All Together We Can Read: A Programme Promoting Inclusion in Portuguese School Libraries


  • Paula Ferreira
  • Raquel Ramos



inclusive education, school libraries, reading promotion, innovation, learning improvement


Inclusion is highlighted by several international organisations as a priority to be taken
into account in each country's educational policies. Portugal has been following these guidelines
and commitments, publishing legislation with a comprehensive approach to the concept of
‘inclusion’ and monitoring its implementation in educational communities. School libraries, as
structures of the Ministry of Education, integrate, in their action plans, reading promotion projects
aimed at specific audiences. The main aim is the integration of all students, creating conditions for
them to fully enjoy the benefits of reading. In this article, we present the results of the project "All
Together We Can Read", implemented in 62 schools over the last five years. Although there are
areas for improvement, the evaluation reports point to a strong impact of the project in improving
student learning and af irming the school library as a structure for pedagogical innovation and
knowledge induction.


