What Can Student Theses Tell Us About the Educational Role of School Libraries in Croatia? A Thematic Content Analysis


  • Denis Kos
  • Mihaela Banek Zorica




school librarianship, graduate students, undergraduate students, thesis, Croatia, University of Zagreb, content analysis


This study examines Croatian LIS student theses, particularly those in school librarianship. These theses often discuss various educational interventions in school libraries. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, the research identifies prevalent themes, educational interventions, and the influence of non-LIS faculty departments on school librarianship. The findings show that most theses focus on school libraries during graduate studies, reflecting students' growing interest in the field. Since 2016, there has been a steady rise in the number of school library-related theses. Mentorship patterns indicate that mentors primarily come from the
Chair of Librarianship within the same department, and interdisciplinary collaborations are infrequent. Theses commonly emphasize presenting the work of school library institutions, but few detail specific educational interventions. Common methodologies include practice reviews and surveys, with prevalent themes focusing on information literacy, reading habits, and services for minorities. However, the study reveals limitations, with theses often lacking depth in reporting students' authentic experiences as teacher librarians. This underscores the need to improve reporting on educational interventions and encourage practical engagement. Enhancing the quality of reporting through narrative and reflective writing, qualitative research methods, and data analysis is recommended. In conclusion, the study provides valuable insights into Croatian student theses related to school librarianship. The findings can inform future thesis topics and mentorship decisions in the school librarianship field.


