Podcasting the Sciences: A Practical Overview.
Theme: Web 2.0
University science education has been undergoing great amount of change since the commercialization of the Internet a decade ago. Mobile technologies in science education can encompass more than the proximal teaching and learning environment. Podcasting, for example, allows audio content from user-selected feeds to be automatically downloaded to one's computer as it becomes available online, and then later transferred to a portable player for the user's consumption at a convenient time and place. Enjoying a phenomenal growth in mainstream society, podcasting is asynchronous and could be provided at a distance from a classroom. This paper reports a case study from the University of British Columbia that implemented podcasting for physics content. It presents the rationale for, technical details, and step-by-step guide to creating podcasts in the sciences. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Palmer, S., & Hall, W. 2008. Application of podcasting in online engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education 24(1): 101-106.
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Ralph, J., & Olsen, S. 2007. Podcasting as an educational building block in academic libraries. Australian Academic & Research Libraries 38(4): 270-279.
Worcester, L., & Barker, E. 2006. Podcasting: Exploring the possibilities for academic libraries. College & Undergraduate Libraries 13(3): 87-91.
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