pāśupata Observance (\emph{Atharvavedapariśiṣṭa} 40)}, journal = {Indo-Iranian Journal}, date = {2003}, volume = {46}, number = {4}, pages = {315--48}, doi = {10.1023/b:indo.0000009508.18900.ef}, } @Article{burg-1858, author = {Burgess, Ebenezer}, title = {Translation of the {Surya}-{Siddhanta}, {A} {Text}-{Book} of {Hindu} {Astronomy}; {With} {Notes}, and an {Appendix}}, journal = {Journal of the American Oriental Society}, volume = {6}, pages = {141}, doi = {10.2307/592174}, year = {1858}, } @Article{gesl-2016, author = {Geslani, Marko}, title = {Astrological {Vedism}: {Varāhamihira} in Light of the Later Rituals of the {Atharvaveda}}, journal = {Journal of the American Oriental Society}, volume = {136}, number = {2}, pages = {305--323}, issn = {0003-0279}, doi = {10.7817/jameroriesoci.136.2.305}, abstract = {This article examines the possible roots of the sixth-century astrologer/astronomer, Varāhamihira. Ritual instructions from astrological texts on the yātrā (military march) are compared with the preliminary services of the Atharvaveda Śāntikalpa to demonstrate that much of the astrological ritual system can be seen as an adaptation of Atharvan śānti (appeasement) ritual. This analysis illuminates both the possible interchange between Vedic and Jyotiḥśāstric ritual systems and Varāhamihira’s considerable expertise as a ritualist.}, shorttitle = {Astrological {Vedism}}, year = {2016}, } @Article{kuma-2007, author = {Kumagai, Koji}, title = {The {Gargasamhita}, {Chapter} 39}, journal = {Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu)}, volume = {55}, number = {2}, pages = {795--789,1262}, doi = {10.4259/ibk.55.795}, year = {2007}, } @Article{kuma-2015, author = {Kumagai, Koji}, title = {The {Construction} of the {Gargasamhita} {Chapter} 39}, journal = {Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu)}, volume = {63}, number = {3}, pages = {1191--1196}, doi = {10.4259/ibk.63.3_1191}, year = {2015}, } @Article{mak-2013b, author = {Bill M. Mak}, title = {The Date and Nature of {Sphujidhvaja}'s {Yavanajātaka} Reconsidered in the Light of Some Newly Discovered Materials}, journal = {History of Science in South Asia}, date = {2013}, volume = {1}, pages = {1--20}, issn = {2369-775X}, doi = {10.18732/H2RP4T}, urldate = {2017-09-21}, } @Article{mak-2014, author = {Bill M. Mak}, title = {The `{Oldest} {Indo}-{Greek} {Text} in {Sanskrit}' {Revisited}}, journal = {Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu)}, date = {2014}, volume = {62}, number = {3}, pages = {1101--1105}, doi = {10.4259/ibk.62.3_1101}, shorttitle = {The "{Oldest} {Indo}-{Greek} {Text} in {Sanskrit}" {Revisited}}, } @Article{ping-1963, author = {Pingree, David}, title = {Astronomy and {Astrology} in {India} and {Iran}}, journal = {Isis}, date = {1963}, volume = {54}, number = {2}, pages = {229--46}, issn = {0021-1753}, doi = {10.1086/349703}, month = {6}, } @Article{roch-1988, author = {Rochberg-Halton, Francesca}, title = {Elements of the Babylonian Contribution to Hellenistic Astrology}, journal = {Journal of the American Oriental Society}, date = {1988}, volume = {108}, number = {1}, pages = {51--62}, issn = {0003-0279}, doi = {10.2307/603245}, abstract = {In the scientific literature of the Hellenistic period, references to "Chaldeans" in connection with astrology and astronomy are numerous. The implications of such references, for the history of astrology, however, depend on a closer assessment of the nature and extent of the Babylonian contribution to that branch of Hellenistic science, but an assessment based on cuneiform sources. This paper undertakes such an assessment. Three elements which are demonstrably Babylonian in origin yet form basic and integral parts of Greek astrological doctrine provide the focus of discussion. They are: 1) planetary exaltations, 2) the micro-zodiac, and 3) trine aspect. The differences between the Babylonian and Greek use of these three elements are exemplary of the fact that despite the incorporation of Babylonian elements at the inception of Greek astrology, the overall character and rationale of Greek astrology remains entirely a Hellenistic Greek product.}, } @Book{zysk-2016, author = {Zysk, Kenneth G.}, title = {The Indian System of Human Marks}, date = {2016}, location = {Leiden}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series}, number = {15}, isbn = {978-90-04-29972-6}, } @Incollection{ping-1987b, author = {Pingree, David}, title = {Venus {Omens} in {India} and {Babylon}}, booktitle = {Language, {Literature}, and {History}: {Philological} and {Historical} {Studies} {Presented} to {Erica} {Reiner}}, date = {1987}, location = {New Haven}, publisher = {American Oriental Society}, pages = {293--315}, isbn = {978-0-940490-67-3}, } @Book{berg-1987, author = {Berggren, J. L. and Goldstein, Bernard R.}, title = {From {Ancient} {Omens} to {Statistical} {Mechanics}: {Essays} on the {Exact} {Sciences} {Presented} to {Asger} {Aaboe}}, date = {1987}, publisher = {University Library}, isbn = {978-87-7709-002-8}, shorttitle = {From {Ancient} {Omens} to {Statistical} {Mechanics}}, } @Book{chat-1970, editor = {Chatterjee, Bina}, title = {Khaṇḍakhādyaka (an Astronomical Treatise) of Brahmagupta: With the Commentary of Bhaṭṭotpala by Brahmagupta. Vol.\,1}, date = {1970}, location = {Delhi}, publisher = {Motilal Banarsidass}, address = {Delhi}, year = {1970}, } @Book{jha-1986, editor = {Jha, Ramachandra}, title = {Yogayātrā}, date = {1986}, location = {Darabhanga}, series = {Kāmeśvara Siṃha Granthamālā}, number = {23}, } @Book{lams-1969, editor = {Laṃsāla, Devīprasāda}, title = {Aśvamedhīyayātrā}, date = {1969}, location = {Kāṣṭhamaṇḍapa}, publisher = {Rāṣṭrīyābhilekhālaya}, } @Article{jone-1790, author = {Jones, William}, title = {On the Antiquity of the {Indian} {Zodiack}}, journal = {Asiatick Researches}, date = {1790}, volume = {2}, pages = {289--306}, doi = {10.1017/cbo9781139506939.004}, url = {https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.91690}, urldate = {2017-10-22}, } @Article{kane-1949, author = {Kane, Pandurang Vaman}, title = {Varāhamihira and {Utpala}: Their Works and Predecessors}, journal = {Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society}, date = {1949}, volume = {24/25}, pages = {1--32}, } @Book{kern-1865, editor = {Kern, Henrik}, title = {The {Bṛhat} {Sañhitā} of {Varáha}-{Mihira}}, date = {1865}, location = {Calcutta}, publisher = {Baptist Mission Press}, } @Book{kirf-1920, author = {Kirfel, Willibald}, title = {Die {Kosmographie} der {Inder}}, date = {1920}, location = {Leipzig}, publisher = {K. Schroeder}, } @Article{kuma-2011, author = {Kumagai, Koji}, title = {pāpa- on Divination Literature}, journal = {Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu)}, date = {2011}, volume = {59}, number = {3}, pages = {1097--1102}, doi = {10.4259/ibk.59.3_1097}, publisher = {Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies}, year = {2011}, } @Article{mak-2013a, author = {Bill M. Mak}, title = {The {Last} {Chapter} of {Sphujidhvaja}'s {Yavanajātaka} {Critically} {Edited} with {Notes}}, journal = {SCIAMVS: Sources and Commentaries in Exact Sciences}, date = {2013}, volume = {14}, pages = {59--148}, } @Article{mak-2015, author = {Bill M. Mak}, title = {The Transmission of {Buddhist} Astral Science from {India} to {East} {Asia}: {The} Central {Asian} Connection}, journal = {Historia Scientiarum}, date = {2015}, volume = {24}, number = {2}, pages = {59--75}, issn = {0285-4821}, } @Incollection{mak-2016, author = {Bill M. Mak}, title = {Matching {Stellar} {Ideas} to the {Stars}: {Remarks} on the {Translation} of {Indian} jyotiṣa in the {Chinese} {Buddhist} {Canon}}, editor = {Wangchuk, Dorji}, booktitle = {Cross-cultural Transmission of {Buddhist} Texts: Theories and Practice of Translation}, date = {2016}, location = {Hamburg}, publisher = {Deprtment of Indian and Tibetan Studies}, pages = {139--158}, isbn = {978-3-945151-04-4}, } @Book{mukh-1954, author = {Mukhopadhyaya, Sujitkumar}, title = {The Śārdūlakarṇāvadāna}, date = {1954}, location = {Santiniketan}, publisher = {Visvabharati}, } @Book{neug-1957, author = {Neugebauer, Otto}, title = {The Exact Sciences in Antiquity}, date = {1957}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Dover}, edition = {2nd}, isbn = {978-1-56619-269-9}, } @Article{ping-1973, author = {Pingree, David}, title = {The {Mesopotamian} {Origin} of {Early} {Indian} {Mathematical} {Astronomy}}, journal = {Journal for the History of Astronomy}, date = {1973}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {1--12}, issn = {0021-8286}, doi = {10.1177/002182867300400102}, } @Incollection{ping-1978, author = {Pingree, David}, title = {History of Mathematical Astronomy in India}, editor = {Charles Coulston Gillespie}, booktitle = {Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Supplement One}, date = {1978}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Charles Scribner's Sons}, pages = {533--633}, volume = {15}, isbn = {9780684169705}, } @Incollection{ping-1987a, author = {Pingree, David}, title = {Babylonian Planetary Theory in Sanskrit Omen Texts}, editor = {Goldstein, Bernard R and Berggren, J. L.}, booktitle = {From Ancient Omens to Statistical Mechanics: Essays on the Exact Sciences Presented to {Asger Aaboe}}, date = {1987}, location = {Copenhagen}, publisher = {University Library}, pages = {91--99}, isbn = {978-87-7709-002-8}, } @Incollection{ping-1989, author = {Pingree, David}, title = {{MUL}.{APIN} and {Vedic} {Astronomy}}, editor = {Behrens, Hermann and Loding, Darlene and Roth, Martha Tobi}, booktitle = {Dumu-e2-dub-ba-a: Studies in Honor of Åke W. Sjöberg}, date = {1989}, location = {Philadelphia}, publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Museum}, pages = {439--445}, isbn = {978-0-934718-98-1}, } @Book{ping-cess, author = {Pingree, David}, title = {Census of the {Exact} {Sciences} in {Sanskrit}}, date = {1970/1994}, location = {Philadelphia}, publisher = {American Philosophical Society}, series = {Memoirs of the {American} {Philosophical} {Society}}, number = {81, 86, 111, 146, 213}, volumes = {5}, shorthand = {CESS}, } @Incollection{plof-2011, author = {Plofker, Kim and Knudsen, Toke}, title = {Calendars in {India}}, editor = {Steele, John M.}, booktitle = {Calendars and Years. {II}}, date = {2011}, location = {Oxford and Oakville, CT}, publisher = {Oxbow Books}, pages = {53--68}, isbn = {978-1-84217-987-1}, } @Article{roch-2010, author = {Rochberg, Francesca}, title = {Babylonian {Astral} {Science} in the {Hellenistic} {World}}, journal = {CAS LMU eSeries}, date = {2010}, volume = {4}, pages = {1--11}, url = {http://www.cas.uni-muenchen.de/publikationen/e_series/cas_eseries_nr4.pdf}, urldate = {2017-10-18}, } @Book{shuk-1960, editor = {Shukla, K. S.}, title = {Mahābhāskarīya}, date = {1960}, publisher = {Lucknow University}, translator = {Shukla, K.S.}, } @Book{trip-1968, editor = {Tripāthī, A.V.}, title = {Bṛihatsaṃhitā, with the Commentary of {Bhaṭṭotpala}}, date = {1968}, location = {Varanasi}, publisher = {Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya}, series = {Sarasvatī {Bhavan} {Granthamālā}}, number = {97}, } @Article{nege-1928, author = {Negelein, Julius von}, title = {Die ältesten {Meister} der indischen {Astrologie} und die {Grundidee} ihrer {Lehrbücher}}, journal = {Zeitschriften Der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft}, date = {1928}, volume = {82}, pages = {1--22}, } @Book{webe-1852, author = {Weber, Albrecht}, title = {Indische {Literaturgeschichte}}, date = {1852}, location = {Berlin}, publisher = {F. Dümler}, url = {https://archive.org/details/akademischevorle00webe}, urldate = {2017-10-18}, } @Book{yano-1986, author = {Yano, Michio}, title = {Mikkyō senseijutsu {\cjk 密教占星術}}, date = {1986}, location = {Tokyo}, publisher = {Tokyo Bijutsu}, } @PhdThesis{sugi-1992, author = {Sugita, Mizue}, title = {Bṛhatsaṃhitā-ni okeru bhaṭṭotpala chūshaku [{BṛhatsaṃhitāにおけるBhaṭṭotpala注釈}]}, date = {1992}, type = {M.{A}.}, location = {Japan}, school = {Kyoto Sangyo}, } @Article{falk-2000, author = {Falk, Harry}, title = {Measuring Time in {Mesopotamia} and Ancient {India}}, journal = {Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft1}, date = {2000}, volume = {150}, pages = {107--32}, } @Book{neug-1975, author = {Neugebauer, Otto}, title = {A {History} of {Ancient} {Mathematical} {Astronomy}}, date = {1975}, location = {Berlin/New York}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-540-06995-9}, } @Article{hoer-1888, author = {Hoernle, A. F. Rudolf}, title = {The {Bakhshali} {Manuscript}}, journal = {The Indian Antiquary}, date = {1888}, volume = {17}, pages = {33--48}, url = {https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.530439/2015.530439.indian-antiquary#page/n43/mode/1up}, urldate = {2017-09-18}, month = {2}, } @Book{diks-1896, author = {Śaṅkara Bālakṛṣṇa Dīkṣita}, title = {Bhāratīya Jyotiṣaśāstra [ = Indian Astronomy]}, date = {1896}, location = {Pune}, publisher = {Aryabhusana Press}, translator = {R. V. Vaidya}, note = {English translation from the Marathi published in two volumes, Calcutta, 1969 and 1981}, } @Article{mak-2017, author = {Bill M. Mak}, title = {Tithikarmaguṇa in \emph{Gārgīyajyotiṣa}. Tithi Worship According to a Number of Early Sources}, journal = {Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies}, date = {2017}, volume = {66}, pubstate = {inpress}, } @Book{gesl-fort, author = {Marko Geslani}, title = {Rites of the God-King}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, pubstate = {forthcoming}, } @Unpublished{yano-fort, author = {Michio Yano}, title = {Nakṣatra System of the Atharvaveda-Pariśiṣṭa}, note = {In: \emph{Journal of Indological Studies}}, pubstate = {forthcoming}, } @Book{mitc-1986, author = {Mitchiner, John E.}, title = {The {Yuga} {Purāṇa}: Critically Edited, with an {English} Translation and a Detailed Introduction}, date = {1986}, location = {Calcutta}, publisher = {Asiatic Society}, series = {Bibliotheca {Indica}}, number = {312}, edition = {1}, oclc = {15211914}, } @Book{cdial, author = {R. L. Turner}, title = {A Comparative Dictionary of the {Indo-Aryan} Languages}, date = {1966/1985}, location = {London, New York, Toronto}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, isbn = {0 19 713550 1}, url = {http://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/soas/}, note = {With \emph{Indexes} compiled by Dorothy Rivers Turner (OUP, London, 1969), \emph{Phonetic Analysis} by R. L. and D. R. Turner (OUP, London, 1971), and \emph{Addenda and Corrigenda} edited by J. C. Wright (School of Oriental and African Studies, London, 1985)}, shorthand = {CDIAL}, owner = {dom}, timestamp = {2010.03.16}, } @Article{mak-2018, author = {Bill M. Mak}, title = {Bhaṭṭotpala and Scientific Learning in Tenth-Century Kashmir}, journal = {Journal of Indological Studies}, date = {2018}, volume = {29}, pubstate = {inpress}, timestamp = {2017-12-21}, } @Article{wuja-bakh, author = {Kim Plofker and Agathe Keller and Takao Hayashi and Clemency Montelle and Dominik Wujastyk}, title = {The Bakhshālī Manuscript: A Response to the Bodleian Library's Radiocarbon Dating}, journal = {History of Science in South Asia}, date = {2017}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {134--50}, issn = {2369-775X}, doi = {10.18732/H2XT07}, abstract = {Popular attention has recently been captured by the results of the Bodleian Library's 2017 project of radiocarbon dating portions of the birch-bark fragments constituting what is known as the Bakhshālī Manuscript. In this paper, we disagree with the interpretation of the findings announced by the Bodleian team. In particular, we argue that the earliest dated folio of this manuscript is unlikely to be the date of the whole text. Rather, the latest dateable folio is logically the date of the scribal activity. This fits well with past estimates of the date of the Bakhshālī Manuscript based on historical, philological and palaeographic arguments.. And we argue that the Bakhshālī Manuscript does include written zeros that function as arithmetical operators, i.e., as numbers in their own right, and not merely as place-holders, as asserted by the Bodleian team. Finally, we express regret that the Bodleian Library chose to announce scientific results without peer-review and through a press release to newspapers and a YouTube video.}, timestamp = {2017-12-22}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:biblatex;}