Who Assists the Faculty? The Need for Mentorship Programs for Faculty Undertaking Global Education Initiatives


  • Yasmin Dean Mount Royal University
  • Chad London Mount Royal University
  • Cathy Carston Mount Royal University
  • Vincent Salyers Mount Royal University


This study explored the expectations, motivations, and experiences of Canadian faculty members undertaking development and implementation of global education initiatives (GEI) for students in the form of exchange and study abroad programs, supervised practical coursework, and experiential learning in international settings. Findings revealed that the faculty members leading these initiatives for the first time were surprised by the amount of work required for planning and implementing them. This was in contrast to the perceptions of more experienced faculty who spoke with certainty about the workload and associated demands of organizing these initiatives. Further, more experienced faculty members implied that their personal desire to continue to lead international initiatives diminished each year. Attrition was explained by the increasing work demands of these projects. Experienced faculty also raised concerns about underprepared faculty who participate in global experiences with students. Findings suggest a need for faculty development, mentorship, and preparation programs as a means for improving the overall experience for students and faculty.


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