A New DEEL for an Old Problem: Social Justice at the Core, 10(32)


  • Valerie A. Storey
  • Tom Beeman


New DEEL does not refer to a specific policy or reform, but rather to an ideology, unencumbered by international borders and domestic politics. In this paper, we first endeavor to identify the rhetoric of New DEEL and social justice, and the reality of its implementation in schools today; spending time on the NCLB Act which we postulate is a major current impediment to New DEEL and social justice. We identify steps to scaffold strategies which facilitate the movement toward Democratic-Ethical Educational Leadership (DEEL) in schools today. By default, this ensures that social justice is the major priority of our education system. To achieve this end, we propose implementing a structure which expands the notion of pedagogy from the four walls of the classroom to a personalized, school-wide strategy.






Social Justice Articles