Assessing Nurse Practitioner Practices Regarding Genetics and Genomics in Healthcare Services

Nurse Practitioner Practices in Genetics


  • Danielle Gould University of Massachusetts Amherst, Elaine Marieb College of Nursing
  • Memnun Seven University of Massachusetts Amherst



Nurse Practitioner, Genetics, Genomics, Practice


Background. Nurse practitioners are well-positioned to identify patterns of genetic risk and refer individuals for genetic healthcare services. This study aimed to assess nurse practitioners’ knowledge, competency, attitudes, adoption, and confidence regarding genetics and genomics in their practice.

Methods. We employed a descriptive, cross-sectional survey design. Data was collected online using the Genetics and Genomics in Nursing Practice Survey.

Results. Of 106 participants, 84.1% (n=89) were working in a clinical setting. The knowledge score was 9.55± 1.4 out of 12; 59% (n=62) of participants rated their knowledge of genetics as “good” or “excellent.” Only 8% (n=7) referred patients for genetics services, and 19.8% (n=21) were collecting full family history in practice.

Conclusion. Although the knowledge level of nurse practitioners was high, adoption of genetics was low in collecting and utilizing family history and referral to genetic services. There is a need for research investigating factors influencing the adoption of genetics activities into practice.

Key words: Nurse Practitioner, Genetics, Genomics, Practice


