Strategy of Promoting E-Learning in School Library
In 1970, a Fortune magazine announced the names of top 500 enterprises and their performance in the United States. Ten years later, one third of them disappeared. Due to unprecedented technology progress and increase in competitiveness in last 20 years, so-called learning organization has become the most successful corporation. Hence, the ability to learn faster than your competitors may have become the only sustainable competitive advantage.So far schools have had difficulties to adapt enterprises’ strategy to become ‘learning school’. Using the unique characteristics and resources of a school and its community is a way to create competitive curricula. Moreover, teachers are encouraged to employ information technology (multi-media software tools) to create and edit teaching materials.In the near future, school library will play the important role to help readers to learn how to learn by software and hardware tools. Teacher librarians will set up Information Communication Technology platform, organize some reading club to improve their reading behavior, hold information literacy seed teachers contest to upgrade readers information literacy capability and researching conference.for exchanging experience Meanwhle, developing catalogue and classification standards for digital materials by IEEE’s Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata.provide informations for their readers from Internet and knowledge database, and learn the trend of fast advance of modern science and technology to make innovative activities.

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