School Libraries to Read the World


  • Elsa Conde School Libraries Network Agency



School libraries, School Libraries Network Program, Partnerships, Projects, Cooperation


The main purpose of this paper is to present the intervention of the School Libraries Network Program in establishing projects and enlarged partnerships that leverage and consolidate the role of libraries in communities and open the students' access to knowledge and learning beyond the school boundaries. In this context a few examples are given and we describe some of the cooperative projects developed by the Program with different partners, public and private, in areas related to students’ education and the construction of citizenship: reading, information, media, science, digital technologies, health, inclusion, heritage and others. These projects and partnerships are an important factor of strengthening, projection and sustainability of school libraries in the context of today's society and its new challenges.

O principal objetivo desta comunicação é apresentar o trabalho do Programa Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares (PRBE) no estabelecimento de projetos e parcerias alargadas que potenciam e consolidam o papel das bibliotecas na comunidade e ampliam as aprendizagens e o acesso dos alunos ao conhecimento para lá dos limites da escola. Neste contexto, são dados exemplos e descritos alguns dos projetos de cooperação desenvolvidos pelo Programa com diferentes parceiros, públicos e privados, relacionados com a educação dos alunos e a construção da cidadania nas áreas da leitura, informação, media, ciência, tecnologias digitais, saúde, inclusão, património e outras. Estes projetos e parcerias são um importante fator de fortalecimento, projeção e sustentabilidade das bibliotecas escolares no quadro da sociedade atual e dos seus novos desafios.

Author Biography

Elsa Conde, School Libraries Network Agency

Elsa Conde has an advanced degree in Library Science and a master's degree in Educational Multimedia Communication. She has worked as teacher in Basic and Secondary schools between 1980 and 1995. In 1997 she joined the staff of the School Library Network Program as school librarian adviser and regional coordinator. She is coauthor of several documents published by the SLNP. She is responsible for monitoring of the SLNP cooperation project in Mozambique and Timor. She has also been a trainer in the area of libraries. Her main professional topics are reading, media and information literacy.


