Planning and Implementing a 3D Printing Service in an Academic Library.


  • Sara Russsell Gonzalez
  • Denise Beaubien Bennett



Initiating a 3D printing service in an academic library goes beyond justification of its value and gaining the necessary library and administrative support. Additional aspects such as policies, environmental safety, training, publicizing, maintenance, and scope of service must be considered. This article provides a guide to developing a 3D print service including recommendations for building support, issues to consider before implementing a service, tips for developing staff proficiency, and links to guides and policies at academic libraries. We also present examples of use cases observed at the University of Florida 3D printing service that demonstrate the value of 3D printing in supporting the teaching and research mission of a university. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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How to Cite

Gonzalez, S. R., & Bennett, D. B. (2014). Planning and Implementing a 3D Printing Service in an Academic Library. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (78).



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