From Books to Bots

Scaffolding Ethical and Critical Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence


  • Kay Oddone
  • Kasey Garrison
  • Krystal Gagen-Spriggs



generative artificial intellligence, ethical use, critical use, teacher-librarians, school librarians


The use of AI in school education is still in its infancy (Southgate et al., 2018); however,
there is an increasing expectation for teachers to become “AI Ready” – able to integrate AI
safely and effectively into student learning, teaching students about how AI works and the
importance of using these powerful tools ethically (Luckin et al., 2022 p. XIV). This research
project acknowledges the leading role TLs can play in shifting mindsets and practice
regarding generative AI platforms and will provide the groundwork for future investigations
which more deeply investigate specific implementations of these or other similar tools.
While the initial response of school systems might be fight (locking down access) or
flight (pretending these platforms do not exist), a planned and informed strategy for
embedding AI capabilities into educational practice, led by the TL as an information and
pedagogical expert, is more likely to bring about long-term positive outcomes for students
who will be learning and living in a world increasingly shaped by algorithms and automation.


