(OUT)siders at the Gates: Administrative Aspirants’ Attitudes Towards the Gay Community, 10(24)


  • Autumn Tooms
  • Judy A. Alston


Using the Attitudes Towards Lesbians and Gay Men Scale (ATLG) this study focused on two groups of graduate students in graduate level leadership preparation programs. Research questions that framed this study were: What are students’ who are aspiring to school leadership positions attitudes toward lesbians and gays? What are students’ attitudes concerning issues of equity as it relates to lesbians and gays? Findings for question one revealed that very few respondent were neutral on this issue with a majority of the population (61%) tending to have more tolerant attitudes toward members of the queer community. Regarding question two, survey responses showed a more even spectrum of responses. What is most interesting is that 35% of respondents were neutral about issues concerning equity.






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