Re-imagine. Re-discover. Re-connect. Collaborating to inspire learners
By now we’ve probably all seen the image of a phone on Social Media with a sticky note on it warning us that whilst it may be bringing us closer to those far away is it taking us away from those sitting next to us. Is this true in school libraries? In our determination to be at the forefront of technology are we neglecting other forms of connectedness?
Re-imagine. Library spaces, library roles, library programs. How can both the physical and digital libraries become the hub of the school?
Re-discover. Bring back tried and true activities. Maker Mondays don’t always have to be about Technology. Concurrent activities have something for everyone.
Re-connect. To students, staff, local and global communities.
The libraries at an Australian International College have constantly been evolving since 2010. From a 1970’s dark Senior building and a Junior classroom to the centres of their respective campuses as an Inquiry Centre and a Learning Commons.
The paper will outline how Library facilities have been reinvented with 2 purpose built buildings. The Inquiry Centre with the PYP at its heart and the Learning Commons serving to provide a third space for patrons.
Changes and improvements to provision of Library Services will be outlined. Changes explored will be the introduction of a comprehensive suite of digital databases, how research and referencing is embedded in each Unit and how Digital Technology is enhancing learning.
Advocacy and promotion is important in all libraries and some examples of how this is achieved will be showcased. Using the LMS at the school to link to newsfeeds, embed databases into unit pages and inform parents of events will be explained. Celebrating success is so important and how Library Services ensure this is a regular feature will also be shown.
In conclusion, the paper will outline the importance of collaborating at the school, local community and global levels.
A snapshot of one school’s journey to re-imagine, re-discover and re-connect.
Copyright (c) 2019 IASL Annual Conference Proceedings

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