Science Experiments: Reaching Out to Our Users.
Theme: Web 2.0
The authors discusses the experiments they conducted at the University of Washington (UW) on both traditional and unconventional methods of reaching out to library users. Among the efforts tried by the authors were going outside of a library to meet users in their spaces and employing virtual library on the Internet. Another method is an adventure game called geocaching intended for global positioning systems (GPS) users. The authors cited social networking as an easy approach to reach out to library users.
Albano, J. 2005. The must list: lattes, magnets, and six other ways to connect with your users. College & Research Libraries News, 66(3):203-5, 228.
Arendt, J., and Taylor, M. K. 2006. When the walls crash down: offer services where the students are. College & Research Libraries News, 67(11): 698-700.
Cawthorne, J. E. 2003. Integrating outreach and building partnerships: expanding our role in the learning community. College & Research Libraries News, 64(10): 666-9, 681.
Chesnut, M. T. 2006. The M.A.R.K.E.T approach to promoting your academic library. Kentucky Libraries, 70(4): 8-11.
Coulter, P. and Draper, L. 2006. Blogging it to them: weblogs in information literacy instruction. Journal of Library Administration, 45(1/2): 101-115.
Elder, J. J., Forrest, C., and Thomas, S. 2005. Students are users, too: a research library reaches out to the "undergraduate market" at Emory University. College & Research Libraries News, 66(3): 214-215.
Fabian, C. A., D'Aniello, C., and Tysick, C. 2003. Multiple models for library outreach initiatives. The Reference Librarian, (82): 39-55.
Finlay, H., and Young, D. 2006. Meeting and greeting new students. Library + Information Update, 5(12): 22-23.
Goda, D., Killingsworth, E.K., and Basco, B.B. 2002. University of Central Florida librarians on location. Public Services Quarterly, 1(3): 13-19.
Kwasitsu, L. 2003. Information-seeking behavior of design, process, and manufacturing engineers. Library and Information Science Research, 25: 459-476.
Macaluso, S. J., and Petruzzelli, B. W. 2005. The library liaison toolkit: learning to bridge the communication gap. The Reference Librarian, (89/90): 163-177.
Nelson, M.S. 2007. Initiating engineering outreach reference services: background and practice. Reference Services Review, 35(2): 265-284.
Reed, C. 2005. Reaching out to connect with users: the Jane Bancroft Cook Library experience. Florida Libraries, 47(1): 18-19, 23.
Sutton, L., and Womack, H. D. 2006. Got game? hosting game night in an academic library. College & Research Libraries News, 67(3): 173-176.
Ury, C., and Johnson, C. 2003. Reference beyond the walls of the library: interacting with faculty and students in the 21st century. The Reference Librarian, (83/84): 203-218.
Van Den Broek, R. 2004. Late night at Miller Library: a success story. College & Research Libraries News, 65(10): 576-577.
Vogel, T.M. and Goans, D. 2005. Delivering the news with blogs: the Georgia State University Library experience. Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 10(1): 5-27.
Wagner, A. B., and Tysick, C. 2007. Onsite reference and instruction services: setting up shop where our patrons live. Reference and User Services Quarterly, 46(4): 60-65.
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