Teaching Support of Tapei Senior High School Libraries
The school library is the center for collecting, organizing and using information resources, and is therefore an indispensable part of school teaching activities. Teachers could better choose teaching materials, develop curriculum, and evaluate programs with school librarian support. Library literatures show that teacher and media specialist collaboration can effectively enhance student learning. This study investigates the ideal school library media center model in Taipei. Using Document analysis, website visitation, and in-depth interviews to collect data. Nine cases are chosen for study. Findings show that teaching support services provided in most cases come under the “coordination” and “cooperation” stage, according to the Pollard and Montiel-Overall taxonomy framework, and very few senior high school libraries provide “collaboration” stage services. This study discusses difficulties encountered in library management and successful factors of promoting teaching support services to a further stage, as well as innovative services. Finally, suggestions are made for future consideration.

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