Specialized Remote User Education: Web-Based Tutorials for Engineering Graduate Students.
Theme: Public Service in the Electronic Library
The McKinney Engineering Library, while part of the General Libraries, is a stand-alone collection located about a 1/2 mile north of the main library in the center of six science and engineering buildings. We serve a user population of approximately 360 faculty, 1,900 graduate students, and 4,600 undergraduate students. Graduate students have historically constituted 50% of our user activity: that is asking questions and checking out books, etc.
The Sci/Tech Electronic Information Center (EIC) is located within the Engineering library, with satellite stations in the Chemistry, Geology, Life Science, and Physics Mathematics-Astronomy Libraries. The EIC provides login-based access to controlled science, library and university functions.
How to Cite
While ISTL has always been open access and authors have always retained the copyright of their papers without restrictions, articles in issues prior to no.75 were not licensed with Creative Commons licenses. Since issue no. 75 (Winter 2014), ISTL has licensed its work through Creative Commons licenses. Please refer to the Copyright and Licensing Information page for more information.