He’s Just Not That Into Yu(goslavia)


  • Jelena Macura




The Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is an interesting case study that is applicable to various aspects of international relations scholarship. During a time where different regions struggled to coexist, questions of nationalism and ethnicity evolved into conflict. Slobodan Milošević was a Serbian politician, and capitalizing on the discontent of the Serbian nation, rallied support, and mobilized an army dedicated to achieving the dream of a “Greater Serbia”. It can be argued that rhetoric and discourse played an important role in formulating the view of a superior Serbian nation, while assembling a population ready for war. Long after Milošević’s death, his words still resonate with the Serbian nation, and severely impede reconciliation efforts. To illustrate how ancient hatred prevents states from moving forward, in the Serbian context, this essay specifically takes into consideration Milošević’s 1987 Kosovo Polje Speech and his 1989 Gazimestan address.




How to Cite

Macura, J. (2016). He’s Just Not That Into Yu(goslavia). Political Science Undergraduate Review, 1(2), 111–120. https://doi.org/10.29173/psur27