“The School Library–Public Library Laboratory”
Contents and results
In 2005 the Diputació de Barcelona (Barcelona Provincial Council) set up a Laboratory to strengthen the collaboration between public libraries and school libraries at an suitable time for school libraries in our country, such is the interest in promoting them. The Laboratory’s first phase has now concluded and the institutions involved in the public library and school library services have set up a second phase for the Laboratory, which is currently under way. The presentation focuses on the results of the two phases of the “The School Library-Public Library Laboratory”, held in 2005 and 2006. The first Laboratory set out the framework for collaboration between public libraries and school libraries. The working sessions enabled consideration, discussion and analysis of the following questions: the model and functions of the school library within the framework of the school’s educational project; the elements and resources necessary to carry out its functions; the framework for collaboration between the public library and the school library; the services and activities to be carried out jointly; and the steps to take to advance together towards a reading society that is empowered in the use of information.
The aim of the Laboratory’s second phase is to consolidate the framework for collaboration between the public and the school library around three core areas: the consolidation of the areas and methods for collaboration between public and school libraries and the necessary resources; the drawing up of a working protocol for each method so as to facilitate its implementation; and to define the structure for collaboration between the various institutions and services involved by setting out the steps showing what the framework for long-term collaboration between the public and the school library should be like.

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