Submission Guidelines

The Alberta Law Review publishes quality original work in English. We take a broad view of legal scholarship that is of interest to Canadian scholars, students, practitioners, and the judiciary. We welcome unsolicited submissions for our general issues.
Digital submissions must be provided in Microsoft Word or WordPerfect format. Citations must conform to the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, 10th ed (McGill Guide).
The Alberta Law Review only considers exclusively submitted material that is not simultaneously under consideration for publication elsewhere. We ask that authors confirm their compliance with this policy when submitting their works. 

General issues (submissions considered on an ongoing basis)

Articles: 20,000 word maximum
Case comments: 15,000 word maximum
Book reviews: 5,000 word maximum
All electronic submissions must be submitted to
 Given current restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, access to our office has been limited. Please consider sending in submissions electronically when possible.
Submissions may also be sent by mail to
Alberta Law Review
c/o Faculty of Law
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H5