Selected Internet Resources on Digital Research Data Curation.
This article focuses on curation of digital research data and development of related infrastructure. It explains that data-intensive computational approaches to science is playing an increasingly important role in scholarly research. However the sheer volume of digital data produced in the sciences is staggering, posing a daunting challenge to researchers and to publishers alike. It notes on the move by institutions to colloborate and make cross-section partnerships.
Borgman, C., Wallis, J., Enyedy, N. 2007. Little science confronts the data deluge: habitat ecology, embedded sensor networks, and digital libraries. International Journal on Digital Libraries [Internet] [Cited November 17, 2010]. 7:17-30. Available from:
Choudhury, S. 2009. Rethinking Scholarly Communication: Building Data Curation Infrastructure. [Internet] [Cited November 17, 2010]. Available from: {}
Gold, A. 2010. Data Curation and Libraries: Short-Term Developments, Long-Term Prospects. Office of the Dean (Library) [Internet]. [Cited November 17, 2010]. Available from:
Rusbridge C., Burnhill, P., Ross, S., Buneman, P., Giaretta, D., Lyon, L., Atkinson, M. 2005. The Digital Curation Centre: A Vision for Digital Curation. In: Proceedings From Local to Global: Data Interoperability--Challenges and Technologies. Forte Village Resort, Sardinia, Italy. pp. 1-11. [Internet]. [Cited November 17, 2010]. Available from:
Wright, M., Sumner, T., Moore, R., and Koch, T. 2007. Connecting digital libraries to eScience: the future of scientific scholarship. International Journal of Digital Libraries. [Internet] [Cited November 17, 2010]. 7:1-4. Available from:
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