Capital Improvement: One Northern Virginia Library's Support of Life-Saving Programs.
Theme: Facilities
The article features the National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases (NCB) at George Mason University in Northern Virginia. A brief background on the university is offered. An overview of the biomedical research services at the center is presented. Information on the new graduate programs offered by NCB in the fall of 2003 is given.
Fraley, Ruth A. and Carol Lee Anderson. 1990. Library space planning : a how-to-do-it manual for assessing, allocating and reorganizing collections, resources, and facilities. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers.
George Mason University, Office of University Relations. 2005. George Mason University Catalog. Fairfax, VA : George Mason University.
Ross, David. 2005. Trend spotting. Library Journal 130(15): 36.
Schatz, Mark. 2005. Trend spotting. Library Journal 130(15): 41.
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