Serving the child: A human rights approach to literacy and learning
School libraries have an excellent position to contribute to the development of skills of children, young people and teachers and educational staff to access sources for information and learning. Even if resources are limited, an active school librarian is an indispensable link between different parts of the whole school community. Therefore they need to work on their own literacy development. Applying human rights of children in the educational context of today means to respect their right to information, to have access to materials, to education, to values as human beings, as stated in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). Rights of equal access to literacy services and social inclusion must also be applied in hybrid library environments. New tools in school library services developed in the Netherlands, include digital school library services, a reading and information literacy curriculum and promoting programmes. They help (young) people to participate in society and take responsibility for their own (learning) lives. IASL could partner with other international organisations and institutions, which work for equal rights and basic skills and services for children and young people.

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