Accessing the world through promotion of a reading culture in Zimbabwe Rural Schools: the case for Mavhurazi Primary School
rural schools, rural Mudzi, books, rural learners, rural school library, Mavhurazi Primary SchoolAbstract
Successful promotion of a reading culture in rural schools requires the participation of the rural community who need more education on the importance of a library and how it is a central asset that can empower them to be productive citizens of their country. In rural Zimbabwe, there are few libraries existing in schools, creating a situation which has impacted negatively on the literacy and reading levels of the poor marginalized rural children. This paper therefore explores the collaboration and partnership of a rural community, parents, schools, local traditional leaders and international trust organizations in promoting a reading culture in schools by encouraging the community to develop an interest in books as resources that can transform their livelihoods. The author on his first visit met with important stakeholders such as School Heads, School Development Committee who are the parents’ representatives, the District Education Inspector, local Chief and several Headmen, Village Councillor, local businesspeople and health workers. Five Schools which the author identified through Mavhurazi School Head’s assistance were targeted in order to elicit response on a culture of reading. The paper will offer recommendations on the best way forward regarding use of the books by rural learners of Mudzi district, and then concludes by examining best methods to adopt to promote reading and bring about better performance in schools by learners. The promotion of rural adult literacy is another issue to be examined by this paper as well as the need to support the Primary and Secondary School Ministry’s concerted efforts to bring on board the concept of adult literacy to the poor rural folks of Mudzi district in rural Zimbabwe.