Technology Integration: Best Practices–Where Do Teachers Stand? 5(11)
Laurie B. Dias
Skip Atkinson
As technology becomes more available in k-12 classrooms and teachers apply it their teaching, it is important to consider how we are going to evaluate the technology integration efforts of teachers. This article summarizes the stages of technology integration, and then goes on to present examples of best technology integration practices. Finally, it offers questions to consider when assessing teachers and their uses of technology.
The idea of "technology integration" has evolved during the last several decades from teaching programming, to utilizing drill and practice, to implementing integrated learning systems, to addressing computer literacy skills, to participating in web-based communities. A more current view of technology integration involves the practice of using technology in ways that are both curriculum-based and future-oriented. According to Ertmer (1999), teachers should focus on meeting content objectives within the "three Cs": communication, collaboration, and creative problem-solving. It also requires that attention be given to preparing students for the future: theirs, not ours. The challenge for today’s educators is not programming the computer or learning cumbersome DOS commands. It lies in using computers and other technologies in ways to promote meaningful learning for students.
The purpose of this paper is to describe teachers’ transformation process into technology integrators, to explore best practices in teaching with technology, and to suggest how administrators might consider evaluating teachers’ integration efforts. Now that computer technology is more prevalent in classrooms, it is becoming less a decision of whether or not to adopt, and more of a dilemma of how to implement it effectively into instruction.